The day you left me waiting
was one I'll never forget
I stood there waiting,
trying not to let my sweat show
My friends asked if you were coming
I told them I was sure
Gill's boyfriend arrived
you had been with him in the afternoon
So I knew you were out from school
I got giddy then
waiting to see you walk in the door
The laughter died down, smiles faded
Parents, friends, and teachers left
I waited next to my paintings
The pink one just for you
Morgan looked at me with pity
She had won an award and was happy
But she looked at me and knew I wasn't okay
I think I knew you weren't coming all along
But I knew for sure when all my friends went home
I drove home that night
My car as quiet as my heart
You asked me how was the show
I didn't respond
I gave away your painting
As soon as I took it down
The show was over
Since then, things have changed, two years later