I think it was all me.
I played out this little Fantasy.
Where you were mine.
And I was yours.
How could I have been so blind
Now this pen it binds
My wrists
Run dry, this ink in vains
As I pour out this illusion
Of X's and O's
Of flowers and hearts
Maybe I just thought you were someone
Someone I wanted you to be.
Something you and I could never be.
Someone for me.
I fall too hard for the wayward stars
Because they understand broken hearts
Because they know what it is like to burn up.
Should i accept my fate.
Become something that drifts through the cosmos
A piece of debris
Seeing all the stars
But never getting too close to feel their fire.
So when you come back down to earth
And you stare at your palm trees and power lines.
Will you have dreams
Of big apple scenes
Or will you dream of me.
Lost with the wayward stars
Or will I just be a memoir
Lost with the books
Hidden in the nooks
Of your heart.
Those that get you. Those that can break your walls without even trying. Like they are the same. Occasionally, I think those are the the ones I need to build stronger walls for. Or at least have stronger padding on the floor. That way it doesn't hurt so much when I fall.