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 Jan 2016 s
 Jan 2016 s
How can you deny the sandy beaches with sand as yellow as the sun up above-
the sea so clean and pure that you could drink it!

people come from all around to see the beauty of our land, and why wouldn't they?

How do you tell me empty streets with broken lights and tripped over bins is not perfect?

How can you say that the benches where the homeless sleep are anything but amazing?

The tranquil streams of spilled alcohol and the gentle shimmer of syringes stepped on in a hurry by the wonderful youth that live here-

simply miraculous.

come one, come all~

come see the beach, stare out to the ocean!

the other sights will come in due time
Beauty is in the (blind) eye of the beholder.
 Jan 2016 s
Cowin Alan
 Jan 2016 s
Cowin Alan
I think it was all me.
I played out this little Fantasy.
Where you were mine.
And I was yours.

How could I have been so blind
Now this pen it binds
My wrists
Run dry, this ink in vains
As I pour out this illusion
Of X's and O's
Of flowers and hearts

Maybe I just thought you were someone
Someone I wanted you to be.
Something you and I could never be.
Someone for me.

I fall too hard for the wayward stars
Because they understand broken hearts
Because they know what it is like to burn up.

Should i accept my fate.
Become something that drifts through the cosmos
A piece of debris
Seeing all the stars
But never getting too close to feel their fire.

So when you come back down to earth
And you stare at your palm trees and power lines.
Will you have dreams
Of big apple scenes

Or will you dream of me.
Lost with the wayward stars
Or will I just be a memoir
Lost with the books
Hidden in the nooks
Of your heart.
Those that get you. Those that can break your walls without even trying. Like they are the same. Occasionally, I think those are the the ones I need to build stronger walls for. Or at least have stronger padding on the floor. That way it doesn't hurt so much when I fall.
 Jan 2016 s
i have such violent longings,
they are quite disquieting but
hardly disheartening

enough was never a destination i reached,
a thing i could acquire and hold in my hands
i was cursed from the birth with "more" on my tongue

i want your volcanic mouth
and all the dangerous things that come out

you leave me in ashes
 Jan 2016 s
Forgotten Heart
Late night calls
Long romantic messages
His half sleepy voice
That heart melting conversation
That never ending little fight
That moment
When he let go of his ego
A sudden change
In his tone and voice
That melts me into nothing
The love that is hidden
Deep in his heart
Which he doesn't
Want me to know
yet I feel
The warmth of his love
Miss you So much
 Jan 2016 s
Žõhņ Đõhņ
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 Jan 2016 s
Seth Milliman
In those days so long ago,
It used to be what we know.
Now days have come and gone their way,
I now long for yesterday.
The beast within has yet to be tamed,
His snarling teeth his relentless rage.
His fearsome roar and untitillating stage,
Begots all in his own way.
Mind the path where your footing may lay,
It seems to be missed those good ole days.
 Jan 2016 s
Liz And Lilacs
If we could hold the sun
within the palms of our hands,
would we at last feel warm?
Would the ice that formed
within my aorta melt?
Or maybe
it would all evaporate
and we would die,
feeling warm for once in our lives.
I've been having issues with my writing
 Jan 2016 s
Life begins
 Jan 2016 s
The best day of your life is the one on which
you decide your life is your own

No apologies, no  excuses
No one to lean on, rely on or blame

The gift is yours, it is an amazing journey.
And you alone are responsible for the quality of it

This is the day when life really begins..
# life # misery # alone # staying strong
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