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He loved me like no one else
No one..
A Lineage of Voices
Calling out, Speaking
Each Word an Invocation
Rites an Ancestry
Holy Ghost
We Soul This Bonding Bring  Forthwidth
Tears upon the Flesh
Growing Brighter We DO SEE
A Way
Above The Prayer
Now Rise
Old acquaintances die on the vine , left at times
like unpicked apples in backyard groves
Their purpose completed
Their value long since depleted  
Their help painfully unneeded* ..
Copyright October 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Weekends are supposed to be great
and weekdays a sore.
But lately I find my work a good chore.
For all the late weekend nights that we had, to all the bad coffee we always grab.
I want to forget how good those conversations made me feel.
Cause now every weekend I feel very ill.
And I so look forward to sleeping dead tired over a day's hardwork.
For forgetting you, me and the memories that always lurk.
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
I drive around in my car
Searching for tight female bottoms

I needn't drive far
I tried using my IPad, but
It was not meant to be

Far too big, and clumsy

So with my iPhone
I tried my luck

I missed one opportunity
The other phot was blurry

Well, I approach
From the back

And with one small tap

An image of a toned ****
On my screen

So strange and sad
This is part
Of my American Dream

When you are poor
Life can be dull
A bit of a bore

Always alone
No loving embrace
From a woman

And no place
That feels like home

7 o'clock is the walking hour
My therapist spoke
Of her higher power

But she cared most
For money

Better not to speak of her
Let things be

Toned tight butts
In suburban neighborhoods
I will try my luck
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
You failed in your duty

You became my companion
Only to leave with little warning

Yes, you are so happy
Your big home
Your husband

Who **** into you
What a wonderful life

Your duty
Was to be my friend
You have failed
Failed in your sacred duty

And one day
You will lose
You will suffer

I cared for you

You just left

I wanted to tell you
It was important to me

Speaking to you once a week

Perhaps I will print out
A picture of you
Just to burn it

You ruined things
You deceived me
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
I don't think my therapist
That I truly cared
And loved her

I'm too simple
Too good

She left
With a week's warning
Never to be heard
Or seen again

I hope she repents

She was my companion
And friend

I'm a good man
I'm a loving man

I love women
And yes
I can use a *******

It feels good

I don't have
Any female friends

My therapist
Was cruel
And selfish

From my therapist
I learned never
To trust human beings

How can I forgive you

You could have said
You would miss meeting with me
Or that the times were
Meaningful to you

Shame on you
For what you did

You will be put on trial
For neglect

For neglecting to care

You'll just leave
Me alone
Sitting over there

My female friend
Never came

You went on about hope
Easy for you
To blab about Hope

With your rich family

You will know
Great suffering
In this country

You will live
During the Third World War
Like I will

You will know suffering

I just wanted to meet
Once a week

Now I'm going to have
To go see another therapist
For what you did

Deceiver, Deceiver
One who deceives

The bombs fall
Where they fall
The suffering comes
To us all

Burn bright, burn bright
Burn in the middle of the night

A ruined home
At dawn's early light

******* America
******* America

A prideful, wicked, and corrupt land
Let it be judged for its sins
This is God's plan

You laughed at me
At times
I did not get as aroused
As I used to

You said, I won't write that
I wouldn't want anyone to see

I mentioned that was momentary
And that I had bought my flashlight
To ****** into

I'm a man
And considered using
A *******

I didn't know
Who I was
When I talked to you

Telling you about
Wearing *******

About being kind and loving

You are wicked
One who listens
And leaves

******* you
******* you

I'm a man
I'm a man

I don't wear women's clothes!
I'm not gay

I like women

Somebody understand me

I'm a man
And I love women

And I ****** into my flashlight

And I thought about
What it would be like
To be a woman

To be different

I thought about my identity
I tried to express

I told you all these things

******* you

You sadist
And hedonist

I bent over against the bed
And ****** it

I'm not gay!
I don't pleasure men

And the men who love
Other men
Well that is wonderful for them

You don't understand
I'm a man, I love women
I'm kind and caring

I want to pleasure a woman
I want to **** a woman

My ***** is normal
It is 6 inches

I'll show you
I'll show this flashlight
And ******* ****** into it

Men prove themselves
With feats of strength
And martial arts

While gentlemen
With good minds

Sit alone in their rooms
And *******
And cry!

There are no women
No women who want
A kind man

No women who want me

And I liked talking to you
You were kind
And caring

I trusted you
I enjoyed meeting
Once a week

Karma will come
And it won't be fun
When you suffer
Under an angry God's sun!

I'm not angry
I miss talking to you
You were my friend

I'm tired now
If I ever just walk off
Into the wilderness

It was because
I despise deceivers

I trusted you
You should have given me
More warning

Now an angry God
Will make you pay
And you should burn
Burn brightly on judgement day

Well, we all deserved damnation
But it's okay

Dear Jesus help me
Forgive the deceiver today
You don't have to say
You love me
In order to convince me
To stay the night.
I won't leave this bed,
No matter what your heart decides,
For I know what it's like
To simply want someone
To stay.
But please,
You can be honest.
You either love me
Or you don't.
I'll stay by your side,
But please don't confuse
This heart
Of mine.
Love me or soon leave me, but I promise you I'll be here when the morning comes.
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