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SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
We look for the things we fear, are uncertain of, or doubt; in our relationships, job, children, partner.
Sometimes if you look hard enough, you will find those exact things in places where they do not actually exist.
Other times they may exist in places you never expected to find them.
The ONLY counter measure to fear, uncertainty & doubt is love, faith & trust.

If our trust in others is based only on what we think THEY have earned, created, or are worthy of , we will most often be left
blind-sighted and half-blinded.

The moment I base my ability to  trust solely on others actions, words, choices, I have relinquished control of the outcome & my state of being to the other person.

When I make a personal choice to trust despite of or outside of these things, I own the outcome, not them.

If that trust is betrayed, it is not something done TO me, making me a victim, but something I chose, on my terms.

In choosing & owning the act of trust, we make it our own, we drop our fears & our dependency on others for our well being.

We free ourselves from their actions & choices, which allows us to clearly see, face & deal with our own.

Trust is a choice. Either granted or earned, to trust another is to actively CHOOSE trust & faith over doubt & fear.
Ultimately, making that choice to trust transforms you.

It is the ACT of trust itself that matters, changes your life, NOT whether or not it was well placed.

It is not the betrayals of others that define us, but whether or not WE are willing, brave & strong enough to RISK being betrayed, to RISK trusting.

It is in the active choice of trust, love & faith that we find our own truth, self, nature & even at times our redemption & salvation.
Just saying, when you ***** up and give your trust to the wrong person, don't beat yourself up too bad...
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
It's not that everyone is happier with money.
It's that everyone would Always be this happy,
if money wasn't a factor at all...
I need you tonight
like every night since we met,
I close my eyes and travel
across oceans and dimensions,
in search of what?
not love.
it was never love,
just an aching need
for the connection
of two broken souls,
the meeting of a shared sadness,
I move like a ghost
between the buildings of the city,
calling out your name
into the midnight sky,
no one answers.
if we never meet again
I’ll survive,
but a part of my heart
will die forever.
Day Eighteen
  Apr 2020 SpiritHeart67
Kafka Joint
My understanding is
That I don't get it.
  Apr 2020 SpiritHeart67
Kafka Joint
There is no love lost
And there is no hate found,
There is not even a sound.
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