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  Apr 2020 SpiritHeart67
Ivy Davenport
I've captured
my feelings
placed them
in a glass bottle
and thrown them
into the sea
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
Hope is man's greatest destruction
And best chance

It is like a seed; without it the field is barren.
With it, all things are possible

I Hate it for the devestation it has wrought
And love it for the promise it holds,

Just around the next corner...
I Love You,
Leave Me Alone
And Give Me A Hug...
"I will conquer the darkness"
you said,

not realising that the darkness was

your flesh

your eyes

your heart,

I took that darkness into my mouth
a thousand times,

chewed it between my teeth
and spat it out

like the stones of a cherry,

I conquered the darkness
not you
I miss your heart

the way it played

on mine

the way it would beat
faster if you saw me


I miss your heart

with all it’s arteries
and veins

red and blue
washing a purple night sky

over my soul

I miss your heart

it’s elements of love
that built me into a

a woman

who didn’t need to be loved
all the time

only in the windows
of your eyes
Chaos and calm
are two sides of the same coin
constantly flipping
in my mind

uncertainty makes you thrive
(they say)
but I am treading water
with unbrushed hair
merely trying to survive
Day Five
I don’t care if the sky falls

I don’t care if the oceans rise

I don’t care if the fires blaze

I have woven you into
the tapestry of my heart

and nothing can unstitch that
Day Thirteen
  Apr 2020 SpiritHeart67
Sukanya Basu
I was in love with the wind;

He fled away with my heart,
And I could never catch him.
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