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SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
Unless you got a man with hustle
who can produce, 100%
You are better off a single woman
with friends, 100%
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
So much is changing, so much is coming
I'm ready for 10,000 deaths
and 10,000 new beginnings.

The days when all things are possible
When All things have already happened
and All things that can happen, will

Downstream of the wave form function collapse
Waiting for what already is,
to Become
here where we are.

Looking From the center
At that spanning out in every direction
There is no
Begining Middle End
Before Now After
Past Present Future
Above Between Below
Close or Far
Here or There
Then or now
Outside or in
Us or them

It all is existing, presently, eternally
At once
And at the same time
Continually coming into being
In an illimitable multitude of ways
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
I slipped off the path and for just a moment, let the age old trickery of darkness come between me an God's light and love. But then waking back up, I recognized it for what it was, realized I'd been standing in his light, his arm encircling me all the time.

I remembered our Fathers promise to us and his love. Remembered that no matter what might come, he never has, never does and never will forsake us.

If we had no moments we walked in the darkness, we might not recognize the light that surrounds us always, which no amount of pain or darkness can ever extinguish.

I will be ok cuz he walks with me always and when I can no longer walk, he lifts me in his arms and carries me, until I'm strong enough to stand & walk besides him once again...
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
If you come to the fight
With what you think you know,
You've already lost

If you have your sight set
On what you know you'll see,
Everything else
Will Blindside you
and take you out at the knees.

Don't bring a gun to the fight, Son
with ghost bullets in the chamber...
I know I have to give this at least some frame of reference.

Anytime you enter into a situation with a preconception (ghost bullets), that preconception precludes everything else. This blinds you, leaving you unwitting & unprepared.

It's that moment when u storm someone with self righteous indignation, only to have the person respond with complete integrity, at which time you realize you had actually been the one in the wrong from the start.

The moment when you go into a situation completely sure of what is going on & even more so, completely sure of the others response etc., then  part way in get slapped with the realization you're off base and nothing is what you thought it was.
SpiritHeart67 Mar 2020
I don't really think there is any one for me in this world. At least no one who could find me in time lol!

And I am totally mostly ok with that! You can't make peices fit into a puzzle their not made for.

And some puzzles just don't have a solution; some things aren't meant to be solved.

Their beauty lies in the parts that remain ever undefined
And the truth that nonetheless
Always finds Its way thru...
SpiritHeart67 Mar 2020
I been away from normal for such awhile
I don't know what it looks like,
If I ever did...

Haven't had anyone treat me kind in so long,
Think I forgot how to allow it...

Sometimes u have to walk thru the muck & mire to come out clean & clear on the other side.

What happens when u been walking thru it so long
You can't remember the other side?
What happens when the muck & mire
Feels more solid
Then solid ground?
How do you know where to stand?

In The End,
I Always Find My Way Home

Unbreakable, Unquenchable, Ineffable
Always Ascending...
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