If you come to the fight
With what you think you know,
You've already lost
If you have your sight set
On what you know you'll see,
Everything else
Will Blindside you
and take you out at the knees.
Don't bring a gun to the fight, Son
with ghost bullets in the chamber...
I know I have to give this at least some frame of reference.
Anytime you enter into a situation with a preconception (ghost bullets), that preconception precludes everything else. This blinds you, leaving you unwitting & unprepared.
It's that moment when u storm someone with self righteous indignation, only to have the person respond with complete integrity, at which time you realize you had actually been the one in the wrong from the start.
The moment when you go into a situation completely sure of what is going on & even more so, completely sure of the others response etc., then part way in get slapped with the realization you're off base and nothing is what you thought it was.