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Seattle    Gonna redo this.
Tim Emminger
Kentucky    Peace, Love and Happiness
Hayley Anders
61/M/Traverse City Mi.    Our Country Our Choice
Dhaye Margaux
Pearl Of The Orient Seas    Hello! I am a public secondary school teacher, a passionate artist married to her dream. I've been here since May 11, 2014 so it's been ...
SG Holter
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise ...
San Antonio Texas    My poetry is like the wind, it changes directions constantly. I have learned so very much over the past several years which has broadened my ...
Shelby Azilda
I've been telling stories for as long as I can remember.
Ariel Baptista
Montreal, Quebec    If you like my work, find my blog at (Ariel Baptista is a pen name)
U.S.A    LOve to write LOve to read Love my friends
i’d like to be a part of a world that breathes every once in a while.
Melanie Walsh
But drinking cough syrup when you don't have a cough is ironic, because in reality you're sicker than you thought ~
Anggun Russell
Indonesia    Hey world " A person who can write a long letter with ease, cannot write ill " -Jane Austen
24/F/New Jersey    "Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted." -Percy Shelley
Alicia Hubert
"All things truly wicked start from innocence." -Ernest Hemingway
Dallas    i like to write poetry when i feel like it and i am not as deep as my poems are so don't be scared to ...
Victoriana Esperanza
y i k e s
24/F/Everywhere    tiny dots on an endless timeline
19/F    Hell Has No Walls
Megan May
This is just a holding place for all the things I've written, feel free to read them if you'd like.
im basically a living creature that feels and ponders. 19. God's words come first. Aspiring poet. (Beginner, In Progress)
Jazmine Moore
Louisville, KY    Jaz. love. 22. poet.
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