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Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Karunanta Ranga
I listen for the caramel sound
of your sweet voice
sitting on
a weathered old bench
at Vista 3 in Erna Nixon park
the wind sighs where
so many have waited
I listen for the still small voice
a mosquito whines in my ear
and the lanky shadows of
late afternoon backpacking
through the swampy wetlands
listen too….
flowers bloom, long trumpets
from our ears
I catch a glimpse of the One
with lotus petaled lips and orange
disappearing just beyond the
vermilion horizon
I run to catch up with You
O elusive One
always one step ahead of me

listen to the pitter patter of
my heart
Nov 2015 · 725
Om Jai Jai Guru
"Right before Sai Baba comes out there is a rush of anticipation and excitement that sweeps through the air. Birds flutter, monkeys scamper, as if all of nature is pining for a glimpse of the Lord. Swami floated in doing His Divine dance. His feet graced the majestic red carpet garlanded with fragrant petals. I watched mesmerized as He moved closer, all the time praying, “Swami please bless this, I don't want to have to do this again!”

Sai Baba stopped next to two women on my left and granted them padanamaskar. Then, He turned to me. I lifted the bag hoping for a simple Blessing. To my astonishment and wonder of wonders, Sai Baba proceeded to open the bag and placed His Divine hands inside the bag looking for the opening in the blanket. Sticking my hand inside the bag too, I attempted to help Him open it. It was a comical scene and the devotees witnessing this unusual interaction laughed merrily. After a few moments, He suddenly stopped, stared piercingly into my eyes and said, “That's all right, you keep, you keep.”
He blessed the objects again touching each item on the tray while simultaneously visibly inhaling deep breaths and charging them with pure Shakti (power). What Bliss!

There were two other women sitting to my right. Swami approached them and inquired, “Where are you from?” “Australia,” they replied. They asked Swami for an interview. Baba asked when they were leaving. They said, “Tonight, Swami.” Then Swami did something that baffles me to this day. He answered them but directed the answer to me. He bent down very close to my face. I could see the fiery red veins of His Shiva eyes flashing like lightning flames so much power emanated from them. I knew that I was gazing into infinity, time crystallized and ceased to exist in those few moments.

Looking point blank at me, Sai Baba said, “Yes, I will see you before you go!” Then He stepped back and started to wave His hand in that familiar circular manner. I could distinctly feel a strange wind blowing around us. From the ether, silvery white ash known as vibhuti poured forth! This ethereal ash has curative restoring powers. Sai Baba is frequently seen materializing vibhuti; it is a natural expression of His Divinity. Swami gave the two women some vibhuti, He gave me some of this sacred ash and the two other women to my left. After this awesome Darshan, I was in an altered state for the rest of the trip."
~Sai Rapture, P. 54, 55, By Sonya Ki Tomlinson

Paste link below for song and video
Nov 2015 · 526
Book of the Dead
my Lover has cast me
in cold cruel stone

embalmed my burning kiss
encased my telltale heart
and warm caress in
mummy wrappings

buried me alive
with the dawn red blush
of His breath still stinging
my nostrils

left for dead when He is not near
a black ghost garbed in night
and moaning gusts

only the bloodshot gaze of Shiva
Sep 2015 · 583
Summer Name
Summer rains
wash away
the past
swirling eddies
wrinkles on the
face of time
engulf the flooded streets
flush down drains
into helpless, toothless oblivion

Yesterday so festive
bright and gay
transformed into the blackened wick
of an extinguished
birthday candle
I stare into the mirror
at my fluctuating image

I will lose my jazzy eyes
soft, supple skin and rockabilly curly hair
my body identity that I am so comfortable with,
all that I think I am - has to Go!
And with it the paraphernalia that defines
me as Sonya Ki

This is truth
absolute fact
Lord of Time, the Cosmos
everything that was, is and will be
promise me one boon
Heaven, hell and earth
may pass away
Shiva may breathe
us up in one cosmic snort
when the dust and ash settles
and fresh winds blow
across another dream wave

All is not lost

This is my wish upon Your star
I must never forget
by no means
without exception
ever lose awareness
of You
Beautiful God
Aug 2015 · 456
Moth Tears
veils cascade over
my face
dense mist
glacier slopes
obscure mountain peaks
feel the depth of a sadness
frozen in time
an abandoned temple
statues of the goddess
draped in burlap
who will light the
oil lamp
and honor Her with
rose moss incense
and sweet herbs
an owl screeches
purple shadows
of twilight
gather in
glowing circles
Aug 2015 · 543
Red Lotus
My heart splashes ruby
like red sunsets
and God’s heart
dripping in slow puddles
across the scarlet horizon

by a love wider, deeper than
the entire cosmos
and the sum total of existence
we lose all trace of fear
surrender to surging
vermillion seas within

and leave

crimson kisses,
lipstick stains
white satin clouds
Aug 2015 · 634
Spirit Away
My heart smiled
no... giggled like a giddy
gopi maiden
all day long

Last night
during the star drenched
nocturne hours
my darling Sai Giridhari
blessed me with His euphoric darshan

O the scent of Sai
the mandarin robed form
curly mane and probing eyes
clings to me like a rare perfume
overpowering all sense of
ego and separate identity
that undiluted bliss
very essence of Self
Presence of God

Sai Nandalala
under nightfall’s luminous cape
I run madly to the edge of my dreams
searching for my beloved
drunk on the nectar of Your Name
I swoon Body, Mind and Soul
into Your.....................

Infinitely Waxing Embrace
Aug 2015 · 3.1k
Krishna Madhava
The Ganges rushes in
torrents from my eyes
and threatens to sweep me
it’s been four lonely years
Sai Krishna
I wait in the foothills of Mount Kailash
the sun and the moon wait with me
the earth has ceased its wild spin
and the stars have lost their merry twinkle
O Swami what we wouldn’t give to gaze
once more into your lotus orbs
Sai Krishna
mountain peacocks with bright plumes
chant Your name
and silver tongued nightingales perched in
high branches sing of Your
divine exploits
the empty jhoola is adorned with garlands
and sweet rose petals
Blue skinned Lord
You alone are the source of
Grant us Your divine darshan
cuddle close to us
Aug 2015 · 770
Hari Om
On Your prayer white Altar
I offer my throbbing ruby heart
kneeling amidst the lotus flower snows
Ascetic Himalayan mountain cliffs
Ancient Rishis
gaze sagaciously,
chanting Hari Om
we breathe in the rarified incense
of Prema
climbing altitudes
dizzying heights
quartz crystal stars,
sphatik rosaries
at our feet
only Hari exists
and this love
that illumines
the face of creation
Hari Om Dearest God
across the dazzling abyss
in Your arms we dance
numberless candles
inflorescent, incandescent
the Northern lights
Om Sai Ram

This afternoon I had a wonderful astral experience. I have been regularly chanting God's name as part of my spiritual practice. Lately, I have intensified the practice and seen excellent results. My life has been remarkably peaceful, problems are easily resolved and I am enjoying a definite nearness and spiritual closeness to God.

On numerous occasions while sitting at the computer or in the prayer room, clouds of incredibly sweet aromatic fragrance have enveloped me, causing me to run to the garden to see if the jasmine was in bloom. The scent turned out to be ethereal.

I have also been experiencing clairaudient sounds. At certain sensitive times I can distinctly hear sublime music and singing.

Then, this afternoon David and I decided to do a spiritual exercise and meditation. After the meditation I  took a nap in the puja (prayer) room. My meditation seat can open up into a neat little bed. Shortly, I drifted off in the blessed and tranquil vibrations that saturate this room.

As I approached the borderline state I could hear David in the other room talking on the phone.  Then the door opened and David came into the prayer room. As he looked in on me, I thought, well this is peculiar I can still hear him talking on the phone in the other room. David gazed at me and said, "I have to cover the little plants in here because it is raining." There were little tiny plants lining the tables. I watched as he tenderly and carefully covered the plants. Again, curiously I could still hear David talking in the other room.

To read more please paste the link:
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Vishnu's Lotus Feet
Kailasa mountain peaks
composed completely of clouds
hover mystically across the
mauve purple horizon

I stare dreamily out the car window
this celestial impression arouses
a sacred memory that has haunted
my consciousness
since I first alighted 12,000 feet above
sea level onto the blessed Himalayan
mountain range

I don’t think there is any place
like this on earth
glaciers hang like huge crystal malas
around majestic white bluffs
the air ripples, tingles tangibly with spirits of
Sages, Saints and other sublime beings
ethereal cathedral bells ring brightly
in the crisp altitude

The road climbing from Badrinath
to Vishnu’s auspicious Footprint
continues ascending
to the very threshold of Heaven
everything is just so luminous
even the breath filling our lungs

As I travel back in time to that holy place
I know a part of me still sits in padmasana
aloft those Godly hills
through the melting snows
spring rains and summer monsoons
lost in supreme bliss
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
We go on forever
The nurse wrapped a warm toasty blanket
around me as I waited for my MRI.
I wondered how many bodies this blanket
had warmed as folks sat
worrying about their perishable bones.
Then the thought came as clear as a bell
ringing, resounding, echoing from the apex of
a very high Himalayan mountain peak:
"I go on forever...I go on forever"
A gurney carrying a man in
obvious pain shuttled by.
I felt the sun rising over that mountaintop
splashing my face and
all the patients in the MRI room
“We go on forever…We go on forever…!"
Jun 2015 · 431
Ochre Kiss
It’s scary out there Sai Ma
sometimes I just want to
hide in the folds of your orange skirt
tuck my head under your
manifold all embracing arms
Universal Mother
Please wipe the tears from
our red rimmed eyes
and kiss the boo boo
on our broken hearts
Jun 2015 · 520
Inner Wick
Death is at the door
He is knocking loudly
Quick light a candle
Go within……
lets not waste a second
on anything other than
God Realization
Self Realization
Boy! quills were flying this morning. I guess
both David and I woke up on the wrong side of the bed
We were both fussing at each other. We had planned an
early morning trip to the beach and had not had our
liberating cup of morning coffee.
After a while we became more aware and worked on
being sweeter to each other.

As we headed to Coconut Point Beach in Melbourne, Fl, past
the Sandy shoes Hotel,
I thought about what my sister said last night
as I gave her a deep foot massage.

"We, as divine beings are creating everything.
Our experiences are a manifestation of our
thoughts, feelings and actions.
Even scientists are realizing
that there really isn’t anything out there.
It is all a projection of consciousness.
An impermanent motion picture that we get
caught up in and accept as real."

David and I held hands as we walked
along the magnificent shoreline,
gentle waves threw phosphorescent kisses over our feet,
pelicans glided through the gorgeous blue skies.

David stooped to pick up some unusual shells scattered across the
beach. “Look, Sonya… pukalani shells, you don’t see these too often
they have natural holes at the top.  Hawaiians make necklaces
out of these of shells.

I smiled gathering more shells, turning towards the ocean,
the warm amber sun reached out to hug us.
"Yes", I  said to David, “We are like golden spiders
creating a web of happiness or sadness.
It’s all up to us. We just have to remember.”
Jun 2015 · 1.8k
Suicide is not an option
if you slit your wrists
only nectar flows
You are not this body
You are Spirit eternal
Your body is a sacred temple
fashioned by
God for you to learn how
to love more expansively
So suicide is not an option
Swami says this:
“DEVOTEE: Swami, when I am distressed, I feel like committing suicide.
SWAMI: You should not. However difficult life is,
try to be its master and not its slave.
Every human being has a preordained life span.
It is like staying in a leased house.
Before you actually vacate the house,
you have to find another one to move in.
Similarly, before leaving one body,
God selects another body and a span,
depending upon the karmic debts.
In case death is inflicted arbitrarily,
you are denying yourself a chance to work out
your karma as early as possible
and reach a permanent abode.
In suicide, you are stranded midway.
It would be a frightening state of affairs for you.
There is no vacant space in nature.
God has filled the space with spirits
and many other invisible entities.
When suicide is committed, they show up and terrorize you.
Moreover, a jivi is blissfully aware of God only
for one hour in its life. First, fifteen minutes
while shedding the mortal coil, i.e., at death;
second, fifteen minutes after coming
out of the womb, i.e., at birth;
and third, thirty minutes during the marriage.
God is present with the jivi on all these three occasions.
Hence, do not destroy the life that God has given you.
Lead the life you have got righteously.
The person who faces the trials in life calmly
and always remembers God will one day,
definitely, get His grace. Do not doubt its veracity.
Face these tests with faith in Him.

(Swami asked other people to get their doubts clarified.
Nobody asked anything.)” **~Sai Rapture, p.82
Jun 2015 · 529
A cup of Heaven
I feel good today
because I am conscious of You
there is nothing clouding my mind
my feet are dancing along the Sathwik path
a crystal mala dangles from my fingers
I drank the elixir of your sweet name
this morning
as did the Blue jays and Catbirds
in the garden
even our kitty cat Rama purrs
Sai Ram… Sai Ram… Sai Ram
Jun 2015 · 861
Diamond Web
The spider’s eye glittered
from the bottom corner of the desk
She was a huge mamma jamma
hiding behind a silken web

I shrieked and David came running into
the room

I find spiders scary, their hairy black legs
and small monstrous form is enough
to send a series of shudders up
my spine

Nevertheless “Charlotte” plays a vital role
in Nature’s global ecosystem
without Araneae our world would be
overrun with insects devouring
crops and spreading disease

In fact, grandmother spider from
Native American culture created the world
spinning her alchemical web,
embroidered with dew she hurled
the dreamcatcher into the
heavens transmuting it into stars

How cool is that?

David carefully captured the little goddess
releasing her to the night winds and starry

As we turned to go back inside I caught a glimpse
of a willowy silhouette, grandmother spider
grinning broadly
giving us the thumbs ups
Jun 2015 · 577
Sunset embraces me
with flashing coral yellow
and scarlet arms
I tie open
the flap on my tent
flooding the interior
in warm sultry hues
soon stars and moons
rush in
dancing with
nocturnal shadows
and dreamtime spirits
songs of ancestors
well up from earth’s
mysterious womb
we pass the calumet pipe
and sing our visions
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Kokopelli's Sky Flute
my feet are raw and bleeding
How many more lives
must I tread this mortal path?

The savanna sun blisters
my tender skin
and mirages as real
as this pain beckon for me
to take refuge in them

Still Ramakrishna
with a hoarse voice
I chant your divine name
follow Your lotus
beneath desert stars
past lonely, melancholy cactus
red sentinel canyons and
cow skulls staring
blankly into space
Jun 2015 · 702
I am making myself beautiful for Hari
my sari is woven from rainbows
spun on the mystic loom of Heaven
the full moon has fallen headfirst
into the evening lakes of my eyes
there is only one love song that
blooms on the moist red petals of my lips
I have spread a golden net
bulging with gems of prema
and the dedicated fruits of my actions
How can you resist the tender pleas of a devotee
eternally in love with You
Jun 2015 · 458
no walls
Some may think me unfriendly
and even downright reclusive
since I am given to
solitude and require
ample periods of quiet reflection

Please understand
this does not mean my love
for you is in any way diminished

From my lofty orbit there are
fewer distractions
less commotion
or confusion

Walls fade away
I can breathe in
magnitude of His Love
sense His Presence

In that wide open spacious
wilderness within
I can spread my wings
across the endless star drunk
gaze up unabashed
into the glorious face of God

and soar
May 2015 · 1.3k
Dancing with God
Immersed in God ecstasy
and orange robes
the true bhakta’s thoughts
are always on God, for God
and of God
armed with pure love
the slings and arrows
of maya, good, bad and outrageous fortune
are averted
God and His beloved
whirl across the bhakti path
dancing with Rumi, Kabir,  St. Francis  Meera Bai
and all the beautiful bhaktas
for eternity
May 2015 · 804
Foxy Wink
Woe is me
again I have fallen for Maya!
succumbed this lifetime to the sway of
her ***** hips
and full red lips
like a vampire she
***** the life
of Spirit
bewitches the aspirant
with impermanent bliss
lurks in sultry, silken shadows
a serpent ready to ambush
Hari! Hari!
deliver Your devotees
from her glamorous talons
and sirens’ song
May 2015 · 584
Star of Paradise
You held me
blue skies and dazzling outer space
my lungs, body, mind,
and spirit

this was no mere death
nor ordinary passing
but the birth of
something far greater
too vast to adequately describe

There is a new constellation
in the luminous heavens
it spans the entire prism
two starry lovers
wedded in an eternal
inseparable embrace
May 2015 · 973
Gazing Ball
there's a fairy with a harp
a white moon spirit
in my garden

at twilight when
purple iris tides flood
the western horizon
and the evening star
hovers brightly over
her ***** head
she tiptoes past the
Lakshmi lotus fountain
tossing golden coins at our feet
and if in the mood
she swings in the jhoola with me

when the atmosphere thins
and we see through the walls
our imaginations have built
if you listen with a
fine-tuned ear you can
surely hear her
Celtic swan~song rippling...
carrying us across
gossamer wavelengths
to distant luminous shores
May 2015 · 708
Brightside of...
Your face burns a hole in the night
singeing my dreams, visions, bed-covers

Restless Spirit,
holding the moon as my lantern
I star-walk through a vortex
of planets, celestial and terrestrial realms
in search of You...
the Brighter half
of me
May 2015 · 823
If You could grant me one wish
One burning boon
it would be to always
remember You
when my ashes
merge with the Ganges and
pages of this life
are cast into flames
of oblivion
my eyes will open again as
if in a dream
to the darkness of this world

do not hide Beloved
make haste
during the early hours of
earthly life
grant me the vision of
Your orange robe
smell of Your sadhu skin
blessed kiss
of Your lotus feet
Saving Grace
of knowing
Who I am
May 2015 · 740
Pearls spill like stars from the sky,
my basket is ready,
across Your fragrant meadow I run to catch
them one by one
O Guruji
take my breath and shape it as
You will
what do I know?
the road ahead is murky
with mental mist
the loud cry of peacocks
and proud strut of
body consciousness
when I gaze into
Your diamond cut eyes
for one clear infinite laser second
I am no longer afraid
I am not alone
Love bugs smash themselves
against speeding cars in a wild
ecstatic dance
floating, oblivious
through the hot, humid
Florida atmosphere
locked in a passionate
ritual frenzy the sultry red
jewel on their lacy black bodies
glows like neon lamps in the night
"They are so annoying,” my daughter
comments, fanning away a hapless pair that
wandered into our car as we prepared to
drive off
well, I reflected they must
serve some purpose
every year thousands
of love bugs rain down
upon us resembling a
***** black locust plague
they are not destructive
neither do they sting, bite or
cause any really harm
They just want to make love
in the warm, sweet air
I smile to myself
we humans can
learn a lot from
tiny embodiments of
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Group Hug
even if you can’t believe
in God, a higher consciousness
or immortality
can you at least open your
heart to the basic
unitive, umbilical connection we all share?
******* tears trickling
down your quivering rouge lips
the flavor is familiar
listen to my heart rumbling inside
your spacious chest
and the clap of thunder
as our warm breath fogs
a rain streaked window
we are so much alike...
I sprang ****** and naked
from my mother’s belly
just like you
and it breaks my heart
to see you cry,
suffer, or go hungry
There is so much
love inside of you
it just overflows
naturally, effortlessly
into me
Apr 2015 · 796
Onion Skin
the restless mind and wayward senses
have ceased their tormented struggle
insatiable wanderlust

Bliss of
Your adorable Presence
holds them captive!

The serpent who devours  time
is caught
in a divine stranglehold
welcomes only Your ardent embrace
kiss of life

Shedding skin
I am free to love You
body, mind and soul
Apr 2015 · 835
“Honey you got yellow pollen all over your nose!”
exclaimed the cashier at Walmart  hurrying to hand me a tissue.
I had stopped to ask her if 4 O’Clocks did well here in florida.
“Oh-h-h” I giggled, “that’s from sniffing the Easter lilies.”
Lately, I have been trying to figure out how to
to add more fragrance to our southern garden.

There is plenty of color, the hibiscus has donned her frilly, coquettish
tangerine and red petticoats
The double begonias are showing off gorgeous salmon pink bonnets
much to the chagrin of their ******* clad penta sisters in
neighboring ceramic pots

Cape May daisies twirling dozens of yellow parasols
caper coyly across the lush terrain
and the newly planted milkweeds hold the promise
of glorious monarch butterflies alighting
on their burgeoning buds

For me the paradise of having a garden
right outside my door is a blessing of
huge proportions
a native New Yorker, I clearly remember
gazing out my window only to be greeted
by another building blocking any scrap of
green or organic color the cluttered urban landscape
had to offer

Thanking the sales lady I dashed off to Lowes
and found a jewel hiding amongst the rows
of spring plants and avid garden shoppers
Star of Tuscany a rose-like jasmine with a
perfume scent only angels could have designed

Whisking her away along with the enchanting
confederate jasmine I hurried home to plant
and welcome our sweet new companions

Later that evening while
swinging in the jhoola at Easter sunset
scarlet, gold and purple hues
cast a glow of hope over the garden of eden

Mother Nature renews herself perennially
shedding all that is not needed or useful
she leaves the sepulcher behind
wrapped in the throes and ecstasy of eternal love
she gives birth to eternal life
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
Lotus Petals on the wind
I yearn night and day
each blood tinged second
for the intravenous
of Your intoxicating Presence

like ripe, ruby grapes crave
to be tread and pressed into
the drunken bliss
of holy wine

Like the cow maiden Radha
and Princess Mirabai
pine for their peacock plumed
Blue Lord’s
rapturous darshan

Like Magdalene’s tears rolling
down her love soaked cheeks
seek only to wash and kiss
gentle Jesus’ celestial
Lotus feet

Like the great scholar Rumi
scouring the desolate streets
of Damascus
searches for even the
faintest echo
ghostly glimpse
of his beloved
God mad vagabond
Shams of Tabriz

Like my breath liberated from this
time bound, earthly form
soars free, unfettered
a shooting star
exploding into the
chaotic brilliance
of Your perfect Love
Your incomprehensible, pristine,
pure, primordial Peace
Mar 2015 · 838
Round the Mulberry Bush
Vernal breezes gently rocked
the garden jhoola
the blue sky vine looping
across the butterfly bench
created a festoon of stunning amethyst flowers
Ram Namavali was approaching
contemplating Him, Lion of the Raghu dynasty
embodiment of dharma and source of bliss
my heart and lips blossomed open
a garland of melodious Ram
bhajans perfumed the noonday air
after the sweet singing session
I did a few Yoga stretches and
decided to pick some luscious black mulberries
I approached the mulberry tree skyrocketing in the
western corner of the backyard
lifting large heart shaped
green leaves I found one or two ripe berries
“Hmm” I thought to myself I wonder what happened to all
the mulberries?
Parting another section of the tree, two orange speckled eyes
met mine exploding in innocent wonder
there seated nonchalantly on a happy branch was a
pretty lil’ brown dove
“So it’s you who’s been goggling all the mulberries!” I exclaimed
caught “red-winged” the bewildered bird took off scampering
across the sky
I gathered my meager but delicious bounty added a few frozen
blue berries squirted a heap of whipped cream
then myself and Rama (the kitty) eagerly licked the platter clean
Mar 2015 · 542
in the mirror
I see your face
pieces of starlight
that dazzle a quiet
dark lake
You puzzle
my quivering heart
fragments of me
fit perfectly
joyfully, ecstatically

How we light up the night sky!
Mar 2015 · 801
Mighty Varuna
God of the Sea
and sub-marine spheres
You visited me
mounted on Your strange dolphin
ancient makara dragon

Sacred, secret eyelids
of evening
flash open
cresting across the cobalt

Our ship gently rocked
softly cradled
wind and wave
whisper Om

From fathomless depths
You gush forth
in ocean jewels
and seaweed

with colossal form
hewn of surf and stars
I beheld
Your awesome darshan
and tasted the salt spray
of Your breath

My heart is forever
a garland of
pearls afloat
at Your
Celestial Feet

*Paste the link below:
Jan 2015 · 505
Eating the Yellow Rose
With his usual Feng Shui flare
delicately, David snipped the
yellow antique rose
waiting expectantly in the garden
pouring water into an elegant vase
he carefully created a
refreshing, attractive arrangement
for our kitchen counter

It was such a perfectly formed rose
its central saffron petals appeared
as golden palms folded in prayer
and the outer petals rejoicing
we decided it deserved an exalted place
on our new cocktail table

I was busy preparing an Asian lunch
crisping the deep seaweed green nori sheets
I sprinkled finishing touches on a dish
of stir fried brown rice with steamed asparagus

As we graced the luscious, fragrant, yummy food
my eyes fell upon the sunlit rose
In many traditions it is said that
what we see and hear as we are eating is also

If the ambiance is peaceful
and visually charming
perhaps with the added benefit
of some soothing music
we are literally eating
and more importantly
we also
bloom with beauty and harmony
Jan 2015 · 588
Dawn Bouquet
From the navel of God
I swirl forth
helix petals unfold
the dew of His love
in the naked morning mist
sun splashes across daybreak
I fan out my wings
like an eagle
expand my chest
take a deep blue bugle breath…
exhale peace, love and good wishes
a sweet fragrance
just for you
Jan 2015 · 621
I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

I don't say this

nearly enough

This is my mantra

my colorful prayer-wheel


the planet called

I Love You

I Love You

I Love You
Jan 2015 · 599
Silk Breath
pluck the glad strings of my
kind One
while I rest in Your lap
beneath Diana’s Grecian moon
and the dulcet notes of Your Love
no worldly words
no hidden petitions or agendas
only the
sound of Your holy breath
blowing soham

I am He
Jan 2015 · 2.9k
Gift of the Gods
The Universe is our Kamasutra
constellations, red tailed comets
brilliant devas, divine horsemen
prance through the galactic playground
everywhere and in everything
our eyes behold a starry courtship

Romance impregnates the very air
we breathe

billowy breezes caress our bodies
and the sun does not hesitate
to shower us with burning kisses
mysterious lady of the coven night
cools the passions of the day
with dreamy moonlight and
soft melody

Innocent, pristine
we experience, explore and
enjoy the sacred foreplay
blooming in the garden
of our chakras

So vastly turned on
feeling  high
all inclusive

How can we contain the
bliss that courses
through every particle
and atom towards its
ultimate collective

Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati
locked forever in the throes of Love
“Spirit and Nature dancing together”
Jan 2015 · 728
Cup of Lethe
it’s the strangest thing
everyday I suffer from
some sort of blackout
I can’t remember….
can’t quite grasp…
something I’ve forgotten
a faint shadow haunting the
outer limits of consciousness
I open my eyes and the
world rushes in
deliciously, sensuously
like the hypnotic aroma
of arabica coffee beans
and other seductive
voluptuous, delectable
tantalizing novelties

So, I chant Your name
light candles, meditate and
pray I’ll remember

who I am
Jan 2015 · 480
Solar Flare
I’ll meet you tonight
in my starry body
galaxies spinning across
our path
hasten beloved
life is unpredictable
and the next moment
is not promised
teach me the sacred art
of loving now
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Red Pomegranate seeds
The New Year stretches its arms
towards us
fresh, clean scent of green pine needles
and wishes for happiness
surround shiny, glittering faces
of people in Times Square and
all across the globe
like Christmas ornaments still
hanging from a tree
and candles glowing on
I don my flashy sequined New Year’s hat
cross my legs in lotus pose
with a prayer on my lips
and hope in my heart
wait for the dazzling ball
to drop
Dec 2014 · 895
Eastern Star
Peace of Christmas
suffuses the
bhajan hall
settling like snowfall
over the manger in Bethlehem

Its no wonder
on my way to kirtan
a white car dashed in front of me
embossed over its rear view window
was the Om glittering forth
reminiscent of snow crystals
softly descending from
the lofty Himalayas

Certainly this was turning out
to be quite a
magical evening
there was a hint of Sai in the atmosphere
although the devotees were sparse
we sang our hearts out
Yuletide hymns and Hare Krishna

Carolers on the door steps of God
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
The Magi's Flute
Sai Krishna
what magic have you wrought
the sideshows and acrobatics
of the world no longer entice
robotically I go through the motions
of daily living
my mind totally absorbed in You

Captivating Lord
You have performed a sleight of heart
and I am hopelessly smitten
fatally attracted I stalk Your
charming footsteps
planning my sweet ambush

Alluring  Giridhari
the mid-night air is
and heady aroma of
jasmine enchants the Soul
on the soft earth
I have drawn a sacred white circle
a magical mandala
under a pyramid of stars
I wait
Dec 2014 · 525
My lips adore the sacred feet of Hari
i shower rose petals and sweet blossoms
over the path that leads to
His door

His lovers are as numerous as
the sands of the beach
still He loves them all

I anoint
His feet with my tears
and nectar from my heart
flows unceasing

The holy feet of the Lord
promises to
purify my
negative qualities
and fills the chalice
of my Spirit with
new wine

Only the blessed feet
of my Beloved can carry
me safely, unscathed across the
churning, turbulent ocean

Whither we can rest free
and unencumbered
on the shores
of His everlasting embrace
Nov 2014 · 708
Dream Self
Dream Self
have robbed me
of sleep
awake I count
the quickening seconds…
leaping like white buffaloes
touching the clouds

through the partially
drawn chiffon curtains
Your azure face
floats time lapsed
across the
night sky
exquisite arias
from Your kokopelli flute
caress my ears

Krishna divine charioteer
Your sweet chariot
swings low
the breath grows faint
and my pulse is
I am no more.....

dream self
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Eternal Rendezvous
Within the lotus pink petals
of my tear soaked *****
He has hidden His splendor

Under a raincloud the color
of His peacock skin


He waits

Darling Giridhari
I have driven the tenacious, evil
bats of hatred, envy, anger and
greed from the tall steel towers, belfry
of my mind

Nectarine incense of prayer
and contemplation on You
burns day and night on the altar
of my penitent heart

Ceaselessly my breath does not
hesitate to chant Your divine name

From these eyes the Yamuna river
pours and floods its banks
while I wait for You to
dance with me

Every season is an endless Winter
without your warm Spring embrace
snow drifts pursue and threaten to bury
the tender shoots of love

Hurry Hari Krishna
pull this poison cupid's arrow
from Your devotee's
smitten heart
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