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dark ways are falling
fallen angels
and the smoking embers
of unwritten samskaras
Your Luminous eye
pressed hot, searing against my soul
staring deep down
reading between my breaths
the pain of separation
unbearable cross
may nothing come
flaming violet lips
We hurl coconuts to the ground
circumambulate the Shiva Lingam shrine
at the Yoga Shakti  Ma Ashram
my grandsons little Sean and Alex
tug the temple bell after each round
ringing in the New Year
above, the moon full, white candle
in Shiva’s dreadful locks
and cobras looped around
His sapphire neck dare not hiss
Auspicious One!
drink the halahala  poison of hatred, anger,
lust, jealousy and pride lodged
like an arrow deep in our hearts
churn the ocean of nectar
and awaken the
sleeping Self
cradled softly in a  manger
swaddled, peacefully
dressed like a Madras bride
all weighted down in gold
held aloft on a bejeweled
I search for the Luminous One
in the eyes of the topaz idol
adored by many
my hands are sewn together in
devotional prayer
and my lips are blue from
chanting Your 1008 Names
my heart has grown
soft as your lotus petaled feet
dancing over the hills of Brindavin
Divine lad clasp me to Your
imperishable breast
whisper the words of eternity
into my yearning ears

i cover my head with the
golden hem of my sari
and wipe away charcoal  tears
streaming black with kohl pencil

lips red as *** *** whisper
how much I love you

Your face a shimmering reflection
appears in the deep patina pools
of my crystal prayer beads

Only Your Name
eases this heartache and
helps to keep sanity

Invisible One
fill my nostrils with
the scent of jasmine
and the alluring music of
Your Murali
I listen for the caramel sound
of your sweet voice
sitting on
a weathered old bench
at Vista 3 in Erna Nixon park
the wind sighs where
so many have waited
I listen for the still small voice
a mosquito whines in my ear
and the lanky shadows of
late afternoon backpacking
through the swampy wetlands
listen too….
flowers bloom, long trumpets
from our ears
I catch a glimpse of the One
with lotus petaled lips and orange
disappearing just beyond the
vermilion horizon
I run to catch up with You
O elusive One
always one step ahead of me

listen to the pitter patter of
my heart
"Right before Sai Baba comes out there is a rush of anticipation and excitement that sweeps through the air. Birds flutter, monkeys scamper, as if all of nature is pining for a glimpse of the Lord. Swami floated in doing His Divine dance. His feet graced the majestic red carpet garlanded with fragrant petals. I watched mesmerized as He moved closer, all the time praying, “Swami please bless this, I don't want to have to do this again!”

Sai Baba stopped next to two women on my left and granted them padanamaskar. Then, He turned to me. I lifted the bag hoping for a simple Blessing. To my astonishment and wonder of wonders, Sai Baba proceeded to open the bag and placed His Divine hands inside the bag looking for the opening in the blanket. Sticking my hand inside the bag too, I attempted to help Him open it. It was a comical scene and the devotees witnessing this unusual interaction laughed merrily. After a few moments, He suddenly stopped, stared piercingly into my eyes and said, “That's all right, you keep, you keep.”
He blessed the objects again touching each item on the tray while simultaneously visibly inhaling deep breaths and charging them with pure Shakti (power). What Bliss!

There were two other women sitting to my right. Swami approached them and inquired, “Where are you from?” “Australia,” they replied. They asked Swami for an interview. Baba asked when they were leaving. They said, “Tonight, Swami.” Then Swami did something that baffles me to this day. He answered them but directed the answer to me. He bent down very close to my face. I could see the fiery red veins of His Shiva eyes flashing like lightning flames so much power emanated from them. I knew that I was gazing into infinity, time crystallized and ceased to exist in those few moments.

Looking point blank at me, Sai Baba said, “Yes, I will see you before you go!” Then He stepped back and started to wave His hand in that familiar circular manner. I could distinctly feel a strange wind blowing around us. From the ether, silvery white ash known as vibhuti poured forth! This ethereal ash has curative restoring powers. Sai Baba is frequently seen materializing vibhuti; it is a natural expression of His Divinity. Swami gave the two women some vibhuti, He gave me some of this sacred ash and the two other women to my left. After this awesome Darshan, I was in an altered state for the rest of the trip."
~Sai Rapture, P. 54, 55, By Sonya Ki Tomlinson

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my Lover has cast me
in cold cruel stone

embalmed my burning kiss
encased my telltale heart
and warm caress in
mummy wrappings

buried me alive
with the dawn red blush
of His breath still stinging
my nostrils

left for dead when He is not near
a black ghost garbed in night
and moaning gusts

only the bloodshot gaze of Shiva
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