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Summer rains
wash away
the past
swirling eddies
wrinkles on the
face of time
engulf the flooded streets
flush down drains
into helpless, toothless oblivion

Yesterday so festive
bright and gay
transformed into the blackened wick
of an extinguished
birthday candle
I stare into the mirror
at my fluctuating image

I will lose my jazzy eyes
soft, supple skin and rockabilly curly hair
my body identity that I am so comfortable with,
all that I think I am - has to Go!
And with it the paraphernalia that defines
me as Sonya Ki

This is truth
absolute fact
Lord of Time, the Cosmos
everything that was, is and will be
promise me one boon
Heaven, hell and earth
may pass away
Shiva may breathe
us up in one cosmic snort
when the dust and ash settles
and fresh winds blow
across another dream wave

All is not lost

This is my wish upon Your star
I must never forget
by no means
without exception
ever lose awareness
of You
Beautiful God
veils cascade over
my face
dense mist
glacier slopes
obscure mountain peaks
feel the depth of a sadness
frozen in time
an abandoned temple
statues of the goddess
draped in burlap
who will light the
oil lamp
and honor Her with
rose moss incense
and sweet herbs
an owl screeches
purple shadows
of twilight
gather in
glowing circles
My heart splashes ruby
like red sunsets
and God’s heart
dripping in slow puddles
across the scarlet horizon

by a love wider, deeper than
the entire cosmos
and the sum total of existence
we lose all trace of fear
surrender to surging
vermillion seas within

and leave

crimson kisses,
lipstick stains
white satin clouds
My heart smiled
no... giggled like a giddy
gopi maiden
all day long

Last night
during the star drenched
nocturne hours
my darling Sai Giridhari
blessed me with His euphoric darshan

O the scent of Sai
the mandarin robed form
curly mane and probing eyes
clings to me like a rare perfume
overpowering all sense of
ego and separate identity
that undiluted bliss
very essence of Self
Presence of God

Sai Nandalala
under nightfall’s luminous cape
I run madly to the edge of my dreams
searching for my beloved
drunk on the nectar of Your Name
I swoon Body, Mind and Soul
into Your.....................

Infinitely Waxing Embrace
The Ganges rushes in
torrents from my eyes
and threatens to sweep me
it’s been four lonely years
Sai Krishna
I wait in the foothills of Mount Kailash
the sun and the moon wait with me
the earth has ceased its wild spin
and the stars have lost their merry twinkle
O Swami what we wouldn’t give to gaze
once more into your lotus orbs
Sai Krishna
mountain peacocks with bright plumes
chant Your name
and silver tongued nightingales perched in
high branches sing of Your
divine exploits
the empty jhoola is adorned with garlands
and sweet rose petals
Blue skinned Lord
You alone are the source of
Grant us Your divine darshan
cuddle close to us
On Your prayer white Altar
I offer my throbbing ruby heart
kneeling amidst the lotus flower snows
Ascetic Himalayan mountain cliffs
Ancient Rishis
gaze sagaciously,
chanting Hari Om
we breathe in the rarified incense
of Prema
climbing altitudes
dizzying heights
quartz crystal stars,
sphatik rosaries
at our feet
only Hari exists
and this love
that illumines
the face of creation
Hari Om Dearest God
across the dazzling abyss
in Your arms we dance
numberless candles
inflorescent, incandescent
the Northern lights
Om Sai Ram

This afternoon I had a wonderful astral experience. I have been regularly chanting God's name as part of my spiritual practice. Lately, I have intensified the practice and seen excellent results. My life has been remarkably peaceful, problems are easily resolved and I am enjoying a definite nearness and spiritual closeness to God.

On numerous occasions while sitting at the computer or in the prayer room, clouds of incredibly sweet aromatic fragrance have enveloped me, causing me to run to the garden to see if the jasmine was in bloom. The scent turned out to be ethereal.

I have also been experiencing clairaudient sounds. At certain sensitive times I can distinctly hear sublime music and singing.

Then, this afternoon David and I decided to do a spiritual exercise and meditation. After the meditation I  took a nap in the puja (prayer) room. My meditation seat can open up into a neat little bed. Shortly, I drifted off in the blessed and tranquil vibrations that saturate this room.

As I approached the borderline state I could hear David in the other room talking on the phone.  Then the door opened and David came into the prayer room. As he looked in on me, I thought, well this is peculiar I can still hear him talking on the phone in the other room. David gazed at me and said, "I have to cover the little plants in here because it is raining." There were little tiny plants lining the tables. I watched as he tenderly and carefully covered the plants. Again, curiously I could still hear David talking in the other room.

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