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from the limits of my white cocoon
fine spun dreams,  predilections
and myriad desires
I perceive the world
and sadly it ends at the tip of my
O how I long to rip off these
wretched mummy wrappings
and not have to listen to one more
funeral dirge
or see a tear fall from a grief
stricken eye
my anguished soul flails
wings clipped, bound hand and foot
inside a corporeal coffin

while a delicate butterfly prays for the strength
and faith to live if only for a
day in the bright expansive
colors of its True Self
this King Cobra...electric eel
draped across my shoulders
and the mercury rising
there is a tunnel
I know
where we can go and
make mad love to God
lay across the starry tracks
with me
short circuit...
pull the plug on this dream
This is the third time
I've planted climbing roses

The first two failed to fulfill
my romantic fantasy of
efflorescent roses
flaunting their naughty
frilly pink bodice
and hooped skirts
draped in loops
like gingerbread scroll-work
or fleur-de-lis
gamboling, sauntering
across the white French trellis

I guess I'm really a fairy trapped
inside this 5' 8" terrestrial body
I love how the amethyst moon-flowers
with the pentagram tattooed on their
belly button petals
cast a magic spell over the garden

And the night blooming jasmine's
enchanting fragrance wakens the
dreaming gardenia and makes everybody
including our blue eyed ragdoll kitten
a wee bit tipsy

I curl up on my midnight Jhoola
topiary shadows crouch
like royal sphinxes
in the starlit courtyard
and reflecting pools of water
from summer rains
swirl open their third eyes
~portals to another world~
We have struggled through
mud, slime, feast and famine
to gain this human form

The animals swimming, crawling
hopping, pouncing, flying, galloping
inside of us

Vestiges of the past that try to
claw and growl their way toward
the surface of our consciousness
like ***** in a barrel
pulling us backwards
into a vortex of anger, hatred
territorial jealousy and vicious

This life is too precious to
our angel wings ache
to soar
beyond the temporal
and petty
to heights Divine
Immortal, Deathless
and Free
I've pitched my tent close to
the cloistered stars
where the cool breath of heaven
caresses my cloud capped face
and my heart can exile
her pain in the uninhabited
sterling stillness
no footprints lead to my door
in this endless white tundra
not even an echo enters
silent black pearl
crystallized, suspended
but I am not lost
Source: "108 Bhakti Kisses" By Sonya Ki Tomlinson - available on Amazon
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when i pass away
and my earth body explodes
beneath me
like a supernova
and with it all my penchants
obsessions, desires and experiences
only one question, one truth
remains nailed to the crucible

“Have you learned to Love?”

“Have you learned to serve without
expecting anything in return?”

at the center of that heavy cross
we carry through many life times

“has the rose of pure love and oneness
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