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The Ocean cast  garlands of pearls
at your Lotus Feet
Varuna the Sea god knelt  in awe
I stand in that vast azure temple
surrounded by a choir of waves
all singing Your divine name
while the morning sun performs arathi
the earth and all its inhabitants bow
robed in light
Incense mists rise from
the beautifully decorated altar
bowls of prasadam
bananas, apples, bright oranges
offered at Your Lotus Feet
Vedic hymns
hypnotic, chants
flood the prayer room
I gaze through the smoke and fog
my eyes tightly shut
sound asleep
feels like aeons
how I pray to awaken
at long last
The many arms of God
embrace me
a thousandfold caress
as if the sky itself
held me in its
Krishna blueness
and the burning kiss
of the sun
kindled my famished
Today my tears refused
to be imprisoned
while watching a film
on Gandhi's life

His unflinching, Godly resolve
moments of exhilaration and
plummeting despair

Christ-like love for Humanity
an example the world has
yet to follow

O' Gandhiji Your sacrifice
and dedication will
never be forgotten

Like Jesus, Buddha and
all the great Mahatmas
you died with the name
of God on your lips
I spread a wool blanket
over a blanket of grass
and made room for you

We gaze up at the lake of lights
shimmering above us

Is any star in the heavens
more beautiful
than the other?
Wedded to the silence
in deep aloneness
with You
my breath smiles
Swami you have given me
my heart's desire
loving husband, family, good health,
new house, car, cruises, journeys across
Your teeming, bustling globe
There is nothing you have withheld
from me
in the midst of this hologram
high flying ribbons, gifts and
ticker tape parade
You stand,
larger than life
occupying the whole of infinity
More beautiful than anything I can
imagine, dream up or wish
Overflowing Omni Presence
take me into Your Rapture
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