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So, I remember,
I remember, nothing,
But oh, lord, non existant,
do I dream of everything,
And I have to come to grips,
That she still haunts me,
That's she keeps my **** soft,
Late at night,
When all I want to do is,
Cry and *******,
And she's watching Dexter with another man,
And her life is yet great,
And My life is yet still a sham,
Oh, love, cursed though you be,
I crave you desperately,
It's funny because all you've done is ruin me,
Put me on my own,
Solo, and wrecked,
The crash and the burn the *** and the low,
Without any chance of rising,
Oh, yes, that is how I feel,
And if she saw this,
Would she be sad,
No, she'd just laugh,
For all I've ever been is a joke,
and the comedian is me,
Listen further I'll tell you sweetly as I puke,
Oh, not so discreetly,
But the tears won't come and so I won't hide em,
My love, my dear,
My sweet manda moo bear,
I was once found, now lost again,
Coming to grips with my innate fears,
Though nothing helps,
No gloves are enough,
To understand I am alone in this world.
The fault, the failures my own,
Broken, like the song that just won't play right,
Like the ***** that just wont feel tight,
Pulling out because it is too much for you,
And you call yourself a man?
No! Failuremore, evermore,
This reality a perspective,
You dream on your own,
While you lose your own mind,
And no one much cares,
Hell, why do I even write,
Write to further my alone,
Loneliness, yes it becomes a state of mind,
A loss of self, A conciousness of lost,
And you cant be, what you were meant to be,
Can you see,
I am coming to grips,
With sadness and insanity,
Forgive me.
But length is not long for me,
In this poor world.
With my words, I conjure up Hell, and Hell takes the form of the familiar. This shell will double, and double, and double. Prototype for the archetype am I. She, the murk, will permeate; hive mind motherhood.
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Thomas Kay
I've been dead as long as I can tell
Though, I don't really know how
I wish I could do something to let you know
To tell you that I love you
But it's a hard sell
Being stuck in this cell

I know it sounds crazy
Being dead but well
I've got nowhere to go
Not without you
Oh, but it's just as well
That it cannot be and well

I cannot be here
For you

Oh! But how I wish I could!
I can only be here with you
But a lot of good that will do
Because all you know is I'm dead

But, oh
What memories have you held?
Of how my head was in a cloud
The places I wanted to go?
The people I wanted to meet?
The things I wanted to see?
The things I wanted to say.
Of my love for you.

But now I'm in my Hell
Unable to break out of this shell
Invisible to you
Only dead to you
With only a hope
A hope beyond hope
That you'll someday carry me away

If only I could leaveā€¦
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
It is in our blood
This world of passion
Lust, pain, love
Mind always in action
We are born this way
It is what makes us human
So hold your head high little soldier
And keep doing what you are doing
trudging through mud waist-deep
these lungs are billows of smog and
these hands are brittle claws
world-breaker, I am fate unseen
through the clearest of lenses,
and the most acute of baubles
simple phrases caught in raw
and searing throats
with these ideas, my brain molds
an even more bothersome equation
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Zac C
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Zac C
When you find yourself
with your toes
hanging over the side
of your 7 story apartment,
the breeze whistling between
your toes, inching closer to the edge,
Who do you call?

When you find yourself
Staring at your reflection
in the bottom of the bottle,
tears sliding down the side of
your cheeks, inching closer to the edge,
Who do you call?

When you find yourself
screaming at the phone
the words you feel,
slipping out of the hidden place of
your heart, inching closer to edge,
Who do you call?

Call me.

When love doesn't carry
the same weight,
the same weight that
presses against your lips,
and gentle pushes your head
against my pillow,
I will promise that I will stay.
I will promise to stay the same.

Words needed to be spoken to myself, but there is nobody for me to call tonight
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