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  Dec 2014 chainedwhore
DC raw love
You have blocked my heart
From an eclipse of another

She has taken my world
As we shared our love

When your body was in mine
You told me you loved me
I then gave you my heart

Now you squeeze it and laugh
Then spit in my face

This world around me
Has now collapsed in space
  Dec 2014 chainedwhore
DC raw love




w i th  
your  love

i hate

more than
i hate you
chainedwhore Dec 2014
If he didn't die and you didn't pretend to be,......
the late king of pop then you wouldn't have ever met me.

If I didn't ever meet you, today would be grand.....
then I wouldn't have fallen in love with a man I cant stand.

You did bring me happiness and lots of joy....
to bad to you I was just some insignificant play toy.

If he didn't die and if we didn't ever meet....what would our lives be like today???
Im sure it would be a lot better In every single way.
I wish mj didn't die and I wish I never met you.. but I guess the branches from the tree you grew by me were fun and im glad for I guess its cool.
chainedwhore Dec 2014
I just wish for one minute that you could feel inside your gut....
how I feel about you....

then you would possibly know what an 'aching desire that yearns for another' feels like!!
im serious I ache so bad for you.
  Dec 2014 chainedwhore
Kate Irons
do you ever crave someone's presence?
chainedwhore Dec 2014
God I just want to leave.... Seeing my car not running makes big time grieve!

I don't like feeling like I'm being a bother ....
I usually don't kick it this long one day after another !!!
I hate that I'm stranded  having to take a bus anywhere I go !!!
I just gotta remember this so next time do I ask for help?? HELL NO!
Never again will I ask someone to help me *** it gets me stuck
chainedwhore Dec 2014
I need new friends ... Ones who don't take my car apart then act like their helping me and doing me a favor and me being mad  is out if line !!! Ugh
******* car *******
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