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skyler Feb 2018
love is chemical
it's not my fault
i can't rid myself of you
your name is dopamine
your eyes serotonin
your voice oxytocin
you are chemically threaded
in my veins
flowing through
a heart you broke

it's not my fault, i didn't ask to care about you
skyler Feb 2018
silly boy
if you wanted her to be happy
you wouldn't have left

silly boy
don't tell her you miss her
you don't
we all know that

skyler Feb 2018
one day
you won't be crying your self to sleep
or hurting your body
they won't be in your dreams
or your head when you wake
their name won't make your heart stop
and seeing them won't make it ache

one day
when you tell them
you're doing good without them
you won't be lying
you won't be crying
you will recover

I am so jealous you're doing so great because I feel awful all the time and that doesn't seem fair
skyler Feb 2018
i need to forget
how i needed you
more than anything
how to me
you meant everything
i need you to mean nothing
i want to forget
i want to fall
out of love

skyler Feb 2018
please tell me
when you move on
tell me you don't love me
so i can stop picturing
you calling me
kissing me
holding me
telling me you made a mistake
that you messed up again
please tell me
when you do
so i can move on too

skyler Feb 2018
a new boy told me i was beautiful as his eyes traced my body
i cringed at the words because his tongue didn't wrap them the way yours would

a new boy grinned at me when i approached as he spoke hello
i barely managed to smile back because his eyes didn't light up in the way yours would

a new boy hit my phone up trying talk about anything
i left it unopened because his conversation felt forced and he didn't speak the way you would  

any new boy could be good, this is true
but here i am uninterested
because they just aren't you

skyler Feb 2018
perhaps one day
our paths will cross
and we will sip coffee
as dark as my eyes
under blue skies
as light as yours
and we will reminisce
about the days
we were just dumb kids
falling in love
and how we tore it apart
destroyed each other
because you had no hope
and i was afraid
and we didn't want to get hurt
more than we were
and i'll laugh into my coffee
and sadly smile into your eyes
how ******* happy we were
how happy we could have been

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