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skyler May 2017
maybe being honest
is always so tough
because to you
my everything
is never good enough

skyler May 2017
i caught your stare

it would have hurt less
if you had stabbed me in the stomach
and twisted hard
letting warm blood seep through my clothes

at least then
i would have been warm

because your glance
sent chills through my body
and i sat there
unable to move
paralyzed by ice blue
dizzy on forgotten love fumes

all because
i caught your stare

skyler May 2017
death is terrifying
but only because it is the unknown
we are always afraid of what we don't know

maybe that's why i can't bring myself to ask you
if you still care
or maybe that's why i can't swallow
these little round tickets to freedom
sitting in my hand

because it is unknown

and it is terrifying

but in all honesty
the unknown
of living without you
is so much worse
and it is unknown
what i will do next
because the one thing i do know

is that i can't do this

skyler May 2017
it's pathetic
when your eldest child
must be watched
by your youngest
only because
they kept the truth
bottled up
and sent it out to sea

  May 2017 skyler
Tuffy Mutombo
Who knew that there was a society of writers
Blind authors, who embrace one another
Hello poetry a bank of words mounted on a site for all to see
Hidden truths in words so powerful, emotions expressed like a waterfall
Hello Poetry to some it is a remedy
to others its pure therapy
Hello Poetry a book for all to see
tears shed full of empathy simple words fill spaces that are empty
These words I display would of been buried with me
But this place allowed me to fornicate with these metaphors  
and birth words so beautiful,
these words now live in the minds of readers and silent poetry lovers  
As you read my expressed emotions
remember that Hello Poetry let me nurture my emotions
before letting you see a part of me no one has ever seen
skyler May 2017
i used to admire
the innocence of a child
how everything in their world was so

until i met a 5 year old boy
who asked if i could be his new mommy
because his old one wasn't around anymore

until i met a 10 year old girl
who had the same red slashes on her wrist
as i do now

until i met a 12 year old boy
who could tell me more about a broken family
than any child should ever be able to

until i met a 15 year old girl
who lived in the mirror
and wanted so badly to change everything she saw

i used to admire the innocence of a child
i always thought their worlds were so
but then i realised
that even children
are just as ****** as the rest of us

skyler May 2017
i am terrified
to spill my guts
because oceans will pour out
and i am afraid
you won't know what to do with the storm
and i will only drown you

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