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  Jul 2016 Sjr1000
Amanda In Scarlet
Meet me there, you remember? The corner of Air Street, outside the bar that constantly changes its name. Remember? Where we drank margaritas - 2 for 1 - before heading to On Anon for half price champagne.

Ecstatic from happy hour, we needed no more fuel, we were all fired up for fun. We sauntered past restaurants offering every cuisine imaginable to bag ourselves an early table in Freedom Bar, before they introduced an entrance charge.

The sticky floor adhered to the bottom of our platform heels, the bar smelled like bubblegum. Drag Queens dared us to dance; we held onto poles, span and sang.

Slick with sweat, our own, and everyone else's as the place grew packed. We smelled like horses. Tossing our manes, we breathed hard, danced and danced, wild eyed, looking for a ride.

Remember? Before it all went wrong. Before you lost your job, your home, your mind. Before I had children, learned to love a different kind of fun. You kept losing.

Weeks went by, the phone stopped ringing. It was easy not to think of you, I was tired, you wouldn’t be interested in my boring life. You dropped away, silently, stealthily. Suddenly you weren’t there, you weren’t anywhere. Where are you now? How can I find you?

If I had thought I could lose you, I would have tried harder. I would have found you, I would have brought you home. I could have been you, I could have been the one to lose my way.

The colour of remorse is crimson; a flood of red despair. Your hair was slick with it, trailing the tub, tacky, like the dancefloor, where we didn’t care in a different way.

Meet me there, you remember? Come back, I’ll take you dancing, I’ll hold you up, we’ll laugh until we cry. Are you in Heaven? I’ll meet you there. Wait for me - I’m on my way.
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
I'm wearing one now
the noose is tightening

Problems that won't get resolved

You know the ones I mean

The refrigerator died
The roof is leaking

Everyone in the house
has a
Including the computer

The boss hasn't taken
a vacation or a shower
four or five years

True love that ain't comin'
bank accounts they go to zero

All problems, they say are time limited
But when in the midst of an albatross
the grinding wheels of time
come to a standstill in your mind

Anxiety Apprehension
late into the night

But you know
we know
the albatross
goes away or is forgotten

when it's on the scene, though  
life is just plain mean.
Fortunately this not autobiographical, at least not at this moment
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
You're my walking song
You right my wrongs
You walk with grace
in flowing lace
You're my song unsung
You're my walking song

You're my child
on their way
I hold you when you need me to
You're my walking song

It's a song unsung
This song we've begun
It's a melody caught in the breeze
It comes with the wind
And is gone towards the sea
It's a cumulus cloud unfolding
into a red red sky
It's a melody I hear
through my night time

You're my walking song
You've been delivered to me
My lips
My life
My love
is singing

My eyes are seeing the notes
before me

You're my song unsung
You're my walking song.
For parents everywhere in those magic spaces
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
Little synchronicites
We all know 'em
When we see 'em

She went to school with him
He dated your best friend
Your friend's
Mother dated his father

And when I was drunk
I t'***** his daughter

Little synchronicites
Like a ***** and an egg

If he hadn't spilled
that wine on the
white duvet
taking forty-five minutes
to clean it up

You wouldn't have been conceived
and that, my friend,
would have been that.

That's the little synchronicites

The apartment coming up just as your being evicted

The cancer of your friend
Was treated by the doctor
who owes you
many amends

Little synchronicites
Always right on time
Never too late
Never to early or too soon

Some call it fate
Some call it coincidence
Some call it destiny
Some call it
God's will or the Ajustment Bureau
Some say
Everything happens for a reason

All I know
The little synchronicites
Poppin' in Poppin' out
like a Higgs Boson
Startling the mind
Moving On.
  Jun 2016 Sjr1000
K Balachandran
An original creation, that's what  you are
in vibrant colors nature carefully assembled,
as you sashayed through your time,till here
now all across the front page one can see you
arousing  pleasure that moves me deeply,
done in bold sweeps of a brush immersed in joy
making onlookers stand agape, thrilled
mumbling inanities as none has the grasp
of the quicksilver aesthetics that rules you.

And I, obscure , at the best like a crop circle
done in the secret hours after midnight,
or a cryptic mural on a dull wall, long past it's prime
doodled by an interplanetary traveler gone astray,
a drawing in grey fading slowly in to oblivion,
yet to be deciphered is the benediction,
it carries from light years far away,
it will be gone soon as the light from galaxies far
want to make it their own, little by little each night
Am I not transient  and  to be forgotten soon?

But you are steadfast and adamant
very rooted in your reasoning
sprung from a center devine, we both
claim together.
                         "Am I not a woman and lover first?"
Your eyes, gleam, exuding  a timelessness that speaks to me.
"I would only dream of lying naked under your
sweet heaving heaviness, to receive the nectar,
the transient ecstasy that gifts me the precious seed
that'd grow to heights immortal,on the bank of the milky way"
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
There is no other place
Would rather
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
There is a cold wind
blowing outside,
into the graying,
an apocalyptic sky

The lamps are lit
The night descends
it comes as it always does
My table is cluttered
with wadded paper
scribblings saying nothing

The hanging question you asked
"What is your heart's desire?"

The light it flickers
Throwing shadows on the wall
So eerie at first,
So familiar after all

Hypnogogic imagery
A trance like state of mind

Many lifetimes pass
None of them mine

What is your heart's desire
It strangles the mind with possibilities
Waiting for the tell,
the tell that might never come.

You asked me
as we left the foggy meadow
"You who speak so highly of the little synchronicites,
But what is your heart's desire? "

I rise with the sun each day
My path laid out before me
I do this and that in order

Each night as the dark descends
The day's vivid light has vanished
I stare into this lamp light
and wonder
what is my heart's desire.
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