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 Feb 2015 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
It been raining since a month
I wonder why??
Do you know why??
Ahh!! All seem to give the researchers ans
but i don't think so

Then i started spending my day in thinking and thinking,
And to wonder,it was so foolish of me wasting so much time in thinking,
when the ans to my question was simple
itz "us"
"us" it may be choking one right,
but the ans is obivus "us"

And if all have forgotten why so??
let me remind you all
we all are destroying our earth,
but how you may wonder

By polluting it with the smoke coming out from the monster blocks,
using the beautiful designer flower packet made of plastic which has became suicidal for our earth,
Turning the greenary into blue, yellow,red or white blocks

But we are blaming the one staying above the sky
instead we should blame "us"
but it doesn't matter eventually everything will get destroy

And this time i am telling you to know the condition around the world
And not to force you in changing anything
because we will still destroy and
our earth will still cry!!
 Oct 2014 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
Bow Bow Bow!!!
Here comes my brother

We met when I was a kid
bt when I grew up
the relation between us has taken another form
from a dog to my brother

As both of us were growing up
both behaviour changed
both were not liked by anyone
but nobody couldn't throw me bcoz
I was born from a human body &
you were treated as a neglected creature with no emotion

And our solitude was never understood by anyone
I could speak, but you couldn't
I speaked about my  ache to you , you listened quietly & you blink your eyes that you understood
But I never understood your pain
Your tears
I didnt knew what you wanted
maybe because I m a human with less capacity of emotion & to think about only oneself

Everyday of my busy schedule,
when I m away from you, at times I forget about you
your loneliness of which I took the responsibility & I failed to fulfil it,
but you never complained & everyday you are lying like a deadbody in a solitaire

Sometimes I understood , but I forgot
Sometimes I played with you, the other moment I m gone
But you are all alone in a single haunting room
Scratching the floor to escape
being aggresive towards others
Bcoz nor I or anybody could see your pain &
we took you as a pet servant to serve us but in return you only wanted our love, a companion and a patner
Your eyes are full of depth, where nobody cares to look into it,
but when I looked into your eyes
I cud see your pain , which made me transform & I became compassionate towards you

And in you I got my brother
Whch I always wanted
You gave me everything, but I couldnt give you anything

And now I am leaving this place,
giving my responsibilty to someone else,
but your eyes said me something which couldn't be put into words,
And I am afraid that I will not be able to  see you again when I am back
But with a teary smile I left the place in a hope to meet you again .....
 Oct 2014 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
Sit aback for a moment
take a deep breath & relax
forget about everyone & focus on your self
see yourself who you are today?
where do you stand today?
have you achieved what you wanted?
Sit aback and think

Since infancy we are being taught to earn money, but not success
we are taught to be educated, but did we really gained knowledge
we are searching happiness in thing that are monetary
but we are being forget to taught that small things gives us more happiness
Sit aback and think

We all are running,
for a single sheet half tore shaped as in to the rule the world
we have become vagrant before it
we have hecatomb every relation
we all are gushing
because we are unaware that there is no end of our wants
Sit aback and think

We may be millionaire
but are we really successful
are we really happy
are we able to sleep in peace or
our heart is still afraid of something
Sit aback and think

What have we created ourself , to this world
can we be really called educators
we give lectures to other about maturity
but are we really mature
are our action is able to make difference
can we  really look into our eyes??

Sit aback and think..
 Aug 2014 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
Believe everything has a life
look deeply into the eyes of it
connect your soul on what you are writing
make a feel of it
flow like a wave
follow the path it takes you to &
get lost into it,

Writing requires no education
it just requires a language to express
writing is a medium where we can express our thought
where every thought can be beautifully calligraph,

Dont write to earn money, as writing is not a profession its a passion
Dont write to gain popularity, as it will disrespect the love of poets
Dont write until you have a deep feeling of it, as deep feeling can be only put into words,

Write like its your lover
Write to cry in the pain of others
Write to be happy in the happiness of others
Write so that every emotion passes through you & every peak can be feel within you,

Everyone has got a pen
Everyone has got a hand
but everyone cant be a poet
a hand may look a solid thing
but under microscope it vibrates energy
and if an energy can be put into power to write
                "You writing will be a weapon to  make difference"                  

Be proud to be a poet
Fools may blame you its a waste of time
But a true poet knows, what writing is
Dont let criticism makes you fall down
as only your word can create excellence
you are original owner of your words
which nobody else can take it
And yes
           " I am a poet"
 Jul 2014 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
Looking at the window,
I see you, all alone , among others
all are growing up, but you are spending your last day of life,
Heavy rain, storm, sunshine ,
every weather that passes by you,
You are waiting for your end to come
like a human, you are spending your last journey like a corpse & you look  like an ash

Everytime I see you,
You make me feel of some pain
that you want me to take some heed on it

But I am unable to reach you,
You are in anguish of something
that cant be seen by eyes
but can be felt by heart

Each day I go deeper&deeper; inside you,
your pain is felt within me
Your voice is  trying to reach me
but everytime, I hear your echoes of weeping
and I am still again

Last night of heavy storm,
made me afraid of your existence
as I went to see you
you were not there
You were gone

I left the place ,
  "Your pain still remain a mystery for me "
The poem is about a leaf, its being noticed by someone sitting beside the window & it wants to say something which is not reachable to the person. Similarly the leaf can be compared to an old person spending its last day &its; thought is not within the reach of anyone and h/she remaining all alone till the journey of end.
Sad, old, loneliness, last day, pain
 Jun 2014 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
Today i met a person,
n my heart started beating fast,
together we smiled,together we njoyed n was for each other everytym,
n my heart beat turned into love,

He rang me up and said,
"I have smthng to say",
my heart beat agn started  beating first ,
n i look my best to meet him,
bt whn i heard dat
"smthing "he wanted to say ,
my heart broke into pieces,
as my love didnt reach him

As i was going bck
i saw another guy , n my heart started to beat agn ,
i realized it was not "love " it was juz an "infaution"
 Jun 2014 Shivam
Ishshita Chanda
A bite A bite A bite ......
yummy yummy
You are in varities,
Some of you look like triangle shape , some are round, square ,star etc
I wonder in how many way they can shape you

But out of many,
only one made even my oesophagus dry
my tongue slippery that even my saliva had never been swallowed so fast

Its you the diamond one,
a bite of you makes me forget my present,
i am lost in a world of you&me;,

Every bite of yours,
even make me taste of  a small goubles of sugar that has been used to make you,
it touches my whole mouth ,
makes my tongue watery,
the relish sound I make
"Amm amm amm amm"
with every bite of you going inside me,
even my organs are fonder by you,

Ahh Ahh!!! I bite my finger, you are over,
And then I go for another one
everytime you end........
This poem is about the love of one who loves sweet very much & every time they have it , it makes them forget everything
 Jun 2014 Shivam
K Mae
Journey again
 Jun 2014 Shivam
K Mae
I long for my soul
that travels with you
as I am with hunger
that just you can fill.
I imagine you thus, my completion
when in truth I perceive only me
in my dream my delusion of lack.
While we are intact our creation
with stories of struggle revival and pain
as we meet and remember and dance with each other
learning and playing this journey again....
 Jun 2014 Shivam
Muggle Ginger
Love like the sun
Loves the earth
Ever since they met
They dance every day

The sun makes the earth
Look on the brighter side
The earth gives the sun
A reason to wake up

Love like the earth
Loves the sun
Because the earth isn’t distracted
By the stars and the moon
 Jun 2014 Shivam
Love is Unfair
 Jun 2014 Shivam
How is it that
When someone you love hurts you,
You don't and you can't hurt them back,
Cause you love  them too much?
It's just unfair ..
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