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 Mar 2017 Ysabel
Forgive me if one day
i no longer fight.
I no longer smile.
I no longer stay.
Because that day i'll soon realize
Fighting, smiling and staying with you
was not worth it from the start.
 Feb 2017 Ysabel
Its now clear
that though we are together today,
but one day we will not be same
 Feb 2017 Ysabel
I met you in a strange way,
You are his friend, while Im his girlfriend,
I am her friend, while you're her boyfriend.

Never thought that my emotions would change,
For I was confident before that I am contended.

But with the inevitable long night exchanges and debates,
I grew to appreciate your wit and entertain the what ifs.

What if we met in different time, would you like me?
What if we still have time, would you grab it?

Yet because we choose to stay the same,
These what ifs must not be entertained.

For we met in a strange way,
You are her, while I am his.*

(c) ForgottenDiety
When you found the one but you are both committed to someone
 Feb 2017 Ysabel
mike dm
and she spoke,
and her lips were myth;
her tongue, song:

forehead scar shone
lodes of rune
re-membered ember
of yesteraeon soot cooked
sitting fire in ashen ire re-sired

without him

her self
felt, *******
clod alive

tooth of skull
culled forth
bone spoken
tomes uttered

and i felt her light enter
this dilating space
of ebb and ruin and alone

stile of mine
thresheld, again
footfall of wynd,
blown open
into dope field sprung swim
 Feb 2017 Ysabel
mike dm
 Feb 2017 Ysabel
mike dm
the ever briggy snapperjab,
once as trallhup as spacescrapers,
had his woo jotty happenstance
jejuned and nooned

and i soon saw
that i too was too much tooned
in the known visible wavelurf
where roving fate is ghosted
by inexhorrorbull ringly meedecree
of blingee choo choo Hist-o-Then

ever since,
my crave
has castled me down
into whitened gray limb petrify

where diggy beclouded sendersave replaces
 Feb 2017 Ysabel
They didn't listen when I said I was tired
I said that being different was hard
Because my jeans  don't fit right
My actual genes weren't right

And so I came out in comparison to everything
Already didn't have a father to teach me
The skies will cry if he ever tries to reach me
Not knowing who to trust was something girls my age don't worry about

They're far too happy living oblivious
And I question myself off of this-
How do they possibly not know
That they are all the same person?

Same gloss on smooth Pink lips
Smiling a shark smile that they do like kindness
And they name the rainbow by shades of eyeshadow- as if there wasn't enough color

   Girls like that are happy with the same person for a week
And yet I cannot be happy with myself for a day
Then they switch partners because "Don't  worry he's sooo cute!"
  I wonder if they are happier naive
And how hard it will be for them when they realize how the skies are actually smokey black
And they've been looking up through perfect eyelashes- but beauty doesn't last

   It must be nice always being average
With a cover girl to cover you sitting next to you
And manicured nails to scratch your way through life
out of order
flying, walking,
uncrossing a border

a bit like crossing but coming before I went.

It's always that time when there's no
time at all,

the ****'s still crowing
(Its body clock out of sync')
and the cat thinks, one fine day,
It's one finer day today and another
day that the cat won't get its way
and that's always the way.

Time to leave.

Few if any and we are certainly
the fewer of many who have gone
on before
happier I've seen
much happier I've been

I close the door
'Spanish Gold'
(of old)
sweet strand tobacco
flying saucers
made out of sherbet with
a rice paper skin dancing
under my skin.

Toffee time tapers
aromas and vapours,
buried treasures
I unearth
every now and again.
 Aug 2016 Ysabel
Look through your old letters,
Feel the warmth in your duvet covers,
Inhale the smell of autumn air,
Listen to the drops after rain,
Then surely you won't miss me,
For I will not go away.*

(c) ForgottenDiety
My last request for you.
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