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Shaun Yee Jan 2021
“My name is Bond, James Bond”

With that said, the scene is set,
For violent villains to not forget,
That universal crime does not pay,
When Double-O-Seven is on his way.

And female hearts will flutter,
Their defences melting like butter,
Watching their hero battling world-wide,
With a walther ppk by his side.

At the end, the whole world can then relax,
When all the bad guys have been taken,
With ice-cold ***** martini,
Not stirred - but quite well-shaken.
for all James Bond fans, and in memory of Sean Connery
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
I was just a small child,
though from a very poor family,
I had two brothers and a sister,
but we did live happily

My father was a fisherman,
catching fish every day,
to feed his family best he could,
he knew no other way

We lived in a village,
one day disaster struck,
'twas in Thailand in Phuket,
the tsunami came, we had no luck

My whole family was wiped out,
the only one left was I,
all my friends were also lost,
and all I could do was cry

I wished that I had also died,
then all of us would still be together,
but why was god so uncaring,
why was I left to suffer?
this is a fictional piece to reflect similar real conditions of the 2004 tsunami which was one of the deadliest in history. The tsunami created gigantic tidal waves originating in the Indian ocean and spreading world wide to 14 countries with a death toll of more than 200,000
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Once again I watched the ships from far,
Steaming into the evening's crimson sky,
While passing closer to sandy land,
The fishing boats were slowly sailing by;
Some old folks were strolling on the beach,
And the quiet beauty of land and sea,
Brought back memories of simple joys,
Once again they awoke the child in me.
simple nostalgic seaside scene
Shaun Yee Sep 2021
We must accept that not all of us,
Will always completely agree,
For we are all different and unique.
We are not all parts of the same old tree.
We may sometimes be criticised,
In many thoughts and actions that we do,
But all the decisions that we make,
In our own minds should be true.
Shaun Yee Jul 2021
We must accept that not all of us,
Will always completely agree,
For we are all different and unique.
We are not all parts of the same old tree.
We may sometimes be criticised,
In many thoughts and actions that we do,
But all the decisions that we make,
In our own minds should be true.
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Each day will bring a challenge new,
Yesterday to be left behind,
The squirrel in the back yard knows,
He will have new nutmegs to find;
The pigeon waking on roof top,
Is confident of daily food,
Like them we should wake up thinking -
Today should be so very good.
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
If you should see a dragon in the sky,
You had better take another look,
Because dragons do not exist,
Except in fairy tales or in a book.
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
The lines appear on aging faces,  
Alongside corners of the mouth,  
And neck's skin follow the chickens',  
The skin gets more flabby further south.  

Growing fat appears externally,  
We try not to look in mirrors,  
The images may seem unkind,  
And many may give us the shivers.  

However we can always adjust,  
With healthy eating and exercise,  
To maintain our youthfulness,  
so our lives will be more precise.  

And we must always think young again,  
Thinking old  we surely must abstain.
challenging advancing age
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Sitting by my window side,
Gazing at the starlit night,
I saw a tiny glow,
A little shimmering light.

It darted here and there
And its brilliance grew,
I watched entranced and felt
Such joy and then I knew

It was not a firefly,
It was no earthly light,
It drew so close to me
She came into my sight.

Just a fleeting moment,
I felt she could not stay,
A kiss she blew to me
Then my fairy flew away.
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
I think we’re in a fallen world,
If not we are arriving there,
Decency has been eroded,
You can just see that everywhere.

What happened to Intelligence,
That which has always existed?
And why in so many areas,
Love has given way to Hatred?

Decency and  Understanding,
Wherever did these fellows go?
Patience for us selves and others,
Is becoming lower than low.

Courtesy is on its way out,
And Rudeness is taking its place,
Thinking is getting ever warped,
Vulgarity has kicked out Grace.

Greed has constantly been the king,
Stupidity is on the rise,
Idiocy is born each minute,
Few things now are happy or nice.

So with all these thriving Madness,
That is exploding everywhere,
I think we’re in a fallen world,
If not, we are arriving there.
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
There was a fierce fighting kangaroo,
Which punched people until they were blue,
Though he was very strong,
He stayed in rain too long,
And now he’s down in the bed with ‘flu.
a fun limerick
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
There was a fierce fighting kangaroo,
Which punched people until they were blue,
Though he was very strong,
He stayed in rain too long,
And now he’s down in the bed with ‘flu.
Shaun Yee Jan 2022
It was the morning after
A long and snowy night,
I looked outside the window,
And beheld a wondrous sight.

The world was still and silent,
Not a human soul in sight,
No bird was flying, nothing stirred,
All just silently white.

Rooftops, trees and gardens all,
Layered with snow so high,
Cottoned flakes still drifted down,
Softly, gently, from the sky.

Stillness wove its charming spell,
The silence shared its peace,
If all this beauty will survive,
I can pass my days with ease.
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
There really seems to be no afterlife,
Not on this as we know it earthly place,
For some moments after we pass away,
Everything will vanish without a trace.
But if seers can peer into the future,
Be able to see things that we cannot,
And fortune tellers can see destinies,

Would not Life then -
be more than form and thought?
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Will I see you in a park,
When life is gone and all is dark,
The last rites have been made,
Final blessings have been said,
The last bells have been rung,
The last songs have been sung;

Will I see you and your smile,
Even if it's just a while,
Or will you be really gone,
When we are finally done?
Never to meet again?
Never more to feel the pain?

Dare I hope that you and I
Will never say goodbye?
Will I see you on a beach,
Waiting for me within my reach,
And will I have a chance to see,
You once more just for me?

Will we stroll hand in hand,
Cross sunny streams in a distant land,
And kiss again just like before,
Love each other forever more?
Will you be there?
Will we meet again .....
Somewhere .....?
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Will I see you in a park,
When life is gone and all is dark,
The last rites have been made,
Final blessings have been said,
The last bells have been rung,
The last songs have been sung;

Will I see you and your smile,
Even if it's just a while,
Or will you be really gone,
When we are finally done?
Never to meet again?
Never more to feel the pain?

Dare I hope that you and I
Will never say goodbye?
Will I see you on a beach,
Waiting for me within my reach,
And will I have a chance to see,
You once more just for me?

Will we stroll hand in hand,
Cross sunny streams in a distant land,
And kiss again just like before,
Love each other forever more?
Will you be there?
Will we meet again .....
Somewhere .....?
Is there life after death?
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Somewhere within the world that we live in,  
Secretly hidden fully to mankind,  
Is a beautiful, magical domain,  
Almost impossible for us to find.  

Leprechauns there plant pots of gleaming gold,  
Reigning rainbows shine continuously,  
Butterflies and singing birds entertain
Sunny days and starry nights serenely.  

In this unchanging peaceful paradise,  
Mystic elves, gnomes and fairies frequent there,
These tiny folks live in honeyed houses
Amidst bright flowers blooming everywhere.  

So if by chance you spy a gnome or an elf,
Try to find out where he’s taking himself.
Shaun Yee May 2021
Paradise looms ahead of me,
When I reach there, so free I’ll be,
It’s only just a few steps more,
I’m almost at the blooming door.
Gin, whisky, *****, lovelies all,
Waiting for me to have a ball,
So to hell with what’s right and wrong,
Just give me alcohol and song !
This poem is written in fun! Alcohol should always be consumed with moderation and not be abused. Cheers!!
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
I could be from another planet,
Though I walk upon this earth,
I have always been so different,
From the early days of birth.
My ideas always seem to fight,
My mind does not accept,
The selfish earthly life around,
For me loved ones have wept.
Shaun Yee May 2022
I've come from far to save your world,
The green multi-eyed alien said,
We've watched you well for centuries,
When this one ends you'll all be dead

Your atmosphere is poison full,
Your oceans are polluted too,
All your stars will vanish from sight,
Your skies no longer will be blue

You have to take more drastic steps,
To change your very careless ways,
And don't take years to do all that,
Think more in terms of months and days

This warning is for just one time,
Because I won't be back again,
If you don't do just what I say,
All your regrets will be in vain.
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Next week will be All Witches' Week,
Sorceresses gather to seek,
The latest various magic spells,
amulets, charms and wishing wells,
Beyond the bewitched dark domain,
And seven days they will remain.
black magic fantasy
Shaun Yee Nov 2021
He was never afraid,
To walk the daily paths alone,
He followed what he thought was right,
For his life was his very own.
Of course he could succeed,
Or he could very well just fall,
But he was keenly satisfied,
To overcome alone each wall.
So he was not afraid,
To be different from all the rest,
He knew that all he had to do,
Was for always to do his best.
Shaun Yee Dec 2020
Should you see a wet-looking bird,  
Pecking outside your window pane,    
You can easily make a guess,  
He wants to get in from the rain.  

Go and open the window wide,  
And let the feathered fellow in,  
Then you can give him some dry crumbs    
And corn bits on a plate of tin.  

This simple act of kindliness,  
And seeing him picking his food,    
Will have you more than satisfied,  
And leave you feeling very good.  

And the wet bird that cannot speak,  
Will no longer be feeling weak.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Bright and early up with the birds,
Still chirping, singing in the trees,
Do insects wake or go to sleep,
Like small mosquitoes, flies and bees?

The stars and moon have retired,
Probably half hour ago,
While the waking sun is shining,
Starting off with a warmly glow.

Each day awakes with innocence,
And a beauty healthy and sound,
A shame that often these won’t last,
Throughout ‘til nightfall comes around.
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
When anger flares up
Short-changing the mind,
Regret comes later
For remarks unkind.
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
The angry heart does know no peace
The fires burn and nothing can ease
the feeling for violence great or mild
for Anger strikes the man, woman and child;
When we give way to our temper
Our reason this beast will hamper
and make us throw caution to the wind
for Anger is truly a hideous fiend;
So we have to tame and tell
this fiendish creature to go to hell,
We must train our thoughts to rise above
Animal Feelings to Gracious Love.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If you should pass me on a crowded street,  
And we had not really made plans to meet,  
If with each other we could still just greet  
With a simple kiss, that would be a treat!
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
I’m here to help and protect you,
Real friends like me are very few,
Whether you are kind to me or not,
Even if you beat me an awful lot,
I will never hate you or rebel,
Because I love you truly well.

When you are sad, I’m on your side,
If you are mad, I will not hide,
My loyalty is always there,
I will follow you everywhere.

You are my master and my friend,
And I will serve you to the end,
With unrelenting obedience,  
For I have never ending patience,
And my canine species were designed,
To adapt to the human mind.

I have four instincts that involve:
To defend, attack, protect and love,
So please note me well in your log,
For you know me, I am your Dog.
faithful  without restraints
Shaun Yee May 2021
I am moving constantly, never stop,    
And no matter what you have to decide,  
I won’t wait for you; so understand that    
I can be, or I can’t be, on your side.  

In whatever manner you are wounded,  
And are hurting inwards or outwards still,    
You can reduce the wounds and heal yourself,  
To help you ease away your pains, I will.  

Along the way if you have loved and lost,  
Feelings which you cannot cope anymore,  
You can depend on me to set you free,  
With the minutes and hours from my store.

I will be your faithful friendliest foe,  
Or I will be a most unfaithful friend,  
I am forever extremely precise,  
Right from the Beginning until the End.    

You can remember me from a clock’s chime,
I am cold and heartless, for I am TIME.
Time moves on forever irregardless
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I’d love to fly up to the sky,  
Soaring through all the clouds on high,  
Scrambling the startled water drops,
And soothing snowflakes passing by.    

I’d love to perch on mountain tops,  
And jump and skip and maybe hop,  
From one to two to three or four,
Then flying back again for more.  

I’d love to sit on ocean bed,    
Patting a starfish on its head,  
Playing with pretty mermaids there,  
With their bodies so sweetly bare.  

Why, this would be a witching way,  
To help me through a dreadful day,  
But of course this can never be,  
It’s just another fantasy.
Shaun Yee Sep 2022
Poor ants are hungry
Looking for food all over
Insect spray awaits
Shaun Yee Dec 2020
I am relaxing in my bed,  
While outside the house I can hear  
the raindrops patting on the pane,  
They seem to be extremely near;  
It’s raining and the room is warm,  
I’m tucked in bed at half past nine
to listen to the falling rain,  
So tonight I can sleep just fine.
Shaun Yee May 2021
Arrogance is the weakness trait,
Of the lout and big bully,
It often imposes itself,
On each and everybody:
Humbleness in deep contrast,
Prefers the state of tranquillity,
It has no need to offend,
It shines with simplicity.
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Individual expression
It’s everywhere
Shaun Yee May 2022
I don’t know and I don’t care,
Just as long as you are there,
For I will always feel just fine,
When I know your love is mine.
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
She was emotionally hurt
but she kept it all inside herself
looking at her, one could never tell
unless one manages to see
those silent teardrops that fell

She was extremely timid
and kept all her emotions hidden
all the sadness within
for weeks and months and years
'til she finally passed away
pitifully freed of all her fears

And still, looking at her
one could never tell, all the
sufferings that she had had
she had no one to confide in
had not even one close friend
so that tiny smile of loneliness
she carried till the very end
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
She was emotionally hurt
but she kept it all inside herself
looking at her, one could never tell
unless one manages to see
those silent teardrops that fell

She was extremely timid
and kept all her emotions hidden
all the sadness within
for weeks and months and years
'til she finally passed away
pitifully freed of all her fears

And still, looking at her
one could never tell, all the
sufferings that she had had
she had no one to confide in
had not even one close friend
so that tiny smile of loneliness
she carried till the very end
a true sad story
Shaun Yee Dec 2020
Summer's heat lingered in the sky,
The setting sun no longer bright,
Distant buildings like sentinels,
Were outlined in the dimming light.
Alone in my back balcony,
Nursing a dwindling glass of wine,
I felt a welcome breeze blowing,
Keeping the evening cool and fine.

A night plane winged across the sky,
Its twin lights blinking from afar,
I could see it drawing closer,
Twinkling like a lonely star.
And slowly I was drawn again,
To these thoughts of living and why,
All of us are here and there,
Beneath this lovely evening sky.
Shaun Yee Sep 2022
I remember morning dew,
Bathing the glory flower,  
More dew perched upon the leaves,  
It was an early hour.  

The morning mist, slightly dense,
Hovered lightly in the air,  
I felt its cold and freshness,  
They were present everywhere.  

Birds were stirring in the trees,  
The street lamps were still aglow,  
A dog barked in the distance,  
The pale moon was dimming low.  

I recall this childhood scene,  
Captured at the break of dawn,
I can feel the freshness still,  
Though everything now is gone.
childhood nostalgia
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Green leaves turning brown
Trees discarding their old clothes
Lots of leaves to rake
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Autumn creeping round
Leaves on trees not colour bound
Gold will soon be here
Shaun Yee Nov 2022
I stopped my drive on the mountain side,
To enjoy the country scene below,
Mother Nature was changing its green,
To orange with a gentle golden glow.

The small village town seemed fast asleep,
Very few cars were moving around,
Silence reined in the afternoon's stage,
Except for a couple of birdie sound.

In the distance where the sky was blue,
The mountain tops were still capped in white,
Year-round snow was almost always there,
Unscathed in the gaze of the soft sunlight.

That peaceful, beauteous scene did declare,
Autumn magic was definitely there.
An autumn scene in Switzerland
Shaun Yee Nov 2022
Her leaves were transformed, jade green to gold,
She proudly struck a picturesque pose,
In the cool autumn's October month,
Justly pretty as a flowered rose;

The morning sun a helping hand did lend,
To enhance her winsome worldly charms,
At times a brazen afternoon breeze,
Caressed her gently with loving arms;

Her golden colour a month did last,
Winter stripped her naked as can be,
Then in December the snow arrived,
And changed her into a frosted tree.
Shaun Yee May 2023
This early morning I got out of bed,
Found it was zero degrees centigrade,
And the air outside was crispy and cold,
A candid crispness had taken hold,
Feeding a feeling of freshness at play,
Surrounding this wonderful winter’s day;
Outside I saw rooftops covered with snow,
Also the shrubs in the gardens below,
Icing was on green leaves and trim tree tops,
And parking spaces where the squirrel hops,
A scene to keep in memory always,
When I do deviate to depressing days.
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
There was a young girl named Pam,
Who had a liking for ham,
She ate so much,
Was sick as such,
Now she will eat only jam.
fun limerick
Shaun Yee Jan 2022
Postcard scenes of sunny desert sands,  
Rainbow mountains and grassy green lands,    
Gentle seas with sail boats far and near,  
Glowing skies so blue and bright and clear;  

Lamp posts, lanterns and flickering lights,  
Shining moons and clouds and star-filled nights,    
Gardens with fountains and waterfalls,  
Painted figurines and crystal *****;

Nature’s treasures flourish everywhere,    
Man’s arts and paintings are always there,  
All these beauty so easy to find,  
Leave me ever peaceful in my mind.
enjoy nature - good for your health
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
Listen to the sounds of singing birds,
Smoothly soothing sending one to sleep,
The musical notes that they mete out,
Will pave the way to a slumber deep,
At night when a tired workday ends,
Enjoy some music from feathered friends.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Fierce-looking black bird
Sharp eyes scanning the landscape
Hunger in the air
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
She saw there were black clouds in the sky,  
Opened her umbrella with a sigh,  
But then it did not rain,  
So she closed it again,  
And rushed home while she was still quite dry.
Limerick fun poem
Shaun Yee Mar 2023
Outside, the sea was black, as was the night,
All was quiet, just a lonely, fisherman’s light,
As unseen waves washed the unseen shore,
So my thoughts grew graver, more and more.

The black, though so peaceful, was tinged with gloom,
A wistful solitude hovered in my room,
And I thought of us till the lamp was gone,
Then waited in silence for the light at dawn.
One night in Malacca (Malaysia) 2007
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