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 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
The girl in the corner,
Has monsters in her pocket.
Her eyes are dark ,
Shrouded with feathers.
She breathes so quietly ,
You'd barely notice .
She's watching you...
Don't react!
Sometimes she smiles.
And you see the glint in her eye.
The flash of crazy
That you've been warned about.
She moves perfectly
As she glides on shattered floors.
Like the hearts she left in the dust.
She stops.
And looks you in the eye.
And your breath catches.
I've been in a different kind of mood lately.
Let me know what you guys think of this one..
The door to freedom opened,
Yet there he still remained,
For the will to fly has atrophied,
And the bird is finally caged.
Wait a second..
My heart used to beat when he texted me
But now I find him kind of annoying

He used to be the bright part of my day
Now he's the hard part of my day

I thought I liked him
But now im confused if I do at all
Is he just a friend?

Wait a second...
this is getting interesting....
thanks for reading! really appreciate it
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
am i worth it?

i must peel back my skin
and carve the answer
into my bones a million
times over
and scream
so I never never forget

“yes and always“
I stared and stared deep
to the eyes across the mirror
and drown and down,
Which one of us can immerse our souls
and feel belong?

Sounds started to fade away
the moment when it counts
that one time,
Which one of us, when it counts,
not listening to the deafening silence?
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
maybe if i keep writing you into existence
it’ll be like you never actually left me
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