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 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Micah G
I write mostly for acceptance
That much is true
But mostly it is
To escape

My kind is a terrible place
Dark business
Unproclaimed and without much ado
Scarred by Evils omnipresence

While they write of love that is true
I write of darkness’ admittance
Despite its bitter aftertaste
I never seek repentance
If everything you touch turns to gold
and everything I touch turns to ash—
then together
we will sit upon our thrones
of riches and ruin
and make the world bow at our feet.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
A Dance
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
I sway with the trees through my window
Ivy climbs up the bark
I play with the leaves through my window
A wind gusts through the night

Branches pick me up and play with my curls
They giggle and set me down
The trees have taken me from my window
Soot and sap covers my gown

I look back up at my window
The ivy has shallowed my room
Their leaves and poison look down through my window
Singing their gleeful tunes

I try to climb back to my window
The forest plants me in the ground
I sway with the trees staring up at my window
My window... my window...
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
No one cares if you are falling,
as long as you are still flying.
Will you watch me hit the ground?
"--they're too happy
to have to deal with my problems."
In truth, you like the Pain.
You like it because you believe you deserve it.
"are you enough
for you
is the only question
you need to answer."
-it's the ones that seem to love themselves the most,
that actually love themselves the least.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
I'd set fire to the air you breathe
so you can burn with every
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