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415 · Sep 9
Queen singer Sep 9
The person I was is slowly fading
I tell no one, so no one can be aiding

My mind shatters like an atom smasher
My heart and breathing are going faster

Take a pill and make it better
Or sit right down and write a letter

What I say is written in a panic
I feel me stepping up to manic

He’s so upset, and his eyes say
“Did you have a really bad day?”

Toys are brought, 3 in all
“Grandma will you throw the ball?”

“Playing fetch will make you happy.”
I know. the dog is very sappy

I cannot ignore the plea
It’s the eyes, it gets to me

So outside we go to play
You KNOW, I feel better today
233 · Sep 18
Soulmates and friends
Queen singer Sep 18
I am standing at the precipice of a new beginning
the first step is encased in concrete
the landscape is green mountains and laughing streams
Behind me is cloudy and ablaze with rage
ahead it seems as if I would be happy here
Why is it so hard to make that first step
I am frightened
They appear, take my hands and my feet are free and  floating
"Come play with us " They cry
"Where were you?" I exclaim  "I needed you!"
"We were here all along,
holding your hands,
walking with you,
waiting for you to be ready " they respond.
"Why didn't I SEE you?." I respond.
"You just had to alter your course and remove your sight from the fires of rage"
175 · Sep 18
No tears for you
Queen singer Sep 18
I can’t begin
Its hurts too much
The pain of this ending erases every grain of my love
My ability to care is gone
But I will endure
I turn away and walk with purpose to my new life
I am not whole, I have cracks in every joint
But I will live on
I will not forget you
For I will not allow your maltreatment of my spirit to prevail
But I will live on
The hurt will make me feel,
I know I am alive
I will not cry for mercy
I have no tears for you
If you were hurt, I would walk away never noticing the speck that is you.
I will endure and move on
32 · Sep 20
Queen singer Sep 20
My heart aches, for love is blind
he seems so loving, and so kind

The emptiness is so overwhelming
The things he writes are so compelling

I seek the comfort in his musings
my love and passion are so blooming

My soul feels his absence
It makes my mind so unbalanced

He's the one who makes me gleeful
Feeling this **** should be illegal

His words make my heart complete
our writing letters is obsolete

so we love and have desires
When we meet I will know what transpires

Loving you is limitless in magnitude
I love you more with every heartbeat, I can conclude

Baby you are mine part and parcel
your words of love just make me marvel

For me, love was a fantasy
But you have proven your love to me
love passion love mate

— The End —