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  Jan 24 izzn
London Paris
I don't write
to forget my problems
nor to pretend that
all stars are
glistening for me
I write
to let you know
that you too
can break free
from the ugliest things
that dominate you
within your head.
  Jan 16 izzn
I don't know why,
But no one likes me,
And it pains me.
I think I'm wrong
In so many ways.

If I give up,
It'll stop hurting.
My lesson in life
Is learning
To numb the pain.

I'm running on empty,
Searching aimlessly;
My mind is in a daze.

My soul is longing
For what is gone,
And now a thick fog
  Jan 16 izzn
when all is said and done
and all has been resolved
there is the ease of resolution
no more tears to bawl

all is said and done
all the words were said
all the questions asked
all the pain been bled

now you go on living
get back to your life
pretend that nothing happened
ignore the scars, there was no knife

and when you think you’re able
when at last, you’re back to you
there is the faint remembering
you realise you’ve been lied to

the cuts were self inflicted
that’s what you’ve been told
the boiling water poured on you
had no intention to ever scold

but there was a knife and there was water
unfamiliar knife rack and a kettle
in your home they’re not, mental images
held by hands not yours, unsettle

it doesn’t matter anymore
not relevant the truth was spun
you’re meant to have moved on
when all is said and done
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