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Sam Knaus Oct 2014
The dream last night had seemed so real… But it was just a dream, right? Those shadows, the messages on the mirror, the walls, all the groaning and the shuffling of feet… That was all just a dream, right?
     This is all just a dream, right?
     Fairly ridiculous question to be asking yourself as you’re being chased through the halls by this… this, this thing. Whatever this is. Its neck is limp, head resting on its shoulder. Its grin is huge, its face coated in blood.
     Have you ever heard the children’s rhyme about the Crooked Man?
There was a crooked man,
Who walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence
Upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat,
Which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together,
In a little crooked house.

     This… thing, you’re being chased by, that you’re fighting off with a fruit knife, that you’re setting on fire and pushing into holes and still won’t die…
    This is the Crooked Man.
     I wonder if this is all the Crooked Man knew?
     His crooked house, his crooked relationships, his crooked… crooked body…
     His body’s only crooked because of the rope, though.
     Maybe he couldn’t handle being crooked anymore? All he knew was a crooked life, all he owned were crooked things.
     I wonder why he’s chasing you.
     It could be to drag you down, to slaughter you, to make you feel his pain… More than you already have… To make you end up like him.
     Your pasts are so similar…
     Or maybe it’s to warn you. To say, “Don’t end up like me.” To make sure that you don’t die the way he died. The way he staggers, his limp neck, head hanging loosely, his unrealistically large grin…
     Why did he make you put that gun to your head, then? Why is he trying to drag you down?
That’s a problem for you to figure out on your own. But you’d better hurry.
     By the way, I noticed earlier… Your neck is a little crooked.

(This one was based off the video game, The Crooked Man. Yaay, video games.)
Joann Rolleston Jun 2014
What a palava

Plip plop drop
the bomb has popped

Bim bam boom
the paint tin looms

Two three four
bonus at my door

Push mush gush
what a rush

Next stage for me yaay !
On I go, wait for my mates
to unlock the next gate
And to Give me a Life ...
Oh, how ironic .. bahahahaha ...
gaming fool
Monday was so far away from Friday
when I stood to say
the weekend
and now
Friday is a distant land
a memory folded in my hand to put away.
Human  May 2018
Human May 2018
Took ages to brain storm
Even longer to prepare
Should it be in a dorm
Or at the fun fair
A clown or magician to preform
Or a game of truth or dare
For the Birthday
Both balloons and cake
Or something elegant by the lake
For the Wedding
Invite neighbors, family or neither
Perhaps all we need is a church and preacher
For the Funeral
Greyscale or colorful
Face pale or dress in wool
Rap, jazz, classical or non
Gifts give aways or whomever won
Once clarified
I'd be satisfied
But till now prospective matters
"**** it bad luck"
Mirror shatters
Who'll plan
Not me I won't
What a surprise it'll be
Won't be much u'll see
Lame and boring af for sure
None of this makes sense u need a cure
Yaay I'll go back the the asylum
Where all these r one
John Edward Smallshaw  Aug 2023
Yaay it's
and the best way to start any day
whether it's Friday or not,
is to
just believe that it is.

— The End —