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jeffrey robin Dec 2014
(    (                      

                      )   )


Odin ! ~~~~~
                 ^^^^ Odin!



Odin !

We look out

Over the waters

Odin  !!!!!!

Come on down


We gather

Warriors together

But the enemy !

Destroying the world
Just can't be found !!!


Odin !!

Magical Powers !

Dragons and demons

From the Clouds !!!!!!

( screaming out ! )

Odin !

We are your children

We are your tomorrow

We are dyin

The light is still shining

But it will soon go out
jerely Dec 2014
Oh! Mr. Bright Smile
Filled with every thoughts & happy feeling
The cupcake to my heart and the sweetest seranade
You bright up my light
the excitement and the joy I've found
And i knew it from the start that this is
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
enjoy your holidays and be thankful for everything you had!!! <3
December 25, 2014
Slot machines serenade us with a C major chord;
no wonder we're so primally enticed
to shake the hand of these harmonious bandits.
jeffrey robin  Feb 2015
)( 0o0 )(
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/ (    ) \


Ridin the wild el-train

Thru the mad war songs


The freight train under the midnight moon

Drifting thru the wino seranade

Looking for the dawn of peace


We of the fallen angel race

Looking to save face

Before the child's eye

He we left to die

He who knows of our disgrace


Riding the freight train west

Through the wino seranade

Drifting images of men

Who survive


We of the wild el - train

We of the war for the city streets

We of the American lie

We of the dying child


We ride the freight train into the night

The midnight moon is in the sky

Drifting thru the wino seranade

Looking for the dawn of peace


I always knew you would  be here

I knew I find you someday

I knew I just  needed me some faith

I knew you never were far away

We ride the freight train into the dawn

Into the dawn
jeffrey robin Jul 2014


(                                      (
                  •                                          •
                               )                                            )

                        ^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^

                                                             Be beautiful

That is all

Ain't nothin goin on

                                       But liars stealing everything


And me

Making pretty pictures on my telephone


(        Sure       )

                                 ****** ****** ******




            So                     ( if at all possible )

Try to be kinder to eachother

And maybe

(     If you wouldn't mind     )

Help us try to take the oink pigs down
McKenna Rich  Apr 2015
McKenna Rich Apr 2015
My emotions overwhelm me
My mind is racing again
With thoughts of the way your eyes light up when you smile at me
And with thoughts on how it all can fall apart.
My past has ruined me
But you have the power to repair whats broken.
Im scared my past will become my present
And you'll disappear just as the others have.
I'm trying to have faith
That maybe you're my prince charming
My knight in shinning armor
The one to pull me out of my pit.
How can one care so much for something so broken?
You're my secondhand seranade.
My heart is racing again
As it always is when you're on my mind.
I hope with all me heart you're my beginning
Of the end of all my dark days.
I wish to spill my guts to you
For you to see my nasty insides.
But I'm waiting.
Waiting for my trust to be cconfirmed.
Until then I'll take pen to paper
And write to an imaginary you.
Love songs and sappy quotes
Is what your name means to me.
Synonymous to hope and happiness.
Even now I'm afraid that I won't be able to let go.
They say third times the charm.
But luck hasn't been my best friend.
Yet here I am letting it all go

Update: while I was writing this the person it was about ironically left me. Kinda funny how the world works. So I'll leave it be. Let it grow a deeper meaning. Symbolize the irony in everyday.
Michael Parish Feb 2015
I'd splinter you with kisses
Unbound by fear and ingnorant with
The lonly bee keeper alone.  

I'd wish endless wells erupteted to
My  wishes all  alone spare my own penny

I'd dive under cars and sing until you
Gave into my rusty note and lunged for my life  and levy under my unarmed seranade until the cops sing he's a menace who never had to change.

I'd go endless and naked pools of wealthy under brick until we bunker in the warm beds cloth of clear blue water and kiss like nature opening her ponds of endless algae

I'd say my words forever until your dying truth goes past failure to suceed.
Your piano use to seranade me to sleep,
But now I can only focus on the sound of
The keys being hit.
Like your guitar, it use to ease me into a
Slumber, but now I can only focus on the
Sound of the pick scratching the strings.
I thought my heart was strong
Enough to make it through
The dark,
And even though my heart aches,
I would still smile about
Our memories and
You taught me music was the short hand
My iPod was like my heart. Full of
Music, still skipping songs like
On shuffle, trying to find the
Right song.

I use to put the song on repeat,
And fast forward it to the phrase
You say to me, but now I skip it, fear
Of being reminded, then I deleted it.
The radio played that song one day,
But I only heard the static and friction
Of our relationship.
By you started going out with her.

But then I changed.

Ray the firefly had had his own North
Star to guide his way.
I was a broken compass.
Lane Frost, a bullrider, had a long life,
But in reality, it was only 8 seconds.
My time ran out.
You were my candle, lighting up the darkness
And she snuffed you out.
You were a lighthouse but my waves
Crashed you down.
The X that marks the spot on my map,
But it was stolen, like my
Nobody stabbed me in the back,
Except the ***** I call
My sobriety faded,
Then lingered,
Then disappeared completely.
That's what it was.
But I was fighting my demons for good.
Never sold my soul, but
Had it already.
Sinking through a pool of *****,
Refusing to resurface.
You surrender with a white flag,
But my white flag wasn't a flag
At all.
It was white, but crumbled down
On the table by the rolled up
I don't know why people need
Six chambers to a gun when
Playing Russian roulette.
It only takes one
To change everything.
My iPod died, so I'm waiting
For the angels to carry me home.
Niel John Ortizo Mar 2016
Blank page?
A seranade,
Music that the world would never appreciate.
An explosion,
Of a generation who looks down on their forefathers.
jeffrey robin  Feb 2015
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
((        Love         ))

(             -------- love of life -------             )


(    was it ever really there at all ? )

////             WE .... (?)

We are lost

Lost in the PHANTOM SONG

the song of false hopes

Based on

False promises !

•       •

The lovely maid

Borne by gentleness

Is she even seen anymore ?

Amid the clown-like whorish images ?

That drown out her seranade


In the sun

(Total freedom is complete honesty )

We walk together for awhile

Approaching eternity

Which is our natural home

Which is our sacred destiny

— The End —