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Kevin T Wilson Jul 2013
It is a dream and I will dream on...
I cannot consider reality.
I am not fixed on an mere appearance of an eternal contradiction.
This manifestation rises like a vapor.
There is a world of things invisible to those wrapped in the first.
This world of suffering has become a necessary means of redeeming my vision.
I sit quietly in the midst of pain to break these boundaries.
Know thy self and the nothing in excess.
Pride and ego are hostile demons.
Bliss is born from pain from a heart cruel and relentless.
From musical moods comes poetical ideas and creation.
With this intangible reflection of pain comes mad love and not passion alone.
Now I become the Drunken Revealer But not on earthly pleasures
But spirit alone...
Gaye  Sep 2015
An untold oracle
Gaye Sep 2015
He was the ‘revealer of light’
Oracles he read, forecasted future,
Time moved, rustic life stood still
"Look back and see, there is change."
There’s no trial left
The deity acquired the ****** body.
Predictions are vague, he cried in pain
And he danced to his unshakable faith.
The God revealed!
The divine and man in a union of its own,
Patrons wept and asked for blessings.
Serpent’s crown over God’s head-
Shone in the dark light, his golden breast
And pointed teeth, sharp as arrows-
Pierced the patrons, they collapsed in devotion.
The dead hero arose with Godliness
He is God, his blood is divine.
There is change, there is change!
The drums arose and it stroke bold,
Patrons cried in religious zeal
The God plunged himself into the bonfire
He reincarnated.
Born again to die again! Born again to die again!
There is no change! There is no change!
Påłpëbŕå May 2021
for once
i want
to flaunt
my scars
cross all
the bars
fall to rise
forget all
the pain
be a little
let go of
the arctic
the perfect
just be me
small stature
with a messy bun
a difficult nature
the weird one
lose fitting shirts
hell no to skirts
no hint of concealer
i'm not a revealer
yes i'm boring
yes i'm lame
but if loyalty is what
you're looking for
then i'm game
Valerie Feb 2014
"Four - Breaking Even"
February 4th, 2014
Valerie Viele

I am a creation. I am a maiden. I am a creator. I am a crone.
I am dawn. I am noon. I am evening. I am midnight.
I am a girl. I am a temptress. I am a neither. I am a goddess.
I am a daughter. I am a *****. I am a mother. I am a lineage.
I am a sister. I am a best friend. I am a vague acquaintance. I am a messenger.
I am a child. I am a ******. I am a lover. I am a wife.
I am a princess. I am a beauty queen. I am a damsel in distress. I am a warrior.
I am a daisy. I am a snapdragon. I am a rose bud. I am a lilly.
I am a smile. I am a wink. I am a laugh. I am a snort.
I am a frown. I am a cold shoulder. I am a forgiver. I am a resolver.
I am a question. I am a questioner. I am a question mark. I am a answer.
I am a butterfly kiss. I am a bumble bee sting. I am a cicada hiss. I am a caterpillar tickle.
I am a cupcake. I am a box of chocolates. I am a glass of wine. I am a bowl of oatmeal.
I am a doll. I am a model. I am a celebrity. I am a infamous figure.
I am a game master. I am a rule-breaker.  I am a tyrant. I am a player.
I am a brat. I am a train-wreck. I am a witty retort. I am a knowing silence.
I am a ballerina. I am a dancer. I am a performer. I am a choregrapher.
I am a goodie two shoes. I am straight "A." I am a graduate. I am a mentor.
I am a tomboy. I am a mess. I am a fresh-pressed suit. I am a mumu.
I am a sneer. I am a red pair of lips. I am a pout. I am a broad grin.
I am a skinned knee. I am a bruised ego. I am a battered soul. I am a healed heart.
I am a piece of candy.  I am a piece of work. I am a master piece. I am a peace of mind.
I am a bubble gum "POP!" I am a whip-smart "CRACK!" I am a below the belt "BLOW!" I am a humble "WHISTLE!"
I am a kick. I am a slap. I am a hit and run. I am a sly trip.
I am a hug. I am a kiss. I am a ****. I am a cuddle.
I am a favorite. I am a nobody. I am a somebody. I am a everybody.
I am a challenge. I am a one-sided opinion. I am a worthy debate.  I am a open mind.
I am a bicycle. I am a fast car. I am a train. I am a stroll.
I am a pony tail. I am a bleach blonde. I am a practical bob. I am a braid.
I am a bracelet. I am a gold ring. I am a necklace. I am a bead.
I am a broken bone. I am a victim. I am a rescuer. I am a nurse.
I am a singer. I am a song. I am a composer. I am a listener.
I am a leader.  I am a runaway. I am a follower. I am a team.
I am a bubble bath.  I am a long shower. I am a quick rinse. I am a ocean dip.
I am a pond. I am a frozen lake. I am a waterfall. I am a river.
I am a castle. I am a tall tower. I am a skyscraper. I am a bridge.
I am a banshee. I am a blood-curdling scream. I am a yelp. I am a squeak.
I am a pretender. I am a liar. I am a deceiver. I am a revealer.
I am a sob. I am a woe-is-me. I am a wallow. I am a single tear.
I am a why? I am a why not? I am a no. I am a yes.
I am a sleep over. I am a house party. I am a coffee break. I am a tea time.
I am a today. I am a now. I am a tomorrow. I am a yesterday.

This poem can be read traditionally, right to left, top to bottom.
Or you can read it top to bottom, by each column separated by a period.  There are four columns.
Example:  I am a creation. I am dawn. I am a girl.
I am a maiden. I am noon. I am a temptress. I am a *****.

You get it. :)
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2013
six months to the day,
of treading along.
like many good things,
an Internet accident.

180 days can be converted
to one of these units:
15,552,000 seconds
259,200 minutes
4320 hours
180 days
25 weeks
(rounded down)

six months here,
a fortune of time,
goodly to behold.

new faces
from new places,
now crowd the heart
that has no shape,
for it expands daily,
making room for
more of you.

your welcome
welcomes more than poems.

ces triestes,
ces chansons de mon cœur,
don de la liberté,
doués pour vous,
dans la célébration de mon
Jour de l'Indépendance

some fingernail torn
from darker memories,
from fears of the future.
others from eyes to paper
ink spilled quickly,
lest the letters,
remain among the
stillborn ashes
hid in the caverns
of the man's mouth.

the ink in the bottle,
that spilt,
gotta be drops of
mixed blood.
by anybody's definition.

perhaps you sense the fearful
truths that lie within,
some yet to be invoked,
unvoiced, unyoked,
for which my concealer
in actuality is a
point-the-way revealer.

all in. good time.

Yet, never met a poem
did not like,
for the man in the beast
is just like {you, man}.

my only excuse for
to having not read
all of yours,
is oft thine stop me hot,
diverting me
to spill some more,
oh child of mine.

convinced still,
is the man,
that the secret
to this poetry racket,
is to never ever stop
laughing at yourself,
loving all the parts of you,
secretly and
secretly, as well,
in the open wide.

so you feed the beast
that devours me,
for restless are the
words that need a home.

someone said to me,
you are one of those
who are
nostalgic for
the future.

restless is the man inside
the beast, restless is the
beast that is the man,
who hates the word I.

With this sole exception.

**I thank you.
Actually, 6 months was yesterday.  But I needed time to edit and think. I don't know if the number of reads I have been gifted are quanta timely large, but they are qualitatively so special to me, that i am
humbled down  by the gravity forces  of affection that lifts me up...
Nik Bland  Jan 2013
Nik Bland Jan 2013
I find I am hollow
Serene in the silence
My feet soundless, swift
My face unmemorable
My hand shook by men of passionate deceit
And I find myself filled with their purpose

Purpose of others drives me
Craving no prize, praising no God
Only me
Only violence
Soul pushed to the cages in the back of me
My body is honed
My weapon part of me

I fly but no wind follows
I break the unmendable
Harbinger of silence
Deliverer of death
Revealer of mortality
Money and treasure for blood and breath
Unrelenting, unavoidable

Hands choking pulse from veins
Necks crack as they swing out of place
Gun hot from parting lead bullet
Body heavy as it drops
Death will come swiftly to any, to all
Until I am emptied once more
Hal Loyd Denton  Jan 2012
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
The human spirit defined without a thread to cover their exposed heart loss the keenest revealer
Nobility crowns the vanquished they have been driven to the farthest bounds of reason
Emptiness has scoured the former land of all existence they stand on the pinnacle they have
Reached the zenith of life’s meaning by going to it unspeakable depths every speck of turgid                            
Normalcy so prized gives way to anticline these rarefied heights know not one profane molecule
Those lost flew to this point and beyond you followed and now you gaze after them your longing
Presents never before known opportunity into this vacuum rushes the budding of purist riches
Your life has lost their human presence but you now start the decent marked by sorrow,
Loneliness, but with these two painful strangers you have become the wealthiest of human kind
Love is the only container that could rightly hold their essence you are given this charge and on
These slopes you just turned from their departure and its glory indefinable crowned you burned
All impurities up and now the pure raging fire has subsided you see the incorruptible seeds you
are now to plant as sure footed as the Doll sheep go now intersperse them among these heights
that predate the dawning of time your fellow man waste away looking at the plains and empty
Horizon these seeds out of time and personnel loss will dazzle give the influx of immortal
Thoughts that will destroy a people’s delusional limited harvest and give them the spring board
Of freedom to achieve dreams that before were believed to be impossible this is what I saw in
Your tear filled eyes not an end but the birth of hope mother and father and the girls didn’t die in
Vain they are the truth shinning as a vision all we have to do is look
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012

I don’t have any issues or problems with art in all of its venues but in a piece where a genesis takes place
It works in all regards to what the contributor sat out to achieve when he first set out to follow the high
Success of another I believe it contextually sets the stage both figuratively and literally it captures
Human endeavor and at the same time it identifies the human condition in particular isolation feeds
Through the lens as the central figure anchors and also carries you into the emotional drift and struggle
Leaving you at once the forceful revealer then one lost in limbo to the whims of life and its ongoing
Struggle to fit and find your place it is the greatest feeling when you find intellectual stimulation and
Feel the exhilaration of accomplishment I wish to contend for the whole why take bits and pieces that
Can’t satisfy the cry of the human heart you were made with realness that at its center there was
Purposely left a void that aches and longs for completeness art in all of its forms are outer blessings by
Them you are given a soulful knowing an invisible world supersedes the world you can see feel and
Touch to persist and try to twist realty to fit your truth only brings pain and misunderstood anxiety a
Superior world exists it bleeds through the fabric of time and space leaving you with more delusion
Throwing you into emotional overload you soon deplete all reserve energy you were not made to
Receive from this world alone the sustaining graces and power you’re a creature on its own trying to
Do the impossible you have ideas that flush you at once with great anticipation but then disaster looms
How what do I do to make them real you only take in the practical order you are a treasure that was
Made to hold even a greater treasure in these vessels of clay you are the building of a master you think
In common terms I can buy that I am a small structure when your real worth is measured as a temple no
Wonder your inner life cries out in protest against such low shallow living you are made with every need and
Answer your made pure a cleansed vessel that is sacred a wonder of splendorous heights and
Dimensions that defy explanation your mind is dead your soul exists but it is lifeless the spirit of man
Keeps you alive if only in dullness you are deficient of the true spirit that is all powerful all knowing
You subsist on air and water and foods that only bring faltering weakness open your heart and soul to
Him that is real feel the colossal man or woman you really should be you will tower over a broken world
That as it continues is going to start to crumble your destiny was laid out before the stars were formed
Your destiny is to be kings and priests of an eternal everlasting kingdom and you dare to beg and ask
who am I where do I come from where am I going it is waiting it is all spelled out in the book
Sa Sa Ra  Jul 2015
When I hear...
Sa Sa Ra Jul 2015
~When I hear 'Jesus said if you ask in my name it will be done', I hear and understand that what you ask and intend in the name of LOVE is most appropriate, the remedy to the problematic conditions being sought to be overcome and we are creating possibility on our part which nonetheless does not mean that others are an extension of our will, so therefor lead by exemplification. That action is already the first success and fulfillment.
Connect be with the one source and you are doing your part. Do not think that some God is failing you, or you're not connected or ready but that we are interdependent with one another and must understand in our consciousness that which is only a subset of information, that we are blinded by that light, that consciousness (what wakefully we are aware of here) is not the totality of what 'I Am' Is or the We and Any All.
Have faith in love for it is an appropriate force to wield. Otherwise faith is a force we all wield as it is anyway, regardless of other definitions. Bring light to the notion (accept rather than deny) that we do know the difference between what is love, appropriate in real time, as time and all with flows along. We can remain rooted and grounded from within and as love, from which we are first off and All Is Sprung, ANYWAY.
'Every knee shall bow.'
It is love that is in time will not be deniable. Tragic most so when death is the revealer, that is to say when taken to the grave and not while breathing, heart beat, beating here still...
We can try to rebel, experiment this here otherwise. Succeeding in these failings and the tragedies are most acute, always understood at various levels by thee involved, and or till some true forgiveness wipes fresh once again. Ultimately a self correcting force (LOVE that is), having our own will is just an integral loving part of it, itself. It Is All, shares every bit of itself, narcissistic in a wondrous way...we may become It's (possessive yet free, within the bounds of all nature) celebrated witnesses to the infinite perspectives and simple prowess indeed it all and we are nonetheless.
Key; it is all about what is here now already. More so is here, in addition too what we consider beyond, rather than more so all else is within the here now. For anything that might be useful to know, understand or practice for some afterlife...
It is infinitely more pertinent, potent and poignantly powerful in and for the here now of our embodiments.
I have suggested our will, and willingness is the ultimate path maker, breaker and taker. Amazing to understand that all that is most acute that will make what may be a difference none short of what heaven and or hell is like, right here on earth, embodied.~
~Temple body, temple earth!!!~
~This will or which I can call the X-factor is changeable by our whims ultimately and only. That it can shift, be shifted, will and does so even subtly, if acutely aware or not. Though all that can or does follow can be instantaneous, that is our will and the powerful deep reaching impacts.~
I look forward to this;
~'that', 'greatest show on earth'~
~and the 'greater things', his-story, her-story and our story and stories as we claim or seem to know them or not!!! This prowess is wondrous, it is!!!~
Umm WOW!!! heart emoticon heart emoticon smile emoticon
~The problems are here and inherent, illusory yet (may be) easily discerned, solvable yielding an ever increasing wonder of the unfolding futures of universal desires, some would call our 'inherent rights' and some 'our rightful inheritance'. Our past and present will support more so by our gregarious natures than have to have it condemn ourselves and one another with our otherwise self pitying defiant wreckages, by other nature. And remain in some status quo of too many everyday offensive defensive ploys.~
~I leave the further ponderous wonders as they have always been, yours!!!~ ~ heart emoticon heart emoticon R
<3 <3 :) :) R
Hira malik Jun 2019
In an isolated system of demarcation
The juvenility flourish
Like a dead sea
Stagnant for ages
And fish surviving from the air within!
The cult of being survivor
And seeker at the same is
So demolishing,
That....; the demon inside , beg for liberation even.
A pearl deep in the sea, the colour of rainbow after rain in falling day
A glimpse from the side of ur eyes, for the face of beloved,
These all unsuals are so enthralling , high and above the smook of ****!
The tunes of all these sounds, i envelop deep down my heart, under folds of its colours, floating in the red blood
So after death,only concealers could reveal the reality and do remedy!

— The End —