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The Ripper Apr 2016
                               ­  vv
a glimmering surface
nor eye vvill peek upon

lip locked by token
a black ketch lies splintered
avvaiting *for you

to redeem it
so redeem it!
You dropped the anchor 6212017
NanaJustice  Dec 2014
Cheer Up
NanaJustice Dec 2014
Ever had that feeling that no one cares even the people who constantly say things like am here for you but is never around the ones who say just call me and when you do they don't answer , people who make promises and never commit but isn't a promise a comfort to a fool , then call me stupid cause I  fell for it several times  am way pass the stage of a fool .
I got trust issues!! and its way pass crazy when you find that you  don't even trust your mother when you can't look at her and crack a smile for a few seconds because in the blink of an eye she takes it away.
I had a nightmare last night and I wake up trying to ketch my breathe but the truth  is it was my reality standing in front of everyone and no one can see me dying .
My alarm went off and this time I didn't  even know what for, screaming and beating ,cursing and scowling my mother went off from 6 -8 in the morning, lord know this my favorite way to wake up  giving me enough energy to go through my day all gloomy and **** but he always seem to cheer me up with the sound of his voice cause its a Cole world and all I gotta do is CHEER UP .

cause even through the joy i feel the pain even when it sun i feel the rain even when am  high i feel the low likes that's all I know and lord knows i can't complain cause even when i do it feels the same getting high just to fight the lows cause that all i know .....
So cheer up

Ellis Reyes Apr 2013
These words are a sock, soft and warm from the dryer

These words are bits of glass, attacking my ears:
Jactation and

These words are brass-knuckled fists to the face
Desert One
My Lai
Nine One One

These words are a sneaky cat, slithering here and there

These words are unknown to everyone but me. Private words for private thoughts.
S M Chen Jan 2017
Picasso reported a theft
By art thieves who barely had left.

"Did you see them?" cops prodded.
"I think so."  He nodded.

"Perhaps you could sketch them
To help us to ketch them."

So he sat down to draw
And they watched him with awe.

After they knew
What Pablo drew,

Arrests swiftly came.
I cite them by name:
Mandolin, guitar, and horse.

But do I jest?  Of course.
The Good Pussy May 2015

                          ketchup relish
                        mustard ketchup
                       relish mustard ket    
                      chip relish mustard
                           ketchup relish
                           mustard ketch
                           up relish must
                           ard ketchup re
                           list mustard ke
                           tchup relish m
                           ustard ketchup
                           relish mustard
                           ketchup  relish
                           Mustard  ketch
                           up relish  must
         mustard relish        mustard ketchup
      Relish mustard ket  chup relish mustard
    ketchup relish must ard ketchup relish m
      mustard ketchup         relish mustard    
           Ketchup                          relish
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
One continuous first poem of the day

I read. You read.
We will:

Overcome forebear forswear get new styling hair, inculcate deviate initiate intimate feelings only we can share, participate be late create poetry only you and I can speak, always seek quietly seek refine remind design the no din no sin atmosphere right here always fair in sickness in health share the wealth that words give, heal the feel the fantasy and the real you gift to me, heart heart hearted the good, the wonderful, the rad,
Even the just so so and even the bad for ore refined becomes precious metal fellas, not a rap just a hap in a late inning, game tied, brain sun fried wouldn't lie we r down by seven, heaven would be to write a poetry in the the in between stretch, or sail a ketch just me and thee making up schemes and dreams wordplay as foreplay whattya say say ok say to nite we do it my way why babe cause what you say is my way one way street sign pointing up later we sup on franks and beans and caviar won't get far maybe to the head and  then the bed  because I like salty caramel really swell and that the flavor I savor when lips greet and Nate doesn't fall asleep in mid composition with fingernail incision wake u up to seal the deal cause I am woman and get what I need when I need why else to keep you around not for silly limerick nope I want your
Soul my only goal I want you whole not in part stop writing that ridiculous ness  make a mess of me in me sweet liberty of thee I sing alarm ring six fifteen go to yoga but take off that toga so I can warm you before the session leaving me so not Cairo yeah you better comb you hair or everyone will know you know what remains unfinished bizy ness tween us
just like this rave this rant in crazy cant I can and will send at the turn at the end at the bend for you to add it would make glad so start to speak mail me the continuation so the end to amend and this continuous unedited befriended work of **** will forever grow and all will be contented by the only poem ever writ by geeks and nerds and twits like me carry  my baton carry on stream and scheme send each one of you additions and I will add to this first edition and we will write the greatest work ever ever so communicate there is no late years from now brown cow I will be adding the longest running show on Hello mellow and if you want to be anonymous see that's fine but I love your names and giving credit all credit yours so take this and start this banger end this fray crazy notion slightly askew whom among you will be the first for there will never be a last if the chain remains
shaqila:   continue your work of ****? - haha! ok here goes!
to one and all, be all in all, for all, now, then and after, perhaps, sometimes never, life is and was, even though, however, it all starts!

Natasha V: We are a never ending chain, a freestyle type of gain for one and all if you want, add few words on anything, love and passion sadness or pain, exagerate all you want tease and taunt, don't you dare spare, don't feel shy, keep the work of **** flowing, after all, it's all about feeling free to ignore Nat and being me...or yourself :D

**Complete this arc if you can,
Are you poet or just an ordinary man?
Some poems never end,
Nor meant too.
Alliterative phrases, invitations,
Add a verse, a word, even a sound,
An exclamation of delight,
A stanza in its own right.

Unfinished work, forever additive, collaborative.
Modify mine, pass it on,
Free to steal it,
For ownership passes to you,
with your first reading,
And lost when you close it,
Stamp it and release it into the atmosphere.

Initiated July 13th 2013
Finished July 13th 2313????
Jacky Xiang Oct 2010
Dear porcelain, would I were perfect as you art,
Not in dull translucence do you shine,
Gleaming brilliance cloaked yet unmarred,
Mirror mirror of conscious dreams of mine.

The distant chime, chime of deathly knells,
Of shattered pebbles down scented lunar peaks,
Of soft crystal frost into the veil they fell,
Let my masks abscond, leaving eyelids weak.

Such sweet ache plagues my nightly mares,
Loveless lone splendor beneath blacken skies,
Nap 'tween the orchards ripe with pears,
Awakenings torn asunder the happy lies.

Sail-less ketch off candle-lit cavern shores,
Colossal etched symbols of Hecate's spells,
Till desire and woe to oblivion they soar,
Will gladly blunder through all seven Hells.

Absent from day's eye are the auric beams,
Silent be the hymn from above, off-tune flutes,
In motion I stand in fear of reluctant dreams,
Wounded peregrine looking at the open blues.
I dedicate this poem to all the fantastic people I've met at CEDA.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2015
poetry composed in perfect silence
doesn't exist...
for there is no such thing,
perfect silence

there are no
noise canceling headphones,
a coachable prevent defense,
protecting my inner ears from
hearing words forced to the surface,
loudly spoken, up floating
unto the mind's constancy of enraging waters,
the highest definition of
mental disquiet,
the imperfect silence

frag grenades, IED's detonate,
all nicknames for the brain's multi-voices,
all argue raucous,
unafraid of exposure,
over~shouting to be heard,
freely secure in the
seeming silent privacy
of my brain,
mine owned
internecine mental slaughterhouse

and yet,
what I write down,
mine to keep...

my home,
and my mind,
an isle,
an atom of Earth
and flesh cells,
split surrounded by a
broad freshwater river

the isle of the mind
spits fingers of land and voices,
injecting themselves into
the two~sided, belly~soft riversides,
forming bays and coves,
hiding places for
crafty human devices

my poor mind,
mind it well,
as this sailing craft called poetry,
now,  but a tiny ketch
to keep me afloat upon the
river surround,
while avoiding the backwash wakes
of larger enemy ships of state,
those who gladly drown me
for pleasure,
enjoying the pretending-to-be-quiet
internal screams denouncing
the myth of perfect silence

but the imperfect
born amidst
imperfect sleep,
the residual,
mine to keep...
I felt you in a space that no one else can find,
Expressed things that weigh beautifully upon my mind,
Touched by your thoughts I can barely comprehend,
I find myself exposed to a brand new kind of friend,
My mind silenced by the sound of my heart beginning to beat,
I felt lost and yet found while attempting to find my feet,
And as you revived the parts of me I never knew,
Or maybe even forgotten waiting on something true,
How can I express what I've never known,
Or begin in what I've never been shown?
Without question the answers sought never to be found,
Without words you gave me something more profound,
Wonderfully written upon my heart I find them everyday,
Yet still I search for the right words to say,
Now I reflect in the wonder of how I could be so small,
Realizing you showed me how I need not words at all,
Without question... One day I opened my eyes and began to see,
Your heart was beautiful enough to finally find me.....  
  For the love of my life ... Feb. 2 2017
as we're planting the seeds of love
we'll harvest a bounty
ah how rich it will be
reaping love's field of plenty

our seeds will be
in a well furrowed patch
so our juices of love
will finely hatch

sowing the seeds of love
a surplus we'll fetch
there will be a booming bonus
in our love ketch

the time is ripe
for our sowing
to begin
our seeds of love
are in the touch
of our skin


in our bed
a harvest
shall grow
as we plant
the seeds of love
in a fruitful row
Geno Cattouse  Oct 2013
I and I
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
Rasta seh **** gone. Rat tek im place.Or when power leaves, the scavenger succeeds.

Roots man seh blood follow vein. Or blood is thicker than ****,

Greedy choke puppy. Or greed ultimately ends in tragedy

Man walk. Dead watch Or death comes at unexpected times.

As close as *** and commode.Or a close friendship.

*** done.Fun done Or goes a fair weather friend.

Old firewood easy fi ketch. Or old wood lights easily (Pertains to old ex lovers who still have feelings toward each other).

Day brok one, one. Or, One day then the next (Time changes all things).
A few of my Belizean  cultural (Creole proverbs in pidgin )

— The End —