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JT  Jun 2016
August in Delmarva
JT Jun 2016
We walk in tandem well past midnight
Summer tempest mad and young
The air charged thick with salt and clouds
And cherry ice still on our tongues;
Sandals dangling off hooked fingers
Remnant sand between our toes, with
Soles pressed lightly to the pavement
Slicked with rain and indigo;
A quiet laughter seals in spaces
Left unfilled by ocean roars, and
Ancient street lamps flicker hazy
As we pass by corner stores;
Joined together hand in hand,
Two bodies wading through the gale
While lightning bounces off the coast
And off your painted fingernails;

Over Seaford on a bridge with
Wind-swept hair and noses red
As leering thoughts about September
Hover over both our heads;
Porch lights crest around the turnpike
We go in through your back door
I plant myself into your sofa
Like the countless times before;
Stories travel back and forth
As storms wage war upon the beach,
Your lips and teeth move like you have
A homily you need to preach;
The talking turns to my departure
As we dry our soaking clothes
Against the glow of TV screens
With hearts and bodies left exposed;

Staring future in the eye
And met with nothing but abyss
I say with all my confidence
That I know this and only this;
It must have been an intervention
Of some Godly, cosmic breed
That gave me August in Delmarva
And a chance for us to meet;
When I’m settled back at home,
Your cadence just a reverie,
The transience of our acquaintance
Will have no effect on me;
Of all the talks we did exchange,
Not one has ever carved so deep
As when you told me everything
Upon the briny Chesapeake.
Re-uploading old stuff.
is your beauty
your mystery
sustains you

once upon a time
we dipped bowls
into your waters
and brought up
draughts of life

Skipjacks go
fathoms deep
into endless

dead zones
into a sea of

your delicate
eco-essence tips
toward oblivion

effluvia farmers
layer mechanized
blankets of
nitrates on your
sunset shores
green tendrils
of algae blooms
strangling the
of all links in
your miraculous
food chain

the EPA
a Jenny Craig
pollution diet
to halt the
slaughter in
dead zones
where rockfish
are garroted,
oysters get drilled
by screwworms
and azure tinted
soft shell *****
dance soft
shoe taps
lifting a tinny
chorus of sad
Piedmont Blues

the flat-lining
rocking the
purged nests of
screaming ospreys
in vocal protest
of a sinking
Tangier Isle
anointing it’s
of unvisited
cemeteries with

to the lost
and forgotten
sinking into the
brine of gray
brackish tides

Delmarva’s fine
balance skewed
by the oozing
industrial swill
of Frank Perdue
chicken farms
ruling the roost of
sanctioned sustainability
tinging clear watersheds
of finger lakes
set in splints to
repair dislocations
and complex
compound fractures
that may never heal

Music Selection:
Taj Mahal: Fishin Blues

Matt  Jul 2015
Crops In Trouble
Matt Jul 2015
I have lived in this area for the better part of my 66 years on this earth. Most years we have a garden. This year is no exception. Strange weather has taken it's toll on the plant life. I have never seen such a sorry growing season as this one. Squash and cucumber plants have all died!! Tomato plants are spindly, and most tomatoes rot before they can be harvested. We have to pick them green and let them ripen on the windowsill. The same for the pepper plants. Normally, at this time we have an abundance, and are able to share with neighbors. Not this year! The other day we went to a local Amish farm stand that we frequent. Their stand should be brimming full of produce. They had maybe 25% of normal. It was sobering, to say the least! They had no squash, as theirs also died. They didn't have much of anything. Their fields look as bad as our garden! The only crop that seems unaffected is the (most likely GMO) corn - which is doing great!

Flowers are faring no better. In years past there has been an abundance of butterflies, as we plant flowers that attract them. So far we have only seen one or two butterflies!!! The flowers that attract them are a sorry looking lot. We have an almond tree, which the local squirrel's enjoy in the fall. We noticed a frantic squirrel the other day, devouring the not yet ripe almonds. The way the plants are looking, this area will be blessed to have any vegetables or flowers left in August. No way will any make it until fall!

We have also noticed a return of buzzards. At our local park they are now everywhere again. They are not afraid of people or other animals. They will let a human get as close to three feet from them before they move away. So arrogant! They seem to know that they are soon to partake of a feast, as "where the carcass is, the vultures gather". So says Jesus. Walking our five dogs past them was rather creepy.

The local health department says bird flu is heading to this area by September. The Delmarva peninsula is home to many, many poultry farms - including Perdue, and supplies much of the mid- Atlantic and beyond, with poultry and eggs. It looks like we are heading into a fall/winter of shortages. I hope everyone has heeded the watchman's warnings - as if not - time is just about up!

I pray that each of the Lord's people will be able to endure to the end. May Lord Jesus bless all who are his!

Shalom, Dolores
redemptioneer  Dec 2015
redemptioneer Dec 2015
i've gone to war with my own skin.
i'm sorry i never bloomed. leave all the things i wish i was on top of here.
i never grew wings.
you will not find me here.
i never could find myself.
my bed might still smell like me.
please, whatever you do, burn that notebook.
i wanted someone to read it.
i never had a someone.
my heart lies over the delmarva.

— The End —