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shadow girl Aug 2014
Waking up in dreamland and seeing all these magnificient things
White horses galloping round and round in a circle
Unusual pink sharks swimming about in the ocean
Teeny tiny peope living in cute small homes
A nice big garden with the most colourful and beautiful flowers
Waiting to be picked
A lighthouse out in the middlle of nowhere
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
You destroyed movements that would have bettered my peope
As a white devil you're enslaving those who are weak minded and making it a sequal.
You took my friends away and stole all the traits that once made them bold.
You have them lying and stealing from me which overtime made my heart so cold.

Because of you its genocide in the street where people slowly **** one another
Two paths with you, you either die or go jail, the false life of getting rich is how you got my brother.
So lets sum it up that I have never messed you but some how by taking away family and friends you took away a piece of me.
I just pray that the black plague you are will just be removed from the world starting with these streets.
jeffrey conyers  Sep 2012
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
And watch you get a compliment.
And watch others pick up that attitude.
So smile.

Reasons we do.
Just for the joy.
Just for the fun.
Just because you'r happy.
So smile.

You don't need no money to spread your lips part.
Or keep them together to accomplish that.
So smile.

A smile has more power than a frown.
Which takes more veins to turn your lips down.
So smile.

You can enhance anothr person day.
When they realize your happy mood.
Isn't that why we see good in the sun and the moon.
So smile.

Kids do it so easily.
Dentist does it because of their trade.
Some doctors have their days.
Still, they smile.
Watching peope in love.
Brings you to a smile.
Do it.
It worth your wild.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
I have heard peope testify about the wicked one.
But, Satan isn't the one controlling your thumb.

You knew the moment you stole.
That you had broken one, of God written code.

I have heard people state the Devil made me do it.
But, the affair you had didn't involve the serpent in it.

Even the lord knows when people place blame on the wrong people.
That's, why he created all type of seasons to enjoy.
Because someone will accuse him , of favoring someone.

You know like spring and summer belongs to God.
And all the rest belongs to the demon.

I hear people say that the Devil was trying to take over.
Oh, that's a good excuse to use as a cover.
Especially when you are being bad on purpose.
'Cause when you reflect back you remember the good time you had.

So, when people state the Devil made me do it.
They need to look in a mirror and check themselves.
Because the blame should be directed to no one else.
Rights belong to Jeffrey T. Conyers
Anier Marie  Nov 2012
Anier Marie Nov 2012
Without you I would be nothing.
Not something of existence.
Someone in the crowd waiting to be noticed.
Someone looking for that one special lover.

You complete me completely
You make me whole.
I was a decimal
You formed me into a whole number.

I found the missing key to the lock
The one that was pre-formed just for me
It was just meant to be

Peope say we weren't meant for each other.
They said the same thing about PB & J.
They obviously were made to be put together,
and everyone loves em!

The love we have for each other is so crazy
but at so true
Something indescribable
But I just wanted you to know
That I love you(:
Long live Palestine survivors.
From the river to the sea
Palestine is surely free.
The whole world chants a plee
World's children chant boycott Izrahell
Israelites now
their own star of cause and effect a huge defeat is earned.

We don't support genocide.
We detest concentration camps famine torture too
that Gaza people in Palestine endure open bombed crowded extermination camps. Israelite's genocide
actively carrying on as an intimidation show off to show the world **** regime Jewish
Agenda is armed to the teeth.
Against Palestinian beautiful unarmed civilians
Fighting for their own existence against beo **** thugs.
I see red! Genocidal Israelites
blasting new born babes up
Moms and Dads.


I SEE RED: (!We all see red )

1SRAEL your STAR now stinks,
With your billion grave stench
in shreds
digging your own genocidal exile
to your poverty ridden Abyss.

The whole world opposes
Your baby daily
genocidal scoring chants.

To h** with your many other
hidden agendas.
Israel all the planet agree you to give back full immediate payable
restitution to palestinians before all you are court marshalled and exiled.



"Did you really think,
I'd just forgive and forget,
After catching you with her,
Your blood should run cold, so cold

You, you two-timing,
cheap-lying, wannabe
You're a fool,
if you thought that I'd just let this go
I see red, red, oh red

A gun to your head, to all IDF sadist Nazis heads.
Now all I see is red, red, red
Did you really just say,
she didn't mean anything, oh
I'll remember those words,
when I come for you r soul, your souls
Know that you,
you dug your own grave,
now lie in it forgotten broke and alone.
You're so cruel,
but revenge is a dish best served cold
I see red, red, oh red

A gun to your head, to your heads.
Oh! Executioner style,
and there won't be no trial
Don't you know that you're better off dead
All that Earths peope see is red, red, oh red

Now all I see is RED
Run, hide
Oh, you're so done, gone.
Oh, better sleep
with one eye open tonight

I see red, red, oh red, oh
A gun to your head, heads.
Executioner style,
and there won't be no trial
Don't you know,
you're better off dead

All I see is red, red, oh red
Now all I see is red, red.
Read between
this lines, Israel.

Death to genocidal agendas
self proclaimed saints

The chosen ones
are our Palestines
Along with all of us.
Requesting justice.
RIP 100,000 Palestinians death 70.000 under the bombed homes rubble.
Shame on you sinister Satanyahu.
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Another day in the blue
With people who are
Frenemies with the sun as
Hot as a burbinig stove plate
And the day as normal as the safari

Peope lack the energy to
Get thier inquiries so they send me as if i was a deciple a student and they are teachers
But i was raised learning
To do something positive that will in lighten me and never be a sevent to a human they think this is a new day but to me its another day

Another day in the light side
Trying to inhance my tomorrow
Its too blury waiting for the deleting of this day to happen while sitting on a stool and following the shade

Another day
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Another day in the blue
With people who are
Frenemies with the sun as
Hot as a burbinig stove plate
And the day as normal as the safari

Peope lack the energy to
Get thier inquiries so they send me as if i was a deciple a student and they are teachers
But i was raised learning
To do something positive that will in lighten me and never be a sevent to a human they think this is a new day but to me its another day

Another day in the light side
Trying to inhance my tomorrow
Its too blury waiting for the deleting of this day to happen while sitting on a stool and following the shade

Another day
Mateuš Conrad May 2017
i've broken my fast with a, very nice egg fried rice, with chicken,
and mixing sweet sweet chili sauce with soya sauce...
   and i'm watching these youtube channels...
                  thinking: where do they get their energy from?
to talk so much?
                              and where's the water? the water
they're supposed to drink to clear their throats?
                                          it seems many of these peope either
edit quiet a lot, or they haven't taken to talking professionally...
      you talk long enough, you'll become something akin
to a tobacco smoker... sure, you won't be coughing-up
phlegm in the morning, with a tobacco hangover...
    but sure as hell you'll be, quasi-pavarotti, talking, and then
ahem, ahem... hmm mmm... glug of water...
                                right in the sight of naples, going: wow!
naples is in tuscany, right?
                             don't know... i make **** up as i go along,
alongside the stuff i cook... drunk -
saying: if i didn't smoke... this would probably taste batter... better,
n'ah... it wouldn't... you need to numb the palette with
something...     you know the scots deep-fry mars bars?
and pizza slices?
                                    and i thought eating raw herrings
in cream sauce was an extreme...
                                  but about these youtube channels...
where does all the energy come from? how do they even figure out
that it's a bother?
                   the devil was work for idle hands...          w'ah l'ah!
   not exactly a tux, white cotton gloves, and a top-hat
with a rabbit in it... but at least the most possible alternative
to mind...
                              people have so much energy to talk, and talk,
and talk, and protest, and talk, and protest,
                    and combine the two into a chinese circus acrobatics
forming a human house of cards...
                    the mayor of beijing said to the magician
who was supposed to scare the tigers away:
     did you actually growl?  or did you simply say growl?  
what the chung chow fu have i a care for a parrot
                        that i can talk to? scare them! scare them marco polo!
imagine they're mon-gools! orc ghouls!  
                        this is the point about drinking alone...
when you drink... people can basically ruin your little bit
of happiness when buzzing...
        i hate drinking with people... they **** me off within a second's
worth of: snapping your fingers...
                       drinking really becomes a solitary acrobatic...
and all the better for it.
                    it's the talking... i like "thinking" drunk...
   but talking while drunk? that's a ******* gnat birgade all over me...
    i'm like a cow imitating a dog's happy tail waggling,
but actually trying to shake them off...
                        bothersome, bothersome... little... bits and pieces...
    i just dropped a ming dynasty vase... oops...
       likewise: so much for the care for modern conversations
in (a) pub(lic).
                            ping-pong with shadows on the imaginary
scale sounds more entertaining... as much as banging your
head against a brick wall.
                     it's just that i never really heard anything
interesting said by sober people...
    and so much so that... i've never heard anything a drink's
worth of shared time, said by drunk penguins... people, people!
seriously though... how do these people on youtube
who video themselves, have so much energy, and care
to reply to comments, and live-feeds?
                             i'm thinking: rye bread, philadelphia cheese,
and sliced strawberries.
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
society is scared of peopls big ideas.  they all have small wispers saying they cant change the ideas of the ones put in place !
this world should be afraid of me cause i have ideas that could free the ones who had nothing wrong they did.
this world should be afraid of me cause my ideas are strong and officiant and will throw the leader out of his game.

im not crazy or insane. but i will lead one idea till the coruptness ends and no more lives get taken away.

if you want me to go insane on you try me cause i wont let people suffer cause peope ith ideas have ideas that can change the torture and blood shed.

ill go complet ****** on all  of your ***'s till you take the ideas of chang for a better way of life
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
.i don't need to be believed to have to write this ****; mind you, in the past, the best things about h'america was the cultural exports, following the whole made in china "affair", but the cultural export was there... right now? socio-political commentary, which is like weilding to accomplish transversing a desert.

i can't say that my
         experience with "god"
was ever good,
          when it happened:
   hazy, 12 years ago,
it wasn't some sort of epiphany...
far from it...
if aristotle says:
philosophy begins with awe...

   then at least, whatever this is,
begins with a: fear of "god"...
it's not like you suddenly
get a cult following,
   or brand yourself
a mouthpiece...
     i heard a choir,
i had an iPod with me,
turned it on / off during
the "experience"...
then started running around
an empty church,
before hearing
   a grand wind of dispersion...
****, it could have come
from either "up" or "down"...
but it wasn't a "fun" experience...
   much later...
   trying to sell the experience
        conundrum crux...
false prophets,
or whatever you want to call them,
wouldn't mind bypassing
secular standards of acceptance,
amassing a throng
akin to the jonestown massacre...
i know, i know,
people need something to believe in,
i don't have that luxury...
i didn't experience a person,
that.... that wasn't some intimate
experience where i would dare
to utter a single question,
expecting an answer...
                    that was me...
eversholt rd., st. mary's church,
opposite the royal mail group

   i mean, how do you even
come up with some sort of explanation
to the, "experience",
as if it would ever be a "good" thing,
start a cult and ****...
with all the benefits:
but once you're dead...
   and then the waiting game
of life, no life,
attached to a fixation
   of theological jurisprudence,
or rather...
succumbing to:
what "sane" people take for
certainty, belief as a motivational
tool, a boost to free will...
back on earth:
peope are "confused" about
their ***, or ****** preferences...
me? i have to do a juggling act
around something,
that i find people being too comfortable

      you don't get a "1st prize"
for this sort of encounter...
you get... precisely: jack ****...
you receive a momentum
to alleviate belief...
   with a doubling of doubt...
yes, after the experience...
you begin to career in doubt...
you look at the priests
and, remain, bewildered...
  maybe just a scenario of testing
           was i lost?
was it the marijuana:
   such simple explanations had
no affect on me...
well... if only sober,
judge-strict people had that
sort of experience...

   a ******* choir descended as i lay
under a side altar of st. mary's church
wrapped in a white altar cloth...
thinking would be somehow
claustro-phobia-****** and
absolutely no freedom...
    if people are boasting...
i didn't even hear a word,
   but a menacing presence
that dispersed the choir...
back to the gavin mcinnes criticism
of Islam...
   (a) is the quran a problem
    (b) the prophet being a warlord
  (c) inbreeding...
   but there's a (d) aspect...
  why do muslims have no
fear of god?!
   muslims don't have a fear of god...
maybe reading some
of h. p. lovecraft
will be sobering...
   and i'm drunk,
while talking about sobering points...
**** me...

       muslims do not
allow themselves a fear of (their) god...
punching-bag take it all,
     the sins of the past,
up until the age of 21,
everything seemed orientating,
after the age of 21:
disorientated as if after
a tarantula bite...
or what?
             if everyone, sober,
   had the capacity to experience
"god", well, that would "somehow"
clarify things,
but it's certainly no standard
of crafting excuses,
there are still secular sensibilities
to be minded...
      i kept my mouth shut,
because i presupposed that there
would be, no chance for kudos,
free rides,
a pope-esque stature...

      then would come the atheists...
and that would take
the core reason of argument...
resembling something
akin to playing football...
without a ball...

              good riddance...
given the experience, i allowed myself
   i somehow managed to sustain it...
but the burden, the inability to
provide factual evidence,
akin to a schizophrenic experiecing
suspicious "whispers" in his "ear"...
how many stoners can you find
that experience
   these sort of "delusions"...

esp. after being indocrinated
via a catholic pedagogy?
how many paedohpile clerics of
the collar?
                carte blanche on the whole
affair of the protruding larynx?
the tonsure is in now way
elevating the concept of the kippah?
i also have a fear:
the fear of plagiarißing someone,
originality can only serve me
to find a debased stature of "sin"...
i drink to calm myself,
i visited prostitutes
   to get away from
                  the harangue of women...

best fwend (" "), a blank piece of paper,
but i see sane people making complaints
about revising the existence of
   while i just keep thinking
about digging a hole,
  and planting a cherry tree,
     the "orthodox" madmen are
willing to experience
   a hard-on when it comes
to the mildly insane...

                 while the whole world,
eh, *****-nilly, simply, "happens"...
for someone who has seen
how his freedom,
has been translated from
a physical reality,
to a metaphysical cut-off little richard
and replaced with a strap-on...
   whatever depth i was supposed
to be given in an expansion allowance,
this is it,
  i've heard the zenith,
but now comes the nadir...
       disguised solipsism,
this whole
   self-determination lock,
mild autism,
or whatever you want to call it...
   irreplaceability complexes...
the current day-to-day theatre of
     and the sobering after-thought
of having to attend a funeral...

last time i attended one,
it was my great-grandmother...
i refused to throw a rose
into her grave...
   then some funeral-crasher...
a woman,
decided it was necessary
   to speak up against me...
what was it that she said?
    right... now i remember:
'oh, isn't he generous!'
strangling her wasn't on my mind,
but now, it is...
              it's much easier
to forget egoism,
when you have phantoms of visage
                          to strangle...

of course i didn't throw that rose
into her grave,
i spent a few hours
after the drunken wake
thinking about her,
           gritting my teeth
until i managed to grind
a chip of one of the teeth,
and gently playing with a candle...
until the rose started to
turn purple,
    from its deep centered

            i'm seriously past
making a theological debate,
or an atheistic counter argument...
as if there's a god,
and he's a pervert...
   an existential ******...
i don't think that's how it works...
the simplest answer,
is that of an atheist,
who takes the worst
of man, and ascribes
it to a god entity... which is...
as kant prescribed...
working from all the phenomena
that can be explained...
if there's only one god,
"it" is a noumenon...
                                    a per se...

i pray i can leave this place,
knowing less,
than what i arrived here with,
demanded to know more
and more, and some more...
lapsing into a bed,
that seemingly perpetual
placebo of sleep,
                      it's no more
a haunting presence,
than having to spar
a friendship with nothing more,
than your own shadow...

            brief human interactions
will justify
   this lapse of making
      sound scrutiny of
   how else, to find a rare
variant of happiness...
        when stating
                              a grievance?

the toll: of the awaiting fact
of one's own mortality,
death is no more a worry
than the mortal fact -

    as much an original sin,
as the unoriginality
of the concept of free will...
           then yeah...
the "original" sin is a misnomer
for the casual sprechen
of plagiarism;
but humans will not deviate
from the temptation,
of imitating others,
i guess... its a paradox...
of being indoctrinated
into a brief interlude of pedagogy.

— The End —