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Finley in Despair
Kathryn Paige
Ohio    Too weird to live, too rare to die.
paige v
New York    grow up, kid.
17/F    Just a teenager whose mind feels more complex than the rest
sania opai
Being able to write something worth reading makes me happy ♥ Not a regular writer, do it when I feel like it! Copyright 2k19 © …
Savanna Paige
23/F/Somewhere Daydreaming    Just A Girl Who’s Proud, To Finally Be Living Her Truth Out Loud... W/ The Help Of Rhyming Words, Of Course! ; )
Paige Error
19/F    404 error: The Paige that you are looking for is currently down try coming back later.
F    At the touch of love EVERYONE becomes a poet; The poems that I write usually do with my personal life, and I have found that …
Maytin Paige
writer. dreamer. athlete. photographer. coffee addict.
23/F/Ohio    You can get to know me through my poetry
Go ahead, reading isn't a crime.
forever trying to describe flawless moments with insufficient words
Ajey Pai K
24/M/New Delhi, India    I am a computer scientist with a bent for poetry.
Paige Prince Stewart
Katherine Paist
Atlanta, Georgia    Katherine Paist/21/Creative Writing major at Georgia State/inarticulate I keep lists of words that I like in a notebook and sometimes I piece them together in …
Stephen Paige
Vince Paige
50/M/Portage, MI    My hobbies are walking to places and then walking back; lifting heavy things and then putting them back down; and watching other people do more …
Hailey Paige
Minnesota    I'm just trying to find my smile again, one day at a time.
Paige Hatcher
Dothan, AL    "One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." - Jack Kerouac
Aenya Paine Fike
55/F    Temporal lobe epileptic with a compulsion to versify and play with words. Still learning my way around. Please be patient with me. Thanks.
F/:)    no one reads this

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