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strawberry fields
PK Wakefield
Sean Critchfield
Writes poetry from the bottom of his old busted heart.
Anthony Mayfield
25/M/Santa Clara, CA    I'm random, I'm fancy, I'm a nerd, I like tacos, "thing". The end.
Daisy Fields
13/F/Armidale    Bi-Sexual, Always be true to yourself I don't make mistakes I date them( Just to clarify I do make mistakes)
M/Canada    Organic farmer ,retired writing on mirakee, instagram as, near_lane7, Very observant, solitary mind usually first draft
AJ Mayfield
North Carolina    Do I bleed because I hold the lovely rose, Or is the rose so lovely because I bleed to hold it Mayfield …
Kendra Canfield
Washington    I am the no one nothing no good nobody.
Savannah Satterfield
Grass Valley, California    My words are sad and like vomit.
Keely Hartfield
Alexandra Garfield
In order to, I was given a thorn
Field Of Moons
Damien Randerfield
Phillippines    Hey guys! I like to write on this website as part of a way to release my emotions, and to relieve stress. In a sense, …
Brianna Sutterfield
My name is Brianna. I've always had a passion for writing and I love music. I write mostly as a way to vent and cope. …
M/New York    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within …
Yasmin Greenfield
F/Earth    Just a recreational poet keeping it real. Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated :) Plagiarism is not
Lily Mayfield
I love to write poetry but I am going to school to become a nurse :) I love country and rock for music. Lily Mayfield …
Shyloh Hatfield
San Diego, CA    To Whom It May Concern, My name is Shyloh and I'm a 21 year old who has been through more than most people my age. …
Samantha Mayfield
Omaha    Lover. Dreamer. Believer in good things. (Disclaimer: These poems are non-commercial, personal poems to be used for educational or research purposes only. "Fair use" is …
Maya Fields
15/F/Arkansas    Hi, I'm 15. I started writing poetry at 11 and have two poetry books (not super out there of course). I'm trying to get my …
Millie Caulfield
London    16 and ungainly with a passion for mexican food

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