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Jackie  Apr 2014
Choose Weed
Jackie Apr 2014
Choose ****. Choose a dealer. Choose your rolling papers. Choose a ****. Choose mind numbingly long conversations about **** all. Choose home grown. Choose frequent holidays to amsterdam. Choose red eyes. Choose the biggets pizza ever for when the munchies kick in. Choose paranoia. Choose chilling with mates. Choose hallucinating about a giant green hedgehog following you home. Choose watching Cheech and Chong. Choose skunk. Choose super skunk. Choose hiding your stash from the police. Choose spilling ***** **** water on your carpet. Choose a fake jamaican accent. Choose space cakes. Choose your future. Choose ****.
Chuck  Jan 2013
Gangsta Poet
Chuck Jan 2013
I'm the best, there ever was
Can't get with me, at da club
Other poets, need to respect
My reputation, I'll protect
I got a 9, pen in my hand
Write your name, in the sand
To me, you can't never stand
I ain't afraid, to let out a curse
Write you in, an ugly verse
I'm da best, you da worst

You can't, stay with my meter
I spit sick, iambic pentameter  
I'm da truth you da cheater
You rhyme like Armstrong rides
You have to dope, ya got no rhymes
You da Cheech I'm da Chong
I write, you smoke da ****
You da burger, I'm da veal
I earn likes, you freakin still
You got da, cheesy *** rhymes
Droppin' words, like love & sublime
I put the free, in free verse
You all about, Nonsense Verse
I drop a sonnet, makes his head Shake
I'm the Chaucer, you da fake
I'm a Lyric, you the Lune
You can't quit writen', too crazy soon
Your stuff is dirt, mines the moon
You want a challenge, get in the ring
I'll make you cry but your mama sing

You'all poets, you got to know
You da fluff, I'm da show
I'm the king of the poets, HELLO
Thought it would be funny to be a gangsta poet. For the record, no disrespect to poets or rappers. I wrote this for fun. I like rap.
John F McCullagh Dec 2011
In Brooklyn, in these hectic times,
if Mom-hood gets you down
you need a little pick me up
so you won't fret and frown.

When we boomers were just babies
Mom might have a glass of wine.
Just enough to take the edge off
and leave her feeling fine.

But Generation X and Y
are more like Cheech and Chong
when baby gets your dander up
It's time to light a ****.

A little **** of Mary Jane
gives Moms a pause to sigh.
"Good night Moon" is a gripping read
when Mom is flying high.

Put the little Prince to bed
before Mom has a fit.
Motherhood is stressful
she just needs to take a "hit"

When the" little terrors" get you down
Just think - "this too will pass"
sneak off and roll yourself a joint
We know you have a stash.
Inspired by a New York Post article detailing recreational marijuana use among Young Mother's in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Lighting up has replaced a glass of wine as the go to choice of Moms in need of stress relief.
Ottis Blades  Nov 2012
Ottis Blades Nov 2012
Once upon a time in an alternate universe not too long ago
I met the cheekiest babe from the other side of the world.
She went by Smurfette, she loved to call me Papa Smurf
and Vanity wasn’t gay, the ******* just loved himself too much.

She always sat by the window, detoxicating herself of verses
cranking out a few lyrics, scoping the city in the trenches.
Of the love we waged never wavering and waving a white flag
“I’m gonna put you to bed” were all our wars went to die.

But I was more than alive, inside the land from down under
called her Daphne the Nymph, the voluptuous Greek Goddess.
Wanted to raise little Koalas together in our Kangaroo farm
in every kiss we traded souls, in every breath we lost our lives.

And we gained them again back when the Jitneys were blue
our sweat-drenched bodies overtaken by some strange voodoo.
Every ship we embarked on was lost in the Atlantic without return
James Bean captained our vessel, holding it together with crazy glue.

In New York City locked lips inside a phone booth, it was euphoria
she was already born a Queen since she hailed from Astoria.
Our Bohemian Rhapsody blended like Cheech & Chong on a ******
her pouty lips, ****** smile, five years later how can I forget her?

Her voice, beautiful sparrow, vocal chords stone carved like no other
and yet normally speaking she sounded like the Crocodile Hunter
Soaked the landscape of her essence, remembrance without a beat
the song she wrote about us, plays in my heart eternally on repeat.
When I was 14 in 04
it was the first time I touched dope
had a ****
it made me choke
next thing you know
I was blowing O's
Like Cheech and Chong's "Up In Smoke"
I made friends and I met foes
learn the hard way that's how the game goes
I cuff women and I pass hoes
stay with a cigar like I'm Castro
thinking bout moving where the grass grow
so I can be part of the cash flow
life aint nothing but a gamble
don't try things that you can't handle
you get ran up and dismantled
I seen life blow out like a candle
All My soldiers strapped up like Rambo
while they wasting money on Lambos
We buying ammo
and more camo
I've seen people flip flop like a sandal
why my neighbors looking at me like a vandal
I'm so handsome where's my damsel
I hope I find her for my life is canceled
I want a queen that's worth a king's ransom
Not another girl just to say we ran some.
© 2013
Jeanette Jan 2013
You are still a good person when you wake up naked
next to a man you don't remember
you are still a good person when you have to find out his name
by digging through the mail sitting on his kitchen table.

You are a good person when you call your brother's girlfriend
that word that she often acts like.

You are a good person when you take free drinks from men at bars
without returning a favor.

You are still a good person when you choose to let go of your parent's religion.

Don't let the ghosts of guilt dance outside of your windows,
like flames,
they will engulf you.

Don't pray for forgiveness,
forgive yourself.

Don't be cocky,
don't get walked upon,
you are worth not more than them, but you are worth just as much.

Cool it a little on the ***, Cheech and Chong,
it makes you inarticulate
and your dad will find your stash one day,
and flush it  all down the toilet.

Say thank you more often and be more sincere.
People will not always be kind,
know that it is special when they are.

Stay in one spot, even after you **** everything up,
let it breath, you'll see it's not so bad.
Know that the ugly sits in all of us regardless if we
stay long enough to let anyone else see it or not.

When counting friends, count them on one hand,
bigger numbers will never mean "less alone."
Choose quality over quantity every time.

Let people finish their sentences,
don't pretend to know what they are going to say;
You do not now, and will never... know it all.

When the first boy you love treats you like something that is
disposable or easily replaced,
don't cheat on him.
LEAVE, GO, Don't look back!
Relationships are not jail sentences,
you don't owe them time.
Besides, his forgiveness
will never mean you can forgive yourself.

When that one other boyfriend introduces
you to his friends as his roomatte,
don't later follow him to bed.
Demand that he treats you like you would like
your future daughter to be treated.
Because you are somebody's daughter,
and your mother, she loves you a **** of a lot!

Don't be afraid to run home when your heart hurts.
Your mother's house will be clean and
it will smell like fresh coffee early in the mornings.
Drink your coffee by the kitchen window
watch the sunlight saturate the fruit trees.
let your mother kiss your forehead, then say goodbye.
Remember, there was a reason you left.

One last thing…
When that one terrible thing happens
that you don't often talk about
Don't blame yourself for hiding, and crying.
Don't shake in crowded rooms,
don't need ***** to talk to strangers.
Please, don't question why it didn't mess her up
like it messed you up.
You saw her scars that could be easily seen
but you will never see the ones she hides beneath her skin.

I bet you want to know if things get better
Um, I'm not sure they do.
Things do get different
and somehow,
when you get to that point, different will be enough for you.
Everybody open ya eyes 
Cause the world is full of lies 
No saprize media got ya 
Following peeps you don't even know 
Say bro they slamming ya like bones 
They stay coming prone with the drones 
They watching you watching me watching he 
I know its confusing but its a spiritual fusion 
Dr Jekyll vs Mr Hide homicides cover daily 
And the enemy stays concealed 
While the minorities get hit the bill Capitol Hill
Ain't never been real.
Its no more sunny days or rainy days 
Just nothing darkness across the skies 
Once again open ya eyes and realize 
They don't care about you 
Or success ya go through 
They just want you 
To be a robotized chipped and off in order 
Pay attention to the pecking order 
It goes one for the show two for the money 
Three for the dummy four ya wrapped up like a mummy mentally tryna see 
What the **** can ya do to feed ya family 
But the **** just gets worse from.religion to stool pigeons 
What the hell ya thinkin? 
Jesus even said expose the wicked 
But pastors use the bible as a meal.ticket 
I'm sick of it the ******* they spreading 
Its Armageddon 
Am strapped you strapped? 
Voluminous ammunition my ambitions 
Is to tare the machine 
To shreds its social stratification 
Got us in a confined hesitation 
In a tight situation you waiting 
And they making laws with mild debating 
And I'll be sitting wait for themto 
Come knock at the door
Blast them with my c4 *******
Revolution is the only solutions 
We got to spread the knowledge
From.the mothers fathers sons to daughters 
I'm the maven 
Telling you be vigilant to the 
Pecking order

Signs was giving since the beginning 
Of mans existence 
Too.much money in the world 
To be having pestilences 
While ya straddling the fence 
I'm get tense 
Clutched ******* I'm far from.weak 
While they playimg hide and seek 
I'm the meek 
Tryna to inherit but they taking 
Civil rights away 
So how can I pray for better days? 
Its seems the holier I get 
The more sin seems to fit 
Into these business world 
Immutable bylaws 
No love for the poor its wicked
Say they got the solution 
But steadily shooting 
Down freedom fighters and truth writers 
Even got wires 
On wire everything ya say is recorded 
Aliens exported then imported 
Invoked all the constitutional rights 
They say white is right 
And black is still wack? From 
The media spinning that ******* 
Too keep ya high on 
Suckas more confused 
Than a ball.passing through 
Ping pong hit the cheech n chong 
To pass by memories 
Enemies don't get a chance to see me 
Frown bow down 
This is the new order from coast to coast 
Border to border 
Pay attention to the peck'in order 
Jake muler Oct 2015
I couldn't wake up by a cappuccino today
Took me a red bull, one pink and purple stacker - from stop n shop. And a cup of coffee, Now I'm ******* my head off, hands are shaky, eyes tired, got more energy than an American stripper. And trying to ease down, just not happening. Like Chong said to cheech- You took the wrong stuff man, the wrong stuff,the wrong stuff. This bites!
Duran Cawpart Jul 2014
I met her early on
Our journey became long
She gave me the gift of song
Held my hand and told me to come along
Woke me up like the bang of a gong
Fed me well to build me strong
She became the Cheech to my Chong
The King to my Kong
She even helped me to write my wrong
Two friends of mine....with whom I'll always share my ****!
Santiago May 2015
Just business
That's all it is
Y las puertas del infierno
Is who you working with
See that corpse
It's been reanimated
It's under my control
Young trucos the greatest
Money gangs
Are all around
So ah jacker get no sleep
That's how we get down
It's World War C
To pay for the sequel
Muthufuckers getting smoked
And that's what it equals
Estoy arriba
From that Cheech and Chong
Badass joint so I can work on my song
Top half black Chucks
And some black bandannas
My face like ah stoke
Got the black ski mask
Es como yo trabajo
Rappers getting guerra
Con palabra los mato
That's ah deadline
I'm ah make em me
If not they get found
******* dead in the street
I got weapons and tactics
I deploy on you
Situation getting happy
With that sinister crew
Out of the blue
Here come the Tommy guns
We're just getting started
But you've already done
I got weapons and tactics
To hit you with ah bullet
in between your eyes
Bye Bye
It's not ah lullaby
It's ah walk by shooter
On the enemy side
Ese cut throat game
That we play
Vatos get cut almost everyday
Mis pensamientos
Son controlados por mi
Cause from the track come on
I'm all you see
I'm still here
After all these years
Won't think ah different knowledge
Cause you in my peers
That's why I feed
Ese on the weak
I tear em up to shreds
seven days ah week
So behind
The closed doors where I be
I plan murders on the enemy
All my tactics learned
I stuff em in ah truck
Then watch em burn
Gang banging .usica
Got you ducking vatos
limo cause I'll shoot at ya
Exhale beyond Aztec kingdom
I'm on another planet
Coming back to get ya
I got weapons and tactics
I deploy on you
Situation getting happy
With that sinister crew
Out of the blue
Here come the Tommy guns
We're just getting started
But you've already done
I got weapons and tactics
To hit you with ah bullet
in between your eyes
Bye Bye
It's not ah lullaby
It's ah walk by shooter
On the enemy side
The pistol booming
I'm mind consuming
Sleep walking out your door
What the ******* doing!
Totalitarian this regime
I pulled up just to strangle the scene
I'm sixteen Ese from their ice
Cause I'm muthufucking tweaking for the rest Of the night all night You meet zombie naco
No vacation this Nal Cabo
I'm one In ah ******* million
So know it well
With who your dealing
I indoctrinate Then I elevate
Then I go around the corner and move some weight So what you got
I got more than you
More than all you muthufuckas posted up in your tomb I lay seize
To any domain
Either you get down or
your team get slay
Samuel Adell  Oct 2014
Samuel Adell Oct 2014
I see worlds of demons and villians as I take my last breath
I avidly add adages to the words that I press
Each and everyday strewn and littered with stress
Life’s just a savage game of chess
A new beginning has been presented
With her gone it’s like I’m living out a life sentence
Never again will a person so perfect be invented
She truly had an awe inspiring presence
Living life with a newfound belligerence
Like a high off of ten different barbiturates
Today’s generation is filled with complete ignorance
This cypher shall be thy deliverance
Since her death I’ve been nothing but diffident
Like a lost dog, I’m timid
People have always seen me as quite different
But to that opinion, I’m indifferent
Life is all about mind over matter
Look at the wall covered with your brain splatter
On some Ice-T ****, rhymes that blow your mind
True love is hard to find
Do you live life as you want to
Or do you follow everything society tells you
In the end society will destroy you
No matter what, stay true
Just rolled up, five & dime
Every morning, rise and grind
Now I’m flying away with Peter Pan
Gone, gone, gone away, Never Land
So here’s to another day
Another coffin rots away
Life’s just a game we play
Until God takes us away
Tomorrow is not a guarantee
When my mind is my purgatory
No soul can control me
Your word’s do nothing for me
Now you’re saying I’m your salvation
Who the hell are you? What’s your relation
I miss seeing her eyes ablaze with elation
Her death was my inevitable damnation
No matter where I am, I’m writing a verse
I’ve seen too many loved ones dead in a hearse
My heart golden, but my blood’s black
My thoughts stretch to oblivion, like you leg on the torture rack
Is this where I belong?
This is only the beginning, not a swansong
I’m bound to be bigger than King Kong
Free my mind, get ***** eyed like Cheech & Chong

— The End —