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Jesse stillwater
I take the liberty to call myself a thinker, an occasional poet, out here adrift — Jesse e Stillwater — all rights reserved
Roberta Compton Rainwater
76/F/Deep South    A contemplative who writes.
Claire Waters
-    I really appreciate any feedback. -xx if you share or would like to post my poetry elsewhere, like blogging and writing websites, i would appreciate …
Floating under water
above the clouds    I hope you all enjoy my work.
26/F/Michigan    hello, dear friends
CA    morning walks/random thoughts
Water In My Veins
I write what I write and I care little for what you think of it.
Blue Sweater
Bombay. India.    call off the search for your soul or put it on hold
Lena Waters
Candyland    "I write poems." "I'd rather be a leader." "I`m also arrogant, condescending and a multitude of other highly unpoetic things." "But at least I am …
Joe Redwater
Arizona    I'm a weird girl who loves writing and music. I came from Chandler, Arizona and lived in Florence and Coolidge, Arizona. I have two poetry …
katerina petrova
nowhere near you    Sad sack. Nineteen.
Sweater Weather
22/F/Cumberland Gap    head in the clouds but my gravity's centered
Nicholas Slater
Edinburgh    Wherever we place our attention we become.
Katerina Landon
34/F/Bolton    I have been writing poetry for years, and it was always a way to tell a bunch if stories of a twisted mind. I love …
Cheryl Materi
N E Waters
Eugene    Yugenaut
Neverland    I weave words into tapestries. I believe that if you can capture something real -- light a fire in someone's soul, keep one shining moment …
mostly water
Birmingham, Ala.    inconsequential
United States    I don't think that the question of being okay automatically has just one answer
I am the Trollminator, the destroyer of trolls...

— The End —