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Hopelessly Devoted
United States    Even when I'm thrown over the falls, I always try again, even if it's just to get a few.


Marilyn Heavens Oct 2018
Twenty third June twenty sixteen
The biggest vote we’d ever seen
Results are in and Brexit win
and many say it’s such a sin
Those who voted not to leave
This news they just could not believe

Sore losers showed their  bitter anguish
soon from Europe we would vanish
Let’s vote again remainers say
'No vote again' says Theresa May

Our country voted in or out
and voted out without a doubt
The apple cart tipped on its head
Britain in Europe would soon be dead
Now Brexit was born the following morn.
This beautiful kingdom from Europe be torn

Remainers are mad while leavers are glad
Great Britain is out there is no doubt
So shut up remainers, accept what is done
We voted together and Brexit won
Lance McDonald  Nov 2016
I Voted
Lance McDonald Nov 2016
I voted
But why does it feel empty?
Why does it feel nothing has changed?
Because it hasn't
It won't as long as I rely on that ballot

A ballot choice to be my voice?
To do the change I want to see in the world?
No way will I let that be the case
If I want change, I will give chase
I will not entrust change to anyone but myself
And my friends who have my back
Of course there are some things that I lack
But I won't let that stop me
Neither should you

You have the power to do this
But of course, that equals work
And you would rather just sit
To watch that TV and complain
While your choice doesn't do their part
So you take aim
You want change?
Stand up and get that change you preach about

With T.E Lawrence and his quote,
"All men dream, but not equally
Those that dream by night
In the ***** recesses of their minds
Awake in the day to find it was vanity
But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men
For they may act out their dreams with
Open eyes to make it possible
This I will do.

With love in my heart
And the well-being of every human
On my mind

Now I know you have heard this before
And I ain't a saint
I've done my share of sitting and hate
But sure enough, it ain't too late
Love all for who they are
Because love will always get you far

Don't let your choice be your voice
You want change, go get it, period
If you're that serious

I voted
But that ain't going to change a thing
As long as this cycle continues to sing.
Fly Vida Sep 2011
They didn't know what Diversity was...
The kids, that is.
Since the kids didn't know it,
the teacher coined it as "“black” visibility".
She wasn't sure if she could make that call
so she nodded her head, looking for approval.
The interviewer asked in what direction did the teacher see Diversity
As if Diversity was a one-way street.
Let me just refresh your memory...
"“black” visibility"
As if decades of progress in the schools were undone,
The kids voted on Performances and Projects for “black” History Month.
How shocking!... Kids of every shape, size, ability and race studying a time in history...
Sounds racist to me.
They wanted a Gospel Choir that is clearly only for “black” students
Because I'm the student Director for the Fordham University's Rhythm of Praise Gospel Chior for the fourth year running...
Maybe I'm missing something...
MAYBE I'm “black”... Maybe if I close my eyes really tight...
Nope, I'm still “white”.
Olive brown perhaps?
Only in the summer.
Anyway, I digress like Sophia Patrilo from the Goldren Girls
Who was Italian by the way.
Just advertising for Diversity.
Let's debate about "Music Debates" for a moment.
Maybe you call it Debates because Hip Hop is debatable, and by the way only for “black” students.
When I could argue for days upon days
About how Reggaeton didn't come from Salsa
but I know **** well that Salsa came first.
The kids wanted to Stomp the Yard and battle it out.
I do believe rap battles take place around the world
And one of the best rappers I know is an English teacher in Harlem
Whose hair is redder than a leprechaun.
Talent Shows that showcase every student's ability
Whether it be singing, dancing, performing their poetry,
But still apparently that's not Diversity.
Neither is an International Day
Where International ways are celebrated.
And finally, a Diversity Day,
That clearly means diversity is separated.
"They wanted a lot of things"
Yeah. They asked for a whole lot... of everything BUT diversity.
That's right, because they don't know what it means
The Kids, that is...
Then tell me please:
Define Diversity.
Is it seeing a “black” horse with “white” stripes
Or a “white” horse with “black” stripes?
Why is it between “black” and “white”?
Why not between “white”, “black” brown, yellow, orange, brick red...
Let's get it out of our head
That teachers can't learn anything from their students,
Because it sounds to me,
Like they had a pretty good start to the meaning of Diversity.
And if it turns out they didn't,
That's what teachers are there for:
Make a **** lesson about it.