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The Insane Savannah
In the depths of my soul.    I'm just an "invisible" girl who likes to pour out her feelings into poems rather than tears.
in a STRANGE place...
Insane Reverie
i live in fantasy    I believe,Word is the strongest enemy & a beautiful partner,I have had so far :) I believe #Insanity is not always negative. #Nepal


s u r r e a l Jul 2016
but fools only relish!
the psyche in which we perish!
hatred buried so!
and burned within merry lore!

for are they not,
the sane within the in?
and the in amongst the sane?
and the in of the sane--
which in here will truly reign!

like this, there, and, that?
and which, where, and what?
and spit, spat, and sput,
through here, hear, and hat?

brothers and sisters of spitting scholars!
we sing in two, to, and too!
with be, bee, and bat!
to this, there, and that!

easy to know--surely so, surely so!
the sane within the in--in the inn iconoclast's igloo!
"for what if the in shared the inn amongst the sane?"
"and the sane melted and blurred tongues within the in?"

what troubles your mind? what minds your troubles?
did you not know we live in the inn within this, there, and that?
and the which, where, and what all share one lobe!
for this is for the truly sane within the in,
and in inn of sane!

it shakes us!
like nails bitten in two, to, and too!
and mends us!
like dresses, treading thru, threw, and through!

might, in greatness, we rest, in base
eating bass--knocking bass!
for it is one-- nice and tight!
as the sane dances with--within the in!
in the inn of linen and tin,
for there is nothing greater, than the knowing labor!

and the world spins,
in and of the inn,
of the sane within the my,
and the in of the sane,
in which noose you and I tie,
and lie,
and die,
to again yearn for the sane within the I.
For we are truly the inn of the sane.

People insane, worries have none, that's why, in a way, happy are those insane.

But their dear ones suffer, are  embarrassed often; n undergo a lot of searing pain,

So, for the sake of my dear ones, in spite of my pain, please keep me sane.

All around there is chaos n politics *****,
Amidst all this muck, keep me sane.

Selfishness there is all around, saddens me this; yet amidst all this, keep me sane.

Some times disgusted I feel to see what's going around, o help me; keep me sane.

Lord your Earth is teeming with monsters,  amidst these difficulties,  keep me sane.

To see our beautiful religion declining is disheartening, help us, keep us sane

Extremists, terrorists, corrupt politicians are this Earth ruining,  help me remain sane.

Greenery destroys insane humans, Nature weeps; how do I remain sane ?

Sometimes I wish I was heartless, I wouldn't have to undergo pain, help me remain sane.

Help the devil within us die, grant us wisdom,  please Lord, help me to remain sane.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Saoirse  Jun 2012
Someone Sane
Saoirse Jun 2012
Someone sane.
Who doesn't care too much
Or not enough.
And who is just insane enough
To still be interesting.
But will stay
And won't project
Or invert.
Someone sane
Who isn't depressed
Or anxious
All the time
And who doesn't mind
When I'm depressed
Or anxious
Someone sane
Who doesn't hate their father
And won't pass undue judgement
On mine.
Someone sane
Who will be honest when I ask
But will have the sense
To share
With sensitivity.
Someone sane
Who can make me laugh
And whom I can make laugh
Someone sane
Who knows the difference
Between treating someone
Like they're important
And reducing them
To a monolith
They feel they cannot climb.
Someone sane
Who trusts and can be trusted.
Someone sane
Someone sane.