I watched it all happened
I watched it all burn down
And yet I stood there watching
Without uttering a single sound
I knew all their secrests
I knew all their lies
I knew the real stories
All from each side
Trusted by all
They told me all things
But I stood there in silence
As they played a game of kings
Doing nothing at all
Even though i held the power
I just let them fall
Withering like a flower
Times have moved on
They are all no longer friends
I'm the last connection
There is no chance they will make amends
People fall apart
All rundown to different ends
Hatred and recentment burns
Though cast away by the winds
I see them all now
And even I've lost that spark
The one I once held
When the whole world seemed dark
As I stand upon the ashes
Of the loving people I once knew
That time gone and forgotten now
The very thought to which is taboo
Yet here I stand
At what was the foundation of the past
Holding the matchbox in hand
Crying, I thought it would last
I did nothing to stop it
I myself set it ablaze
So much for the peacekeeper
all she could do was gaze
And try and act innocent
Attempting not to get burnt
You would think after such tragedy
That I would have learnt
But its a burden I'll carry
Right down to my grave
Knowing I destroyed them
When they could have been saved
I let them burn
What kind of a monster does that?
I'm Guilty