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Lunar Dec 2016
Loud and thunderous
Man-made rainbows and sounds riot
Set free far and wide

The fire's relative
A dangerous art beauty
Painted up so high

Blossoming flower
Lights up worlds and lights up lives
Fades into the sky


Just like the feelings we have
Between you and I
Here's a poem for New Year's Eve ! I got quite confused if I wanted a positive (beauty of fireworks) or a negative (the air pollution, and how it can hurt people and scare pets) ending. In the last stanza, all of a sudden, it turned into a romantic one
Therese G Nov 2014
A burst of color,
it is the flower of fire
painted in such gold
that scatters across the seas
leaving memories of sparks.
花火 hanabi - Japanese for 'fireworks'
Sam  Jan 2018
Sam Jan 2018
blossoming across the sky like flowers blooming in a day.
Japanese: hanabi ; Translation: flower fire, fire flower

reflected across the river in beams of colored light.
Spanish: fuegos artificiales ; Translation: fires fake, fake fires

set off in the street, with only the warning of the crowd backing away-
English: fireworks ; Interpretation: fire erupting all throughout, pyrokinetic

a light show, bouncing off roof tops and singeing shop windows.
*German: Feuerwerk ; Translation: firework, pyrokinetics, and New Years
New Years, amidst my languages and cultures, and the Düsseldorf celebrations.