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United Kingdom    I like all types of poetry, but sometimes the simplest form hits home quicker.
Bring Justice to a beautiful soul by signing and sharing this petition for my boyfriend's senseless death! His name is Jandei Cherry and he was …


Shawn H Reeder Jul 2015
Happiness and reflection,
Both flow a different direction.
The unrealistic expectation of perfection.
leaves you with little protection.

The loveliest moments in life are reflected.
It's the only wound in my brain that I've dissected.
My actions drove you away, my madness now manifested.
A strong desire to be away from me, the only emotion detected.

Giving your body and desires to someone you barely know, I Suspect.
All humans can say, fighting daily for happiness requires rare intellect.
Emotions flood my organs with panic, we have the same worth as an insect.
The daily struggle of optimism is more difficult than learning a new dialect.

Free your mind, let those sadistic memories fade.
Somehow,forgetting you was the roughest choice I've ever made.
Yet, the loveliest moments in life are soon to explode like a grenade.
Give your heart to the lord; Over time, blessings will multiply.

Life is too short for a personal crusade.
In this world, the most humble often go insane.
God shall stay from day to day.

Your eyes stuck in my mind,
My eyes wonder, make me blind
I am at my brightest when neglected.

Don't feel spiteful because of memories never made.
When abandoned, stay grateful, for our father's love shall never fade.
...If you wish to lose yourself to your dreams,
Lost souls asleep do drift,
With those memories that gleam,
I won't be hiding as the doses I admire
sate those craving of desire; find your game.

We got this glow in our house,
The entire crowd is out,
All the feens are
up for it,
I know you love it when it's kickin' off.
I like your reckoning
because we're buzzin' and there's nothing here to stop,
To stop this.

And everything works out, be sound,
I wear the symbols just because.

...The way we are, the way we seem,
Fill this nothing with our dreams.
The buckfast and spliff do their rounds
in the gaf where we all sit
as we get ****** and love it.

And everything works out, be sound,
Everyone can put their hoods down
Say nothing of hypokeimenon,
Philosophy of a rave.
Nienke  Jun 2015
'Foute' droom
Nienke Jun 2015
een meisje wilt iets
na een feest
slapen bij jou
want ze is nog nooit
zo ver weg geweest

aan jouw zijde sta ik
en met meelevend hart
zei je 'dat is goed'
op dat moment zei ik
'goodbye' to my mood

ik hou me groot
ik hou mijn mond
terwijl ik wil zakken
me laten vallen
op de grond

als van binnen
een demoon of meer
mij aan het verslinden zijn
negatief van de pijn
ik voel me klein

dat het goed is, zei je
tegen wat?
bij mijn ex had ik hier
nooit last van
geen moeite mee gehad

nu graaf ik dan misschien
elke keer mijn graf
maar dit hier was een droom
gebroken wakker
is niet iets dat ik mezelf gaf

en ik weet niet wat te zeggen
weet niet wat ik moet doen

misschien is jouw hart goed
maar zo is onze ****
laat het de onze blijven
niet verpesten door een heks

rampscenarios om te overleven
bedrogen door eigen boven kamer
maar om **** niet erger te maken
is het soms beter te zwijgen

omdat je de 'ja' hebt
maar 'nee' nog **** krijgen