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Diary of the Damned
Stanford, Kentucky    My writing has always been my personal way of waging war on the darkness that threatens to steal my hope and my dreams so as ...


darren laird  Mar 2010
darren laird Mar 2010
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** the **** button is stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LucidLucy Nov 2016
**** traffic for taking too much time on your hands.
**** those happy couples passing by your way.
**** that stupid shirt you always get to wear out of hundreds of **** shirts.
**** that person you dont want to see on the worst day but you see anyway.
**** your pride when it's too tall to fall.
**** older people for not understanding but were never short on judging.
**** your friends when they are too selfish and stupid most of the time.
**** yourself for always giving a ****.
**** this feeling that should have not stayed but never bother leave today.
**** my heart would one day just explode with all these madness.
**** you when I cant find you.
**** you when I wanted just one touch from you.
**** what would I do if I was still able to hold you.
**** me for taking myself for granted.
**** myself for being the ***** that is unwanted.
**** me for not putting much effort.
**** me for not being a good sport.
**** me for loving myself way too short.
**** this sadness that's eating me whole.
**** today I've never felt this alone.
my eyes do not well with tears. i'm too weak to face my fears. i am built of stone cold exterior and shattered glass interior. i'm afraid i'd break down one of these days. so I pray that these words turn to a big smiley face.
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Slow Southern Blues

Been so **** down
looked up to see the ground
Been so **** low
then I arose to stand tall

In those **** times
I couldn't walk at all
that was when I just
had to crawl

So **** alone
I didn't see a soul
I was so **** glad
just to see a happy fool

There was that time
I heard my children sing
Then I awoke and it was
all a **** dream

Been so **** tired
I couldn't sleep at all
Been so **** sad
I just had to laugh

Been so **** long
I never will forget
I walked too **** far
Too **** late to quit

The fox he got his hole
and the bird his nest
But a **** man like me
got no **** place to rest

Still and on I go
until the bitter end
A **** man like me
will just begin again

My greatest sin
was ever loving you
Surely once
you were almost true

In every way you know
my love was shown
But now your heart
is the devil's home

You told your **** lies
and some still believe
But in the end
your gonna' die from grief

They'll dig a shallow grave
to cover your disgrace
But until that time
I don't want to see
your **** face

There will come a day
when you know
you've been wrong
But surely then
I'll of left
and be long gone

Then you'll say
I knew him back when
Hear me say
Go to Hell
Go to Hell again

If I live to be
a billion thirty-three
God will **** you all
for what you done to me

If I die the day
before yesterday
God will **** you all
for what you would not say.

