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Cranberry Juice
Guam    Love for poetry, that's all.
Other/the outer layers    some poetry from when i didn't know yet, some from now


sam  Dec 2018
sam Dec 2018
his lips tasted like cranberry juice
cranberry juice and gin
he had *** earlier
but nothing
will ever be as strong as that cranberry


everyday my sister takes a glass
a red glass
a cup
and she fills it with cranberry juice
takes a sip
and that´s when i fall apart

cranberry juice
and cranberry juice

red cranberry juice
never ha a drink turned so sinister
i miss that cranberry taste
your lips on mine
but i promise i don´t miss you
i can´t miss you

i will be able to taste again
but you numbed my taste buds
numbed me

do you still drink it
you you even remember
what you drank that night

do you remember
how much you smoked
i could smell it
taste it
but nothing was stronger
or sweeter
than lose cranberry lips

hold me again like that
ask if i´m okay

let me taste your cranberry lips again
i´ll stop calling you my monster
let me have another taste
i miss your lovely lips
the scruff of a beard coming in

guys with beards remind me of you
but everything reminds me of you

your beard
it was scratchy
but pleasantly mixed with cranberry

i wasn´t a fan of cranberry
then i was the biggest

now i can´t even look at a bottle the same
Schuy  Dec 2016
Cranberry Lips
Schuy Dec 2016
He captured an adventure
And never purchased the idea of
Letting this rose go
Every delicious inch captivating
From cranberry lips
To cranberry toes

He longed for her wild
Wanted to explore the depths of her heart's garden
But alas, he had a lack of key
As time progressed
He moved his home into her heart
Their love always purer than you and me

They fought daily
Somehow making it sound like music
Their tone never led to a falling out
But, their love provided sickness
Dark disease struck
Cancer, the only thing that gave Cranberry lips doubt

Cranberry lips, what a beautiful sight
Too bad it ended with Cranberry lips
Cold as snow, a colorless white

He moved out of her heart
Remembered cranberry kisses
Wished to follow her path, be together but dead
Remembered cranberry kisses
Pulled the trigger of the gun situated beside his head

Cutting his life short, his blood spilled

Cranberry red
We had to write a poem for school that used words from Carl Nelson's 'The Heartiest of Season's Greetings.' It had to be at least two stanzas long, have a minimum of five lines per stanza, and each line had to have at least one meaningful word/phrase from Nelson's in it. The     words in the poem that are bold are the meaningful words/phrases. I think the end result is pretty good. :)
REAL  Jan 2014
Cranberry Ooo
REAL Jan 2014
singing your heart out
as we used to
"cranberry ooo"

you have that kind of-
i have that kind of-
"cranberry ooo"

skin so pure
that the smell
rest in my nose
"cranberry ooo"

tell me
whats on your
troubled mind

please its still me

"Cranberry ooo
Cranberry ooo"