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Sharon Carpenter


Ann M Johnson Dec 2014

Let us treasure today
We are not promised tomorrow
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us dance like there's no tomorrow
Let us do things today instead of putting it off until tomorrow
Let us cherish the moment before it rushes away
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us eat all kinds of good food
Lets eat our favorites
Let us read our favorite poems
Let us write some poems too
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us tell our family we love them
Let us call our friends and tell them too
Let us  create some memories and write them down
Let us not take things for granted
Let us not waste today
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM
Let us truly live before time slips away
My friend's CARPE DIEM
I am bringing back a revised version for this Monday.
I hope you like it.
CARPE DIEM my friends :)
raingirlpoet Sep 2014
familiar faces
roadside challenges
laughter that never stops
we're following the stars around the world to the soundtrack of our childhoods in phrases of
remember when...?
remember when we were fearless?
remember when we didn't know who sang that song about the girl who would be loved but sang along at the top of our lungs because it didn't matter?
remember when we could fix broken friendships with rootbeer flavoured dum-dum lollipops?
remember when we were 14 and i made you call your crush?
remember how you cried into my arms when he didn't say "i love you" back and it felt like the world was spinning too quickly?
remember that summer when we jumped off that cliff?
remember that summer...
remember when
one day soon
we'll all have jobs
children to look after
we'll say
Remember in college how we took that roadtrip right before graduation?
remember how we almost didn't make it back in time?
How many of us will remember in old age?
Carpe diem,
he said to us
and we did
we seized the hell out of that day
we ran into the night, high on life, shouting
all for one and one for all!