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Razors pain you
Rivers are damp,
Acid stains you
Drugs make you cramp
Guns aren't lawful
and nooses give
gas smells awful might as well live

I don't quite remember where
I heard this little rhyme before
but it has kept me from doing a lot of things

all the videos on YouTube with there promises
the words circulate the world
through the copper chords
that connects us all

the shrinks and the doctors
and the counsellors and priests
with all there powerful words
...words that empower you for a while but
sadly fades to the back of your mind as
tears fill your eyes

and someday, with the instrument of death
at your fingertips..
you realise that all these words and revalations are all just empty lies
empty little lies
empty little lies
empty little lies
empty little lies
empty little lies
empty little lies
empty little lies

one for each day of the week
one for the strong
and one for the weak
one for the man with riches and fame
one for the woman in filth doth have lain
one for a smile that should not exist
and lastly one...
for those who insist
that nothing matters
and nothing will change
tomorrow brings tears
yesterday created fears
this problem has no solution
my soul is lost amidst confusion
I don't believe the lies no more
but I won't answer the truth, knocking at my door
I choose to end not my life
but the potential I have
the beauty
the radiance
the hope I might bring to the hopeless
the health to the sickness
the laughter to the tearful
the protection to the fearful

I choose not to end my life
because I believe that my path is set
not for the benefit of myself...

we have no happiness on our path
we must create it...
find it in giving that which we do NOT have
to the ones we do not love

this is our curse...
and don't say it's not fair
because life is not fair !!
because Angels and Saints
...which we seem to be the chosen of...
rarely gain fame while living
or being happy,
or loved

no... we are the angels
we will only be recognised as soon as we lay our heads down
and all the bricks we have laid in this world
start to radiate with our legacy!!

Be strong, for sprouting feathers is a painful process
Be heard, for the voice of justice has been silenced to long
and be proud...


because you are
To all the angels out there
Toothache Jan 2020
Passing around a fatal flaw like a joint in a hot box,
Refreshing baths of Coca~Cola and regretful indulgence
We are wasting away in a paradise of my creation

Poems tinted grey through abstinent romanticism,
and an inexplicable undertone inherent to my prose.
As everything starts to return to a drumming constant.
It all sounds the same.

We've been sunbathing in porcelain skies and empty daydreams.
Drab and dreary and acid washed.
Interrupted like a beach by the sea,
By the little pieces of drug soaked warmth that act as comforting distractions.
A smile or a shoulder or a sunny day to drink from.
Summer and solitude, the likeness of warm bodies in a cold pool.
Compose me an opera of Soda Cans and of choral song. Synthesise two bass lines and slow drip coffee and pollen and folk.
Make it for me so I can watch you as you work.
Let me listen and bask in its ludacris vanity, and clean shallow waters.
How I would relish the time spent muddying the current. Destroying the tide I desired out of boredom.
And black hot frustration.

Flowers painted in acid and acrid accounts of repetative revalations in the context of rude rosy cheeked romance.
Blonde haired ignorance and one dimensional delusions.
Blue eyed terrorists armed with air and arrogance.

Give me seatwarmers and handholding
Or corvettes and convertables.
Give me arrowheads and heart attacks
Humble my bones with a cardiac

mumble rap
four letter words with little context or meaning and selfless expression that's often demeaning

Its September in January and it rains for a day
And despite all our efforts
The days waste away
JL  Dec 2011
JL Dec 2011
I woke up and wrote your letter
The Morning sun wash shining
After a long rainy night
I spent it trying to understand
How I am supposed to float
How the trees are supposed to wrap and squeeze
The raven on his branch
****** harm of the moon
White light through forest seeps
Forget the meaning of a moment
Pressing on the tile
How your skin was warm
And your hands alright
Fire burned from Hades that day
And the claws of demons reached up
To scratch my screams
Your parables are a common monolouge
******* in my brain
Revalations and Galatians, Ezekial, Jeremiah
John the APOSTLE to christ
Was exiled to the island Patmos
A bullet would put my brain on ice
Character Speech of Naked demons
Pouring Fire onto the world
to ash
to ash
to ash
The seven seals
Breath the ash in and out
Standing strong footed in the Millenium
Where he rules again
With an iron rod
Rebellion Screams in the blood of your young heart
A spray of ****** violence against a creator of lust
and love
and pain
and ash
The prince of peace
Whose blood anointed the sins of the childerens childrens children
Speeding up to heaven on winged steeds
Let your words pierce my armor
Unto my very bones
It is better than this pain I feel
Your own annointed son
Bleeding on an alter
Incense swirling this
I wish the mounains
Would fall upon me
Marlana Marry Nov 2010
Between the light the darkness dances
Teasing glowing ebbs of thought
Shifting to the edges of revalations
Betraying subtle workings of morality.

Softly influencing choices made
Pursuing naught but a challenge
Taunting the light with whispers of song
The light so silent and still.

Behind the light the shadows play
Fulfilling dreams of desire
Secretly knowing the heartstrings by touch
Serving the mind's subconscious.

So when the light fails our hopes
The delicate waver blown out
All that's left was always there
The music and the dark.
serendipity  Oct 2014
just listen
serendipity Oct 2014
In case you hadn't noticed
The thought of you has infected me
And to elaborate you made your way  into the deepest parts of me
You spliced the skin I let you in,
a virus taking over me
And like tears made of real life tragedies,
you broke fourth in full force
immersed yourself in my anatomy
Walls I built to keep you out crumble in my own shame
Cause when your in you will see all the dreams that sprung from your name
Making me fight within my self for self revalations but its of no use
Cause I dont know who I am, haven't known where I stand since I met you

I am not well

these hallucinations are so real
I can almost feel your love for me
But it's the wrong time, and it's to soon, and life couldn't really let this love be
But it's so strong, and I'm too weak
And my heart seems to really want to do this.
So I sit back and back track and pray that I dont lose it
See I'm seeing things in different ways, and I'm not sure that I trust myself to know
If these are my eyes, if this this is my life, where I am where I should go
You shine in a shade of light I've never really seen before
Im waking up to hopeful ways, nights filled with things I couldnt dream before
And it's shown me things about love and life I would never have believed before

it can get pretty tiring

To sit in dismay day by day thinking of every way to say I want you and I love you
and have that turn to second thoughts harbored in fear of never being worthy of you
DC raw love Jan 2015
I've read 1000 upon 1000 of poems
Where I see not many write about God

I challenge you all, to write about God.

In your own words and you can scream it out loud

In the beginning

It started with Adam and Eve.
There was then Noah, follewed by Moses.

They have,
Songs of Solomon
Is poetry about life

Along with the rest of the old testament

Major and Minor Prophet's
Along with the history of God

Now to the new testament
Where we have the following

Letters to the church
Along with the gospals
Where Jesus speaks to you
And you see how he lived
With his words of silence

Now we have Revalations
What a strange place
So many creatures
That will **** the human race

Me, I'm by far not Godly
I curse and I sin
I desire flesh of women
But I try to live his ways

I know many things
About our God
I do read the bible
And sometimes out loud

Yes, I have been reborn
Still figuring it out

But I'm one of God's creatures
And that's without a doubt
If someone can help I do not know how to get it to a site were these challenges go to
It's hot,
Stripped down and striped up,
Lightrails crossing table town,
Music playing that no one hears,
A pretty girl hiding guilt,
Covering feelings like a quilt,
Old men talking with tattoos,
About ******* not paying the bills,
We're all looking for someone to relate to,
At least till,
The stop they get,
Groceries, naps, napkins,
Cell phone checks,
Mingling mindfulness of, "oh ****,
Did I miss my stop?"
Odd questions of should I,
Wake them up?
Dope sick lovers praying for moonlight
And another hit,
Feelings of nostalgia, art, and of
A life never lived,
Passengers passing downtown,
Dropped out and college bound,
Books about addiction,
Distracted because the game is on,
It's a blow out,
Stable songs adding stability to a quiet ride,
Mr. Tambourine man has two kids now,
With a guitar an ex painted cardboard,
His world with wings,
When are we going to take off,
Come on,
No cords to pull,
Step off and away,
Short distance relationship revalations,
It's my stop.
Just another ride.
Paul Donnell  Sep 2017
Paul Donnell Sep 2017
There is no point
In holding onto hope.
You just
Maybe you are cast away,
Riding on the notes of of a piano
That drift into the empty lobby.
Where the carpet reminds you of your first apartment.

Maybe sometimes its all nonsense that fills your mouth and hoodwinks the special moments that shouldve felt like a rising sun after hours sitting in the cold. Thinking of revalations.

Maybe this cigarrette tastes like nihilism and the smoke looks like you feel.

Maybe your fingers are burning with lust of creation but the rest of you cant catch up.

Maybe you swallow and shift in your seat trying to peice together the exact moment that you couldnt stand waking up anymore. Maybe this nothing just isnt enough and you need more because the ciggarets stopped working a month ago and everytime you see yourself in the mirror its a shade of blue youve never seen before. And maybe in the shower with your head pressed agaisnt the tile you wonder how well the water would mix with your blood and how long the curtains could hide the scene.

Maybe when you look at the stars it doesnt look like forever but feels like a box with little pinholes poked in the top so you can get just enough air. Maybe your chest collapses trying to figure out how to breath again and maybe nothing helps and it all tastes like ash and maybe you punch the ground, ****** your knuckles and look at the damage with a strange curious numbness wonder what just happened.

Maybe tomorrow...

Maybe not.
..I dont feel well
Bianca Bach  Oct 2020
Bianca Bach Oct 2020
Your spirit is searching
for guidance
Someone who has been through it
and triumphed

With a noble reputation,
someone that inspires with stimulation
conquers with self motivation.

Where paths are revealed
in complicated situations,

With your faith in "the"
you gain the gift to fearlessly see
the serinity that awaits you
when you set yorself free

of all negative entities and impurities
its no hoax
he banishes insecurities

It all starts when you begin to believe.

— The End —