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 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
If this tree
should ever come to fall

Let its gnarly limbs
point up to heaven

If its heart
should ever come to a stall

Let it die
with errors pardoned
and sins forgiven
there on horizon,
sight unseen, treasure untold,
I seek its wonder.

craved in the seizing,
sating thirst in this, my soul,
I sing mortal glee.

come has fallen hour,
soul aches from broken dream's shards.
hope? never again.
With the Haiku Triplets (or Quartets) I write,
I try to tell a story with each part having,
the potential to stand on its own.

They can be separated, yet still whole.


 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
Mike Hauser
I'm just a guy that has learned how to rhyme
Each time I press pen to paper
I take it line by line by enticing line
Rainbow sherbet most often the flavor

I never know the abstract of the subject
When paying a penny for my thoughts
Either you do or you don't love it
Whether you like it or not

Most times you'll see I'm not overly deep
Just barely skimming this demented minds surface
At times you might find I take a high dive
If you blink though you may never notice

Like I said at the time, just a guy who's captured the rhyme
Using it to my fool advantage
Where I try to steer clear of the insanely weird
While wading knee deep in the outlandish

So hold on tight and it should be alright
Pull the plug as we swirl in this tub
Taking a ride on the very next rhyme
Let me know though when you've had enough
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
Fearless dreaming has brought me here
The warmth of spent flesh
asleep in the tides of a fickle moon
a cool breeze in a windowless room
I pull back the sheet slowly
and watch as tiny bumps form in the chill

Peaches and cream perfection
Dare I touch
Dare I risk awakening
The warmth reaches me before I reach the truth
Hesitation and a slow exhale

I have dreamed this dream before
The dream where there is no time, no rules, no distance
I have dreamed of joy and love
I have dreamed this very dream
and as I touch you... I cry

In those moments lost in the union
of love and passion
right and wrong are a blur
on the edges of souls bound in time
I touch you and
for a moment
you are my truth, my reality, my dream, my life
Gone in the gasp of a waking sun

Dare I risk losing you once more
My heart breaks anew as the new day dawns
But how do I yearn and not sate
Yes, I touch
I love so that I may live in that moment a lifetime

The warmth of your skin greets mine
as you turn to me in your slumber
embracing all I could hope to be
Your comfort with me melts doubt
And I pray that the sun never shines
I pray that this moment is my ever after
That you and I are where we once were
where we should always be

I open my eyes at daybreak
and still feel the warmth of you
I bask before the tears come
I love you more with each moment of perfect slumber
I dream
That you will keep me with you
so I shall ne'er again wake
to a world where you no longer reside
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
Doug Potter
I was never the type
of child that obeyed
much  of anything;
not even the many
times  I was told
not to stare into
the evening sun
when I felt
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
are the roses the poses of *** scented
posies daffodils the  long stems of grass
the moss the rutting of rabbits
in the field(s) without
ravaging man's hands and intrusions

If we were more the masters might
we plant more hibiscus or petunias
or forget-me-nots
and I see
the mastery of natural selection

by being the one selected out
and it happens and
life goes on
and the fields bloom with beauty
year after year
with or without me

but man is jealous
of nature and seeks to tame
the untamable
the wildness the random
seeks to explain why
and hold to his breast

a velvet touch a silk rose
his wisdom
as better
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
David Adamson
Dear David:

We are deeply gratified that you gave us the opportunity
to read your poems.  Notice that we say “opportunity”
rather than “submission,” for truly you graced us with works
of such enduring power, so sublime, so transcendent,
that our humble words scarce can adequately praise
the sacred privilege of reading them.

Seldom, no, never has human experience been so distilled,
so purified, so exalted, yet so exposed
in all its paradox, its shades and sunbursts,
shouts and silences, the hiding places redolent of inner light,
as in these timeless works.  

A calm breeze from the desert’s edge at dusk,
the chatter of a mockingbird at dawn,
the rumble and crash of a hidden waterfall,
the laughter of a child unseen in a cool wood’s shade,
emanate so intensely from the shapes of these letters
that our faith in the power of language to evoke reality
has been nourished and restored to its proper place.

However, we regret to inform you
that your poems do not meet our needs at this time,
which are for relevant poems for the upcoming
theme issue on Hammer Toes.

We hope you will consider us for future opportunities.


The editors of ******* Quarterly
Have been collecting a lot of rejection letters lately.  Here's my interpretation.
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