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The feeling of nothing, like void of pitch black
Sick and Tired of being stabbed in the back
Trusted others and got pain in return
Feeling so stupid, but yet can't seem to learn
Sick and Tired of being Burned
Wishing to take back all the mistakes
Unable To step on to the breaks
So focus On trying to go back
Sick and Tired of all the Attacks
So Sick and Tired of fighting back
Not knowing how long you can last
Sick and Tired of Being Numb
Just waiting for the day to be done
Sick and Tired is the way we feel
Just waiting for our wounds to heal
Just wanting to be left be
For those that can relate, We just want to be left alone
I am not here to make you look good.
Not here to be your shadow
I won't stand by and let you hurt me
All CAUSE your afraid of the truth
Unable to grasp that reality
Isn't made just for you
I'm a human Being But you ignore that
You let me sit in dark without a care
Not even a glimpse in my direction
I stood up for You, Thought I was cool
Realized it was useless Cause I was just your tool
I am not lying just for you, I'm not going to lie to you
I see no reason to make fib, To turn into all the rest
Because I don't need your approval
I'm not here to impress
For so long I've been in chains
Unable to break free
Drowning in the rain
Of the sorrow and the pain
Wishing to be set loose
But tied to these reigns
Fitted for the noose
When they think this is a game
Life plays a role
In all of our hearts
To weak to let go
I'm fading in the dark
Losing sight of this
I'm falling in a hole
Can't see infront of me
To afraid to go back home
Can't look back, and I won't turn around
Gotta keep going, gotta stand my ground
Don't let them see the tears you shed
Looking away just turn your head
To afraid to face the dark
But it's everywhere you can't avoid
The emotions you feel turn to marks
Everyone seems like a mindless droid
Feeling alone unable to stand
Put your fist up so you can defend
Giving your all just for tonight
Making one more chance to
Fight for your life

— The End —