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  Sep 2018 sassybutsweet
Aslam M
What is yours will always be ...
There is nothing otherwise to see ...
Those who backstab will also face ...
Time and Again I have won the race...
For decades I have been very quite
I Swear you have still not seen my might.
Dont ever challenge me again
For I can also play the game
and  make you insane.
  Sep 2018 sassybutsweet
Aslam M
Enough of this Drama.  
Either we talk and
Clear the Matter
Rather than beating
around the Bush.
Why should I
Like Always
Be the one to
And always be Ignored....
  Sep 2018 sassybutsweet
The Non-Poet
just imagine

early morning light
tickling in softly
through the windows

warmth slowly
spreading through
the room

sleep-filled thoughts
and notions
all disappear

once you see their
gentle eyes looking
down into yours

you feel this
small ache in the
pit of your stomach

it slowly spreads up
until it's a lump
in your throat

you think
you're star-struck

but rather
you find you simply
cannot breathe

they cup your cheek
brows furrowed
and they ask you
"darling, what's wrong?"

you open your mouth
you try to speak the words

but rather than
ruin the moment

rather than
ruin their happiness

you close your mouth

painfully swallow
down the lump

and offer up a small smile

and hope they do not see
the faint tears in your eyes
  Sep 2018 sassybutsweet
Those three words still left mute
in the face of other truths
that sentiment now replaced
by the breadth of other ways
consider patience in three steps
each important in itself
leading love to be found
in the links between all

first the instance of the blush
put to cheeks in response
to the warmth springing forth
that promise made on a whim
echoing fondness in heart
for another equally blessed
mirrored in color’s bloom
rose to mark the rising sun

followed by the seeking grasp
tentative in caution’s stead
contact fragile as the snow
hands desiring ardour’s prize
mutually seeking more than less
that promise made in face of fear
when the fire must be seized
before chapter changes page

the final phrases are obscured
by a lingering that transcends
time shared that’s routine
walking paths to share space
then three words are disclosed
no longer held on the tongue
when the way has been cleared
for ‘I love you’ to be exclaimed.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180921.
The poem “Those Three Words” was inspired by a series of memes featuring Peter and Lara Jean.  The topic of the memes was, “saying ‘I love you’ without actually saying it”.  I believe these sentiments exist beyond the realm of romantic love.
"Most of my life I liked to play
with the lights that fell from the sky
though they died within a day."

Vacant eyes and a simple personality
"... I thought there was only ever me."
and she says it in a voice so flat
I pulled her body against my own
"Now you're not alone."
She asks, "what's that?"

Hey sir, you're so unusual.
Mister? I think you're beautiful!

My dear, you seem so magic
but, my love, you're just so tragic

There's so much you don't know
so much you've never been shown
..but you don't seem to care

It's something I've never seen
Now it's suddenly surrounding me
These lights are everywhere!

Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Light fragments!
They're my stars (My affections!)
Gorgeous, I think they're so gorgeous!
Whatever they are
Excuse my corrections.

"Mister? I think this is kind of unusual."

"Well, yeah, but don't you think it's beautiful?"

All righty, bear with me, these might be some long notes.

First off, here ya go, Jeff. This is written specifically for you. :)

Bold = the sky-creature speaking/thinking/something
Italics = The young girl speaking/thinking/something

This is the sequel to Paper Stars! I didn't want to give them a star-crossed-lovers bit, so instead I elected to go with this type of story.

The young girl lives by herself, and therefore has no comprehension of love, relationships, or even loneliness. When the sky-creature arrives, she cannot feel love for him, or at least understand if she is. On the other side, because she is naive and childlike (not to mention a human while he is a creature of the sky) the sky-creature doesn't, I wouldn't exactly say respect, doesn't view her as his equal. He does love her, but in some ways he doesn't see her the way a lover should. He is subconsciously patronizing her.

Over the course of their time together, he falls deeper in love with her (and comes to see her as his equal, and treats her as so) while she develops affections for him (though I don't think she quite understands them yet).

They're not exactly lovers yet, though they have formed a casual relationship. :)

Ah, excuse my rambling. :P
  Sep 2018 sassybutsweet
Dr Peter Lim
Having no useful word to say
quietly and unnoticed I walked away
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