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  Sep 2018 sassybutsweet
Dr Peter Lim
Having no useful word to say
quietly and unnoticed I walked away
  Aug 2018 sassybutsweet
Edmund black
All this week
I’ve been dealing
with numerous situations
that would shattered
most souls
I could choose to be crusty
Or I could choose to laugh louder
at whatever challenges  life throws my way
for laughter can bring true healing
to one’s soul
Just laugh
Laugh from deep in your belly
which is guaranteed to keep you
smiling all day long
And the sooner you can do that
the sooner you’ll advance
to the next life lesson
Laugh and laugh often
Laugh like there’s no tomorrow
because tomorrow
is not a given
Just laugh
sassybutsweet Aug 2018
Post is anonymous
mystery of this piece
written bout 1530

It aches with
loneliness and
longing and is short
but unforgettable

I came across this last week
to be precise 8/15/2018
something about it keeps
pulling be back to read
it every day ..

He or she ( me ) sat still
silent my heart aching
bittersweet intensity
longing for you
On my heart to share...
#gs #alwaysonmymind#inmyheart
  Aug 2018 sassybutsweet
My eyes just opened..

The ceiling fan was turning round and round ..

Small breeze was making its noises

I looked towards the window
It was not the breeze but you .. Crying

I was able to see your face in the moonlight..
The tears over your cheeks were visible..

I remembered of the accident..
Oh!  as my eyes are opened I have survived the accident

I wanted to come near you
Hug you..  Kiss you..

And for all that I needed to get your attention
I took a deep breath ..

Closed my eyes for gaining some energy to call your name

My eyes remained closed.....
Love makes life live
  Aug 2018 sassybutsweet
Joie Yin
Starting from today
I’m a free bird again
Paving a new way
Free from hurt and pain.

Spread my wings
Set to rise and fly
Clear of these feelings
All tears have run dry.

Aches are like taboos
Silent, unspeakable and painful
Scars are like tattoos
Exist, real yet beautiful.

Tomorrow is a new day
Start a new chapter
Until the hair turns gray
Let’s live life better.
Joie Yin
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