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The more I write

The less I feel

3rd November 2020

A lone neon lamp

Lights up the deserted street

The dark night retreats
  Feb 2022 Sarita Aditya Verma
Hope is so warmly cruel.
It would hold up a lamp in my fiery heart,
And light up my lonely universe.
Being a noble fool that I am,
I exchange my vernal sunshine for the frosty moonlight.

Should the sun ever express
How it feels to give its light to every being
How it loves to see, the children in parks
With sparkling eyes
The river and the sea, with a golden sheen
The motes that freely float in every beam
Does the sun beams a knowing smile and feels alive
When it sees and feels the new leaves
Gaining strength and growing big
Under its warmth and care
Should it ever say and quietly express
How happy it feels every day
To rise and be awake
And give hope to every being
And the tiny leaves
Gaining strength, growing tall
The trees softly speak
As the lush leaves shimmer and shine
Giving shelter and home to the birds and the bees
The sun knows its worth
And knows what it is to rise and shine
And give hope to every being
  Feb 2022 Sarita Aditya Verma
The conceptual love
of a mother's
in thought word and deed.
Charred scarred or burned
her big heart
is never a bridge, too far
for a prodigal's return.
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