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 Jun 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
This feeling of being so honest is such a shock to my system
I can't remember the last time I was so open about  about my thoughts
I have been on an endless journey
Trying to discover someone who is exactly what you are
I know that whatever ******* I say
That you will be so truthful  no matter what you've been through that day
Maybe we're right
And life really does hate us
But it can't hate us that much
Otherwise it wouldn't have let me meet you.
This is dedicated to a very special German girl .You know who you are. I am eternally grateful. Thankyou for the time you have spent talking to me. Means more to me than you will ever know:)
 Jun 2014 Sarah
Danielle Barlow
I love  you more everyday.
You are my thoughts and dreams.
I just hope that you will stay,
and that this won't fall apart at the seams.

You have all of my heart,
and you have for a long while.
You are funny, kind, and smart.
I just wish you'd learn to smile.
He's such a sweetheart, and he deserves to be happy.
I had the bad news today
You had gone from
Us all
Your wife and family
Hardest hit
And friends, so many friends
Left to mourn
The " You " we all remembered
The joy in yourself at the times
You were fuelled by the black stuff
And the Irish you loved so much
When I saw your paper face And read the last words
My shock was paramount
You were immortal weren't you?
I thought so at least
There to show
The sunny side of life
And you said one day I was your extra daughter
And I guess you could have been that age
But to me
You were that brother that never was
And now you're with
The God
We all have to answer to
Just remember John
Somewhere the best really could be yet to come.
 Jun 2014 Sarah
Mette Kirkegaard
You are the most beautiful piece of breathing art

I have ever encountered

And before I met you, something not quite touchable

Was in a way always missing

The way you unexpectedly came crashing into my life

Barefoot and eyes wide open

Holding something stronger than love in your little hands

Kind of made me believe in fairytales again

And baby, just like that

- Loving you made sense
 Jun 2014 Sarah
i s a b e l l a
 Jun 2014 Sarah
i s a b e l l a
Your name falls like snow
frosting over my mind,
dusting my heart lightly.
It keeps my memories
till they're etched in my mind
like ice.
But everyone knows 
that the snow will melt
leaving nothing behind
but my lukewarm heart.
 Jun 2014 Sarah
 Jun 2014 Sarah
My mind is a great maze
with never ending puzzles
that even I find hard to solve
so I shouldn't expect much from others
when they try and solve my riddles
I find it calming
as I see them struggle
just as I have for so very long
but when someone is to solve
my puzzle
I shall give them my respect
(And maybe a cupcake... with sprinkles)
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