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A glow up in the distance
A swarm of fog rolls in
Luminescent light shines dim
Emitting mortal sin
A corse unsettling vibe
Danger lurking by
But the danger never manifests
For unknown reasons why

A glow up in the distance
A slow unsettled breath
Cold now is the temperature
A few steps closer to death
Mortified by the silence
That creeps right down your spine
But nothing seems to matter much
When your purpose is divine
Sailed the night on autopilot
traversed deep space
in an altered state, dreaming.
Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss.
As a confidant, Brutus stuck
the knife in.
The betrayers are
out there,
thick as buzzards,
waiting to crush your
dreams, like crackers for
their big bowls of bones.
At least Jesus knew what
was coming.
I can't tell my
friends from my enemies.
Someday soon, Ill find
peace of mind, and the
betrayers will feast on
They always do.
Wake, no wake

He dreams of obituaries
And toe tagging

Exhuming dearly departed dollars
And biting the nails
Of his cadavers

Forensically speaking
He can talk of the dead

He's one lucky stiff

Pushing up daisies
All over the yard
Of his rose cottage

This life at rainbow's end
Each day mortiferously expires

It's all there in the brochure

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